| DisplayName | ID | Target | Category | Enabled | Alert Generate |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ADI 백그라운드 로드 실패 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ADI.BackgroundLoadFailure | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ADI 삭제 오류 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ADI.DeleteError | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ADI DNSAdmins 오류 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ADI.DNSAdminsError | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ADI 참여 실패 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ADI.EnlistmentFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ADI FSMO 사용 불가 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ADI.FSMOUnavailable | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ADI 인터페이스 오류 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ADI.InterfaceError | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ADI LDAP 시간 초과 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ADI.LDAPTimeout | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ADI 로드 실패 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ADI.LoadFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ADI 열기 실패 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ADI.OpenFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ADI 파티션 열기 실패 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ADI.OpenPartitionFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ADI 파티션 생성 오류 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ADI.PartitionCreateError | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ADI 레코드 로드 실패 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ADI.RecordLoadFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ADI 다시 시도 가능 영역 작업 실패 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ADI.RetryableZoneOperationFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ADI 보안 인터페이스 실패 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ADI.SecurityInterfaceFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ADI 쓰기 실패 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ADI.WriteFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ADI 쓰기 시간 초과 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ADI.WriteTimeout | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ADI 영역 충돌 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ADI.ZoneConflict | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS ADI 영역 작업 실패 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ADI.ZoneOperationFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 AXFR Request Received | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.AXFRRequestReceived | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 AXFR Request Sent | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.AXFRRequestSent | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 AXFR Response Received | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.AXFRResponseReceived | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 AXFR Success Received | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.AXFRSuccessReceived | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 AXFR Success Sent | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.AXFRSuccessSent | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 Caching Memory | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.CachingMemory | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 Database Node Memory | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.DatabaseNodeMemory | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 Dynamic Update No Operation | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.DynamicUpdateNoOperation | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 Dynamic Update No Operation/sec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.DynamicUpdateNoOperationsec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 Dynamic Update Queued | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.DynamicUpdateQueued | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 Dynamic Update Received | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.DynamicUpdateReceived | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 Dynamic Update Received/sec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.DynamicUpdateReceivedsec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 Dynamic Update Rejected | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.DynamicUpdateRejected | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 Dynamic Update Time Outs | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.DynamicUpdateTimeOuts | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 Dynamic Update Written to Database | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.DynamicUpdateWrittentoDatabase | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 Dynamic Update Written to Database/sec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.DynamicUpdateWrittentoDatabasesec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 오류 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.Error | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | EventCollection | False | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 정보 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.Information | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | EventCollection | False | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 IXFR Request Received | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.IXFRRequestReceived | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 IXFR Request Sent | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.IXFRRequestSent | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 IXFR Response Received | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.IXFRResponseReceived | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 IXFR Success Received | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.IXFRSuccessReceived | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 IXFR Success Sent | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.IXFRSuccessSent | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 IXFR TCP Success Received | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.IXFRTCPSuccessReceived | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 IXFR UDP Success Received | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.IXFRUDPSuccessReceived | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 Nbstat Memory | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.NbstatMemory | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 Notify Received | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.NotifyReceived | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 Notify Sent | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.NotifySent | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 Record Flow Memory | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.RecordFlowMemory | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 Recursive Queries | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.RecursiveQueries | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS Recursive Queries/sec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.RecursiveQueriessec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 Recursive Query Failure | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.RecursiveQueryFailure | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 Recursive Query Failure/sec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.RecursiveQueryFailuresec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 Recursive Send Time Outs | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.RecursiveSendTimeOuts | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 Recursive Time Out/sec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.RecursiveTimeOutsec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 Secure Update Failure | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.SecureUpdateFailure | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 Secure Update Received | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.SecureUpdateReceived | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 Secure Update Received/sec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.SecureUpdateReceivedsec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 TCP Message Memory | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.TCPMessageMemory | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 TCP Query Received | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.TCPQueryReceived | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 TCP Query Received/sec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.TCPQueryReceivedsec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 TCP Response Sent | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.TCPResponseSent | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 TCP Response Sent/sec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.TCPResponseSentsec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 Total Query Received | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.TotalQueryReceived | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 Total Query Received/sec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.TotalQueryReceivedsec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 Total Response Sent | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.TotalResponseSent | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 Total Response Sent/sec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.TotalResponseSentsec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 UDP Message Memory | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.UDPMessageMemory | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 UDP Query Received | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.UDPQueryReceived | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 UDP Query Received/sec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.UDPQueryReceivedsec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 UDP Response Sent | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.UDPResponseSent | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 UDP Response Sent/sec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.UDPResponseSentsec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 Unmatched Responses Received | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.UnmatchedResponsesReceived | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 경고 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.Warning | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | EventCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 WINS Lookup Received | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.WINSLookupReceived | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 WINS Lookup Received/sec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.WINSLookupReceivedsec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 WINS Response Sent | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.WINSResponseSent | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 WINS Response Sent/sec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.WINSResponseSentsec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 WINS Reverse Lookup Received | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.WINSReverseLookupReceived | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 WINS Reverse Lookup Received/sec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.WINSReverseLookupReceivedsec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 WINS Reverse Response Sent | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.WINSReverseResponseSent | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 WINS Reverse Response Sent/sec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.WINSReverseResponseSentsec | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 Zone Transfer Failure | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.ZoneTransferFailure | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 Zone Transfer Request Received | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.ZoneTransferRequestReceived | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 Zone Transfer SOA Request Sent | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.ZoneTransferSOARequestSent | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 수집 Zone Transfer Success | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Collection.ZoneTransferSuccess | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 구성 부팅 파일 없음 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.BootFileNotFound | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 구성 데이터베이스 열 수 없음 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.CouldNotOpenDatabase | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 구성 도메인 노드 생성 오류 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.DomainNodeCreationError | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 구성 파일 오류 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.FileError | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 구성 파일 열기 오류 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.FileOpenError | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 구성 파일 경고 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.FileWarning | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 구성 잘못된 수신 주소 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.InvalidListenAddresses | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 구성 잘못된 레지스트리 설정 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.InvalidRegistrySetting | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 구성 잘못된 영역 형식 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.InvalidZoneType | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 구성 전달 주소 없음 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.NoForwardingAddresses | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 구성 영역 파일 없음 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.NoZoneFile | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 구성 주소에 대해 열린 소켓 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.OpenSocketForAddress | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 구성 플러그 인 초기화 실패 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.PluginInitFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 구성 레지스트리 작업 실패 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.RegistryOperationFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 구성 등록 영역 생성 실패 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.RegZoneCreationFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 구성 보조에 마스터 필요 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.SecondaryRequiresMasters | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 구성 단일 레이블 호스트 이름 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.SingleLabelHostname | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 구성 DS 피어 업데이트 실패 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.UpdateDSPeersFailure | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 구성 수신 주소 업데이트 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.UpdateListenAddresses | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 구성 영역 잘못된 주 서버 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.ZoneBadPrimaryServer | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 구성 영역 생성 실패 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.ZoneCreationFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 구성 영역 만료 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Configuration.ZoneExpiration | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 루트 힌트 캐시 파일 오류 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.RootHints.CacheFileError | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 루트 힌트 루트 이름 서버 없음 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.RootHints.NoRootNameServer | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS RPC 초기화 실패 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.RPC.Initialize.Failed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Windows DNS Server 2016 및 1709 이상의 쿼리 수 성능 수집 규칙 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rule.NumberOfQueries | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Windows DNS Server 2016 및 1709 이상의 쿼리 실패 성능 수집 규칙 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rule.QueriesFailure | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Windows DNS Server 2016 및 1709 이상의 쿼리 이름 오류 성능 수집 규칙 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rule.QueriesNameError | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | PerformanceCollection | True | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS가 [클라이언트 서브넷]을 로드하지 못함 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.ClientSubnet.LoadFail | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server 2016 및 1709 이상의 DNS DS 자동 업데이트 중단됨 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.DNSSEC.DSAutoUpdateAborted | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | Alert | True | True |
| Windows Microsoft Windows Server 2016 및 1709 이상의 DNS DS 서명 실패 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.DNSSEC.DSSignFailure | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server 2016 및 1709 이상의 DNS 잘못된 트러스트 앵커 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.DNSSEC.InvalidTA | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Windows 2016 및 1709 이상의 DNS SEC - 영역 로드 서명 실패 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.DNSSEC.LoadSignFailure | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | EventCollection | True | True |
| Windows 2016 및 1709 이상의 DNS SEC - 영역 복제 실패 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.DNSSEC.ReplicationFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | EventCollection | True | True |
| Windows 2016 및 1709 이상의 DNS SEC - 영역에 다시 서명 실패 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.DNSSEC.ResignFail | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | EventCollection | True | True |
| Windows 2016 및 1709 이상의 DNS SEC - 영역 롤오버 실패 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.DNSSEC.RolloverFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | EventCollection | True | True |
| Windows 2016 및 1709 이상의 DNS SEC - 영역 서명 새로 고침 실패 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.DNSSEC.SignatureRefreshFail | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | EventCollection | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server 2016 및 1709 이상의 DNS 트러스트 앵커 영역 로드 실패 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.DNSSEC.TALoadFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server 2016 및 1709 이상의 DNS 활성 새로 고침 쿼리 실패 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.DNSSEC.TARefreshFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server 2016 및 1709 이상의 DNS 신뢰 지점 삭제됨 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.DNSSEC.TPDeleted | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Windows 2016 및 1709 이상의 DNS SEC - 영역 업데이트 실패 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.DNSSEC.UpdateFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | EventCollection | True | True |
| Windows 2016 및 1709 이상의 DNS SEC - 영역에 서명하는 동안 오류 발생 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.DNSSEC.ZoneSignFailure | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | EventCollection | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server 2016 및 1709 이상의 DNS 영역 서명 취소 실패 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.DNSSEC.ZoneUnSignFailure | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS가 [서버 수준 정책]을 로드하지 못함 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.Policy.ServerLevel.LoadFail | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS가 [영역 수준 정책]을 로드하지 못함 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.Policy.ZoneLevel.LoadFail | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Policy.ZoneLevel | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS가 [재귀 범위]를 로드하지 못함 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.RecursionScope.LoadFail | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.RecursionScope | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 영역 전송 EDNS0 옵션이 잘못됨 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.Server.EDNS0.ZoneTransfer.OptionInvalid | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS가 [영역 범위]를 로드하지 못함 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.Zone.Scope.LoadFail | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ZoneScope | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS가 [영역 범위] 데이터를 쓰지 못함 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.Zone.Scope.WriteFail | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.ZoneScope | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS가 [영역 범위]를 로드하지 못함 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Rules.Zone.ScopesLoadFail | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 서비스 연결 오류 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Service.ConnectionError | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 서비스 종속성 실패 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Service.DependencyFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 서비스 파일 오류 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Service.FileError | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 서비스 메모리 오류 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Service.Memory.Error | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 서비스 메모리 경고 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Service.Memory.Warning | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 서비스 소켓 실패 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Service.SocketFailure | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 서비스 스레드 생성 실패 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Service.ThreadCreationFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS WINS 커넥터 초기화 실패 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.WINSConnector.Initialize.Failed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Server | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 영역 증분 전송 실패 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone.IncrementalTransferFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 영역 전송 중단 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone.TransferAborted | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | Alert | True | True |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS 영역 전송 실패 | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone.TransferFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2016.Zone | Alert | True | True |