RAID Critical Event Monitor A

Acer.Server.OOB.PRO.RAIDCriticalMonitor.A (UnitMonitor)

Knowledge Base article:


This Unit Monitor fetches the health state of the RAID component. The health state can be one of the following types: Healthy, Critical


The RAID component has critical problems.


The RAID configuration of the host needs to be noticed and repaired. It is suggested placing the host in Maintenance mode to do some diagnostic task. If the host is placed in Maintenance mode, all virtual machines will be into saved state. To prevent a loss of service, please migrate virtual machines to other healthy host first. To place the host in Maintenance mode, click “Implement”. To ignore the PRO tips, click “Dismiss” and manually reset the monitor “RAID Critical Event Monitor” from Health Explorer in Operations Manager console. After diagnostic task or hardware repair is done, you can manually stop Maintenance mode from Virtual Machine Manager console.

Element properties:

Parent MonitorSystem.Health.AvailabilityState
Alert GenerateTrue
Alert SeverityError
Alert PriorityNormal
Alert Auto ResolveTrue
Monitor TypeSystem.SnmpTrapProvider.SingleEventManualReset2StateMonitorType
Alert Message
RAID Health Alert
Please check alert description in the alert view under Acer Server folder in the Operations Manager Console.

Source Code:

<UnitMonitor ID="Acer.Server.OOB.PRO.RAIDCriticalMonitor.A" Accessibility="Public" Enabled="false" Target="Acer.Server.OOB.PRO.MonitoredHost" ParentMonitorID="Health!System.Health.AvailabilityState" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal" TypeID="Snmp!System.SnmpTrapProvider.SingleEventManualReset2StateMonitorType" ConfirmDelivery="true">
<AlertSettings AlertMessage="Acer.Server.OOB.PRO.RAIDCriticalMonitor.A_AlertMessageResourceID">
<OperationalState ID="UIGeneratedOpStateId63b637a11b2a4daca71d6d09ceef75d3" MonitorTypeStateID="EventRaised" HealthState="Error"/>
<OperationalState ID="UIGeneratedOpStateId58026593fe664a6a944878341184cc3b" MonitorTypeStateID="ManualResetEventRaised" HealthState="Success"/>