The EMC® VNX Management Pack for System Center is used in conjunction with Microsoft’s System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2 (SCOM). VNX's integration with SCOM is through a Windows host that is set up as a VNX event monitoring station. This monitoring station retrieves events from the VNX array event log and inserts them into its Windows Application event log. The VNX Block events that are monitored and imported are defined by a Navisphere monitoring template on the array, while the VNX File events that are monitored are defined through a filters file on the EMC VNX Monitor Service installation path. Once an associated event is inserted into the monitoring station’s Application event log, the VNX Management pack will determine if the event should be raised as an alert in SCOM.
For this release of the VNX Management Pack, there are 104 VNX Block events and 1207 VNX File events that will raise a SCOM alert. The VNX Block events are a subset of the total VNX Navisphere Alerts. They have been selected because they are the most commonly seen alerts. The VNX File events include all such events, but unwanted events can be filtered out through the use of the filters file. The VNX Management integration pack provides actionable details for each alert.