| DisplayName | ID | Target | Category | Enabled | Alert Generate |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ADI のバックグラウンド読み込みの失敗 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ADI.BackgroundLoadFailure | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ADI の削除エラー | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ADI.DeleteError | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ADI DNSAdmins エラー | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ADI.DNSAdminsError | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ADI の参加に失敗しました | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ADI.EnlistmentFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ADI FSMO が利用できません | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ADI.FSMOUnavailable | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ADI インターフェイス エラー | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ADI.InterfaceError | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ADI LDAP タイムアウト | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ADI.LDAPTimeout | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ADI の読み込みに失敗しました | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ADI.LoadFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ADI を開けませんでした | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ADI.OpenFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ADI のパーティションを開けませんでした | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ADI.OpenPartitionFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ADI パーティションの作成エラー | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ADI.PartitionCreateError | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ADI レコードの読み込みに失敗しました | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ADI.RecordLoadFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ADI の再試行可能なゾーン操作に失敗しました | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ADI.RetryableZoneOperationFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ADI セキュリティ インターフェイスに失敗しました | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ADI.SecurityInterfaceFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ADI の書き込みに失敗しました | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ADI.WriteFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ADI の書き込みタイムアウト | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ADI.WriteTimeout | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ADI ゾーンの競合 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ADI.ZoneConflict | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ADI のゾーン操作に失敗しました | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ADI.ZoneOperationFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (AXFR Request Received) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.AXFRRequestReceived | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (AXFR Request Sent) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.AXFRRequestSent | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (AXFR Response Received) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.AXFRResponseReceived | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (AXFR Success Received) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.AXFRSuccessReceived | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (AXFR Success Sent) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.AXFRSuccessSent | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (Caching Memory) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.CachingMemory | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (Database Node Memory) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.DatabaseNodeMemory | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (Dynamic Update No Operation) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.DynamicUpdateNoOperation | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (Dynamic Update No Operation/sec) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.DynamicUpdateNoOperationsec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (Dynamic Update Queued) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.DynamicUpdateQueued | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (Dynamic Update Received) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.DynamicUpdateReceived | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (Dynamic Update Received/sec) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.DynamicUpdateReceivedsec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (Dynamic Update Rejected) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.DynamicUpdateRejected | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (Dynamic Update Time Outs) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.DynamicUpdateTimeOuts | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (Dynamic Update Written to Database) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.DynamicUpdateWrittentoDatabase | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (Dynamic Update Written to Database/sec) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.DynamicUpdateWrittentoDatabasesec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (エラー) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.Error | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | EventCollection | False | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (情報) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.Information | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | EventCollection | False | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (IXFR Request Received) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.IXFRRequestReceived | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (IXFR Request Sent) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.IXFRRequestSent | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (IXFR Response Received) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.IXFRResponseReceived | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (IXFR Success Received) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.IXFRSuccessReceived | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (IXFR Success Sent) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.IXFRSuccessSent | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (IXFR TCP Success Received) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.IXFRTCPSuccessReceived | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (IXFR UDP Success Received) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.IXFRUDPSuccessReceived | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (Nbstat Memory) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.NbstatMemory | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (Notify Received) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.NotifyReceived | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (Notify Sent) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.NotifySent | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (Record Flow Memory) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.RecordFlowMemory | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (Recursive Queries) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.RecursiveQueries | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (Recursive Queries/sec) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.RecursiveQueriessec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (Recursive Query Failure) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.RecursiveQueryFailure | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (Recursive Query Failure/sec) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.RecursiveQueryFailuresec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (Recursive Send Time Outs) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.RecursiveSendTimeOuts | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (Recursive Time Out/sec) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.RecursiveTimeOutsec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (Secure Update Failure) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.SecureUpdateFailure | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (Secure Update Received) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.SecureUpdateReceived | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (Secure Update Received/sec) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.SecureUpdateReceivedsec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (TCP Message Memory) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.TCPMessageMemory | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (TCP Query Received) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.TCPQueryReceived | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (TCP Query Received/sec) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.TCPQueryReceivedsec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (TCP Response Sent) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.TCPResponseSent | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (TCP Response Sent/sec) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.TCPResponseSentsec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (Total Query Received) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.TotalQueryReceived | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (Total Query Received/sec) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.TotalQueryReceivedsec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (Total Response Sent) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.TotalResponseSent | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (Total Response Sent/sec) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.TotalResponseSentsec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (UDP Message Memory) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.UDPMessageMemory | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (UDP Query Received) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.UDPQueryReceived | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (UDP Query Received/sec) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.UDPQueryReceivedsec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (UDP Response Sent) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.UDPResponseSent | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (UDP Response Sent/sec) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.UDPResponseSentsec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (Unmatched Responses Received) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.UnmatchedResponsesReceived | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (警告) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.Warning | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | EventCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (WINS Lookup Received) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.WINSLookupReceived | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (WINS Lookup Received/sec) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.WINSLookupReceivedsec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (WINS Response Sent) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.WINSResponseSent | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (WINS Response Sent/sec) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.WINSResponseSentsec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (WINS Reverse Lookup Received) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.WINSReverseLookupReceived | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (WINS Reverse Lookup Received/sec) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.WINSReverseLookupReceivedsec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (WINS Reverse Response Sent) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.WINSReverseResponseSent | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (WINS Reverse Response Sent/sec) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.WINSReverseResponseSentsec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (Zone Transfer Failure) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.ZoneTransferFailure | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (Zone Transfer Request Received) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.ZoneTransferRequestReceived | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (Zone Transfer SOA Request Sent) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.ZoneTransferSOARequestSent | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 収集 (Zone Transfer Success) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.ZoneTransferSuccess | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 構成 (ブート ファイルが見つかりません) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.BootFileNotFound | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 構成 (データベースを開けませんでした) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.CouldNotOpenDatabase | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 構成 (ドメイン ノード作成エラー) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.DomainNodeCreationError | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 構成 (ファイル エラー) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.FileError | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 構成 (ファイル オープン エラー) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.FileOpenError | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 構成 (ファイルの警告) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.FileWarning | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 構成 (無効なリッスン アドレス) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.InvalidListenAddresses | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 構成 (無効なレジストリ設定) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.InvalidRegistrySetting | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 構成 (無効なゾーンの種類) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.InvalidZoneType | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 構成 (転送アドレスがありません) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.NoForwardingAddresses | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 構成 (ゾーン ファイルがありません) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.NoZoneFile | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 構成 (アドレスのソケットのオープン) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.OpenSocketForAddress | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 構成 (プラグインを初期化できませんでした) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.PluginInitFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 構成 (レジストリ操作に失敗しました) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.RegistryOperationFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 構成 (Reg ゾーンを作成できませんでした) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.RegZoneCreationFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 構成 (セカンダリにはマスターが必要です) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.SecondaryRequiresMasters | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 構成 (SingleLabelHostname) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.SingleLabelHostname | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 構成 (DS ピアの更新エラー) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.UpdateDSPeersFailure | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 構成 (リッスン アドレスの更新) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.UpdateListenAddresses | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 構成 (ゾーンのプライマリ サーバーが正しくありません) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.ZoneBadPrimaryServer | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 構成 (ゾーンを作成できませんでした) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.ZoneCreationFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 構成 (ゾーンの期限が切れています) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.ZoneExpiration | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ルート ヒント キャッシュ ファイル エラー | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.RootHints.CacheFileError | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ルート ヒント (ルート名サーバーがありません) | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.RootHints.NoRootNameServer | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS RPC の初期化に失敗しました | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.RPC.Initialize.Failed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Windows DNS サーバー 2016 および 1709+ クエリ数パフォーマンス収集のルール | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rule.NumberOfQueries | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Windows DNS サーバー 2016 および 1709+ クエリ エラー パフォーマンス収集のルール | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rule.QueriesFailure | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Windows DNS サーバー 2016 および 1709+ クエリ名エラー パフォーマンス収集のルール | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rule.QueriesNameError | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS はクライアント サブネットを読み込めませんでした | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.ClientSubnet.LoadFail | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server 2016 および 1709+ DNS DS 自動更新の中止 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.DNSSEC.DSAutoUpdateAborted | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | Alert | True | True |
| Windows Microsoft Windows Server 2016 および 1709+ DNS DS 署名の失敗 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.DNSSEC.DSSignFailure | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server 2016 および 1709+ DNS 無効なトラスト アンカー | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.DNSSEC.InvalidTA | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Windows 2016 および 1709+ DNS SEC - ゾーン署名読み込みの失敗 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.DNSSEC.LoadSignFailure | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | EventCollection | True | True |
| Windows 2016 および 1709+ DNS SEC - ゾーン レプリケーションの失敗 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.DNSSEC.ReplicationFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | EventCollection | True | True |
| Windows 2016 および 1709+ DNS SEC - ゾーン再署名の失敗 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.DNSSEC.ResignFail | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | EventCollection | True | True |
| Windows 2016 および 1709+ DNS SEC - ゾーン ロールオーバーの失敗 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.DNSSEC.RolloverFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | EventCollection | True | True |
| Windows 2016 および 1709+ DNS SEC - ゾーン署名更新の失敗 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.DNSSEC.SignatureRefreshFail | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | EventCollection | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server 2016 および 1709+ DNS トラスト アンカー ゾーン読み込みの失敗 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.DNSSEC.TALoadFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server 2016 および 1709+ DNS アクティブ更新クエリの失敗 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.DNSSEC.TARefreshFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server 2016 および 1709+ DNS トラスト ポイントの削除 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.DNSSEC.TPDeleted | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Windows 2016 および 1709+ DNS SEC - ゾーンの更新失敗 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.DNSSEC.UpdateFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | EventCollection | True | True |
| Windows 2016 および 1709+ DNS SEC - ゾーンの署名中のエラー | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.DNSSEC.ZoneSignFailure | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | EventCollection | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server 2016 および 1709+ DNS ゾーン署名削除の失敗 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.DNSSEC.ZoneUnSignFailure | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS はサーバー レベル ポリシーを読み込めませんでした | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.Policy.ServerLevel.LoadFail | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS はゾーン レベル ポリシーを読み込めませんでした | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.Policy.ZoneLevel.LoadFail | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Policy.ZoneLevel | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS は再帰スコープを読み込めませんでした | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.RecursionScope.LoadFail | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.RecursionScope | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ゾーン転送 EDNS0 オプションが無効です | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.Server.EDNS0.ZoneTransfer.OptionInvalid | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS はゾーン スコープを読み込めませんでした | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.Zone.Scope.LoadFail | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ZoneScope | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS はゾーン スコープ データを書き込めませんでした | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.Zone.Scope.WriteFail | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ZoneScope | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS はゾーン スコープを読み込めませんでした | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.Zone.ScopesLoadFail | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS サービス接続エラー | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Service.ConnectionError | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS サービス依存関係エラー | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Service.DependencyFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS サービス ファイル エラー | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Service.FileError | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS サービス メモリ エラー | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Service.Memory.Error | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS サービス メモリ警告 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Service.Memory.Warning | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS サービス ソケット エラー | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Service.SocketFailure | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS サービスがスレッドの作成に失敗しました | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Service.ThreadCreationFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS WINS Connector の初期化に失敗しました | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.WINSConnector.Initialize.Failed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ゾーンの増分転送が失敗しました | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone.IncrementalTransferFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ゾーン転送は中止されました | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone.TransferAborted | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ゾーン転送が失敗しました | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone.TransferFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | Alert | True | True |