Antigen Process Checker

Antigen_Process_Checker (WriteActionModuleType)

Script to perform "critcial process" checks in Antigen

Element properties:


Member Modules:

ID Module Type TypeId RunAs 
RunScriptAction WriteAction System.Mom.BackwardCompatibility.ScriptResponse Default

Overrideable Parameters:

IDParameterTypeSelectorDisplay NameDescription
Processstring$Config/Parameters/Process$ProcessNames the process to check: Possible values are AntigenInternet.exe or AntigenRealtime.exe
TextLogstring$Config/Parameters/TextLog$TextLogDefines whether a Text log file is written to

Source Code:

<WriteActionModuleType ID="Antigen_Process_Checker" Accessibility="Internal" Comment="{63AA80EB-8931-41B0-B7D6-5E0B0243A9B5}">
<xsd:element xmlns:xsd="" name="AlertGeneration" type="AlertGenerationType"/>
<xsd:element xmlns:xsd="" name="InvokerType" type="xsd:integer"/>
<xsd:element xmlns:xsd="" name="Parameters" minOccurs="0">
<xsd:element name="Process" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="TextLog" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<OverrideableParameter ID="Process" Selector="$Config/Parameters/Process$" ParameterType="string"/>
<OverrideableParameter ID="TextLog" Selector="$Config/Parameters/TextLog$" ParameterType="string"/>
<WriteAction ID="RunScriptAction" TypeID="MomBackwardCompatibility!System.Mom.BackwardCompatibility.ScriptResponse">

'* Function:
'* ---------
'* AntigenProcessChecker.vbs
'* $Revision: 4 $
'* Purpose:
'* --------
'* Monitors Scan Job Processes by counting them to make sure the correct number are present
'* Parameters:
'* -----------
'* Process
'* TextLog
'* Parameter definitions:
'* ----------------------
'* 1. Process =&gt; defines the name of the Scan Job process that is being monitored
'* 2. TextLog =&gt; defines whether this scripts logs entries to a text file under the local
'* Antigen installation folder. Possible Values are true ; false

' Constant for controlling text file operations


'Registry Constants

Const REG_KEY = "SOFTWARE\Sybari Software\"
Const NAME_KEY = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName\"

' Service Constants

ANTIGEN_STORE = "AntigenStore"

' Error Constants

Public AntigenInstallPath

' Retrieve script parameters

ProcessParameter = ScriptContext.Parameters.Get("Process")
TextLogParameter = ScriptContext.Parameters.Get("TextLog")

AntigenInstallPath = RetrieveRegValue (REG_KEY &amp; "Antigen For Exchange","InstalledPath", 1)
InstalledProduct = "Antigen For Exchange"

If IsNull(AntigenInstallPath) Then
AntigenInstallPath = RetrieveRegValue (REG_KEY &amp; "Antigen For SMTP","InstalledPath", 1)
InstalledProduct = "Antigen For SMTP"
End If

If IsNull(AntigenInstallPath) Then
WriteMOMEvent "TASK ERROR: Unable To Retrieve Antigen Installation Path", 1, INSTALL_PATH_FAIL
End If

If TextLogParameter = "true" then
End If

WriteLog "NULL"
WriteLog "Beginning Execution of ScanProcessMonitor Script to check status of " &amp; ProcessParameter

Select Case ProcessParameter
Case "AntigenInternet.exe"
NumSG = 0
AntigenService = ANTIGEN_IMC
ExchService = SMTP_SERV
Case "AntigenRealtime.exe"
NumSG = GetNumStorageGroups()
AntigenService = ANTIGEN_STORE
ExchService = EXCH_STORE
End Select

If CheckServiceRunning (TextLogParameter, AntigenService, ExchService) Then
If CheckScanJobHook(TextLogParameter, ProcessParameter) Then
If ExpectedNumProcesses (ProcessParameter, InstalledProduct, NumSG) &lt;= ActualNumProcesses (ProcessParameter) Then
WriteLog "Process Count OK"
Select Case ProcessParameter
Case "AntigenInternet.exe"
WriteMOMEvent "MOM detected an AntigenInternet.exe process may have crashed due to an exception", 1, INTERNET_COUNT_FAIL
Case "AntigenRealtime.exe"
WriteMOMEvent "MOM detected an AntigenRealtime.exe process may have crashed due to an exception", 1, REALTIME_COUNT_FAIL
End Select
WriteLog "Process Count Incorrect - Possible Process Failure"
End If
End If
End If

WriteLog "Finished Execution of ScanProcessMonitor Script"

'* Function: GetNumStorageGroups()
'* Purpose: Gets number of Storage Groups on the server

Function GetNumStorageGroups ()

ServerName = RetrieveRegValue (NAME_KEY, "ComputerName", 1)

Set objCDOEXMExchangeServer = CreateObject("CDOEXM.ExchangeServer")

Set objStorageGroup = CreateObject("CDOEXM.StorageGroup")

For Each urlStorageGroup In objCDOEXMExchangeServer.StorageGroups
i = i + 1

Set objStorageGroup = Nothing
Set objCDOEXMExchangeServer = Nothing

GetNumStorageGroups = i

End Function

'* Function: ExpectedNumProcesses()
'* Purpose: Determines expected number of process instances

Function ExpectedNumProcesses (ProcessParameter, InstalledProduct, NumSG)

If ProcessParameter = "AntigenInternet.exe" Then
ExpectedNumProcesses = RetrieveRegValue (REG_KEY &amp; InstalledProduct,"InternetProcessCount", 2)
RetrieveValue = RetrieveRegValue (REG_KEY &amp; InstalledProduct,"RealtimeProcessCount", 2)
ExpectedNumProcesses = RetrieveValue * NumSG + 1
End If

WriteLog "Expected Number of " &amp; ProcessParameter &amp; " Processes = " &amp; ExpectedNumProcesses

End Function

'* Function: ActualNumProcesses()
'* Purpose: Determines actual number of process instances

Function ActualNumProcesses (ProcessParameter)

i = 0

Set refWMI = GetObject("winMgmts:")
strQuery = "SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE Name='" &amp; ProcessParameter &amp; "'"
Set colProcesses = refWMI.ExecQuery(strQuery)

For Each refItem In ColProcesses
i = i + 1

Set refWMI = Nothing
Set colProcesses = Nothing

ActualNumProcesses = i
WriteLog "Actual Number of " &amp; ProcessParameter &amp; " Processes = " &amp; ActualNumProcesses

End Function

'* Function: CheckScanJobHook()
'* Purpose: Checks corresponding process is running

Function CheckScanJobHook(TextLogParameter, ProcessParameter)

EnableValue = RetrieveRegValue (REG_KEY &amp; InstalledProduct,"AntigenEnabled", 2)

If ProcessParameter = "AntigenInternet.exe" Then
If EnableValue = 2 or EnableValue = 3 Then
CheckScanJobHook = True
CheckScanJobHook = False
End If
End If

If ProcessParameter = "AntigenRealtime.exe" Then
If EnableValue = 1 or EnableValue = 3 Then
CheckScanJobHook = True
CheckScanJobHook = False
End If
End If

If CheckScanJobHook Then
WriteLog "Scan Interface Active...Process Check Proceeding"
WriteLog "Scan Interface Inactive...Process Check Aborting"
End If

End Function

'* Function: CheckServiceRunning()
'* Purpose: Checks corresponding process is running

Function CheckServiceRunning (TextLogParameter, strService1, strService2)
Dim refWMI
Dim refService

Set refWMI = GetObject("winMgmts:")

Set refService = refWMI.Get("Win32_Service.Name='" &amp; strService1 &amp; "'")
If refService.State = "Running" Then
Set refService = refWMI.Get("Win32_Service.Name='" &amp; strService2 &amp; "'")
If refService.State = "Running" Then
WriteLog strService1 &amp; " and " &amp; strService2 &amp; " Service running...Process Check Proceeding"
CheckServiceRunning = True
WriteLog strService2 &amp; " Service not running...Process Check Aborting"
CheckServiceRunning = False
End If
WriteLog strService1 &amp; " Service not running...Process Check Aborting"
CheckServiceRunning = False
End If

End Function

'* Function: CreateLogFolder()
'* Purpose: Creates Log subfolder under Antigen

Function CreateLogFolder (AntigenInstallPath)

Dim objFSO
set objFSO = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

If objFSO.FolderExists(AntigenInstallPath &amp; "\MOMLogs") = 0 then
objFSO.CreateFolder(AntigenInstallPath &amp; "\MOMLogs")
End If

Set objFS) = Nothing

End Function

'* Function: WriteLog()
'* Purpose: Writes script activity and errors to a log file

Function WriteLog (strLogText)

Dim objfs
Dim objf
Dim strTimeStamp

If TextLogParameter = "true" Then

On Error Resume Next

Set objfs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objf = objfs.OpentextFile(AntigenInstallPath &amp; "\MOMLogs\" &amp; "Tasks.log", 8, False)

' If log file doesn't exist - create it
If Err.Number &lt;&gt; 0 Then
Set objf = objfs.CreatetextFile(AntigenInstallPath &amp; "\MOMLogs\" &amp; "Tasks.log", False)
End If

If strLogText = "NULL" then
strTimeStamp = Date &amp; " " &amp; Time &amp; " "
objf.WriteLine(strTimeStamp &amp; strLogText)
End If
End If

Set objfs = Nothing
Set objf = Nothing

End Function

'* Function: RetrieveRegValue
'* Purpose: Retrieves String Value from Registry

Function RetrieveRegValue (Key, strValueName, intValueType)

' intValueType -&gt; 1 = String Value
' -&gt; 2 = DWORD Value

const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &amp;H80000002
Dim strServerName
Dim objReg
Dim strRegValue

On Error Resume Next
Set objReg=GetObject("winmgmts:\root\default:StdRegProv")
If Err.Number &lt;&gt; 0 Then
strRegValue = NULL

Select Case intValueType
Case 1
strErr = objReg.GetStringValue (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Key, strValueName, strRegValue)

Case 2
strErr = objReg.GetDWORDValue (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Key, strValueName, strRegValue)

End Select

' if reading the registry fails via wmi return error

If strErr &lt;&gt; 0 then
strRegValue = NULL
End If
End If

Set objReg = Nothing

RetrieveRegValue = strRegValue

End Function

'* Function: WriteMOMEvent()
'* Purpose: Writes events to MOM EventLog

Function WriteMOMEvent(EventMessage, EventType, EventNumber)

Dim objEvt
Set objEvt = ScriptContext.CreateEvent

objEvt.Message = EventMessage
objEvt.EventType = EventType
objEvt.EventNumber = EventNumber

set objEvt = Nothing

End Function
<Name>Antigen Process Checker</Name>
<Node ID="RunScriptAction"/>