Antigen Service Control

Antigen_Service_Control.NoHost (WriteActionModuleType)

Performs functions requiring the control (stop and start) of Antigen and Exchange related services

Element properties:


Member Modules:

ID Module Type TypeId RunAs 
RunScriptAction WriteAction System.Mom.BackwardCompatibility.NoHost.ScriptResponse Default

Overrideable Parameters:

IDParameterTypeSelectorDisplay NameDescription
Functionstring$Config/Parameters/Function$FunctionDetermines the mode of control eg. stop; start; restart; switch....
Modestring$Config/Parameters/Mode$ModeDetermines a secondary action related to the "function" control
TextLogstring$Config/Parameters/TextLog$TextLogDetermines if text file logging is enabled or disabled

Source Code:

<WriteActionModuleType ID="Antigen_Service_Control.NoHost" Accessibility="Internal" Comment="{25385F79-E395-46B5-84C9-68949E7936AD}">
<xsd:element xmlns:xsd="" name="AlertGeneration" type="AlertGenerationType"/>
<xsd:element xmlns:xsd="" name="InvokerType" type="xsd:integer"/>
<xsd:element xmlns:xsd="" name="Parameters" minOccurs="0">
<xsd:element name="Function" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="Mode" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="TextLog" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<OverrideableParameter ID="Function" Selector="$Config/Parameters/Function$" ParameterType="string"/>
<OverrideableParameter ID="Mode" Selector="$Config/Parameters/Mode$" ParameterType="string"/>
<OverrideableParameter ID="TextLog" Selector="$Config/Parameters/TextLog$" ParameterType="string"/>
<WriteAction ID="RunScriptAction" TypeID="MomBackwardCompatibility!System.Mom.BackwardCompatibility.NoHost.ScriptResponse">

'* File Name:
'* ---------
'* AntigenServiceControl.vbs
'* $Revision: 8 $
'* Purpose:
'* --------
'* Stop and Start Antigen services. Switch store hooking mode. Enable or Disable Antigen hooks
'* Parameters:
'* -----------
'* Function
'* Mode
'* TextLog
'* Parameter definitions:
'* ----------------------
'* 1. Function =&gt; defines the control function to be performed on the services. Possibles
'* values are start ; stop ; restart ;switch ; disable ; enable
'* 2. Mode =&gt; defines the mode of the function possible values 1; 2 ; ese ; vsapi
'* 3. TextLog =&gt; defines whether this scripts logs entries to a text file under the local
'* Antigen installation folder. Possible Values are true ; false

' Constant for controlling text file operations


'Registry Constants

Const REG_KEY = "SOFTWARE\Sybari Software\"

' Constants for Antigen version comparision

Const ANTIGEN_9 = "9"
Const ANTIGEN_8 = "8"
Const ANTIGEN_7 = "7"

Public AntigenInstallPath
Public ExchangeVersion
Public AntigenVersion

' Retrieve script parameters

FunctionParameter = ScriptContext.Parameters.Get("Function")
ModeParameter = ScriptContext.Parameters.Get("Mode")
TextLogParameter = ScriptContext.Parameters.Get("TextLog")

' Read Software Version and install Path from server
' Determine Exchange version -&gt; 2003 = 0x00000041 65
' Determine Exchange version -&gt; 2000 = 0x0000003c 60

AntigenInstallPath = RetrieveRegValue (REG_KEY &amp; "Antigen For Exchange","InstalledPath", 1)
InstalledProduct = "Antigen For Exchange"

' If cannot find Antigen for Exchange install path, error out.
' This script is not intended for use with Antigen for SMTP
If IsNull(AntigenInstallPath) Then
WriteMOMEvent "TASK ERROR: Unable to retrieve Antigen for Exchange installation path. This script is intended to be run against machines running Antigen for Exchange.", 1
End If

ExchangeVersion = RetrieveRegValue ("SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Exchange\Setup","Services Version", 2)

If IsNull(ExchangeVersion) Then
WriteMOMEvent "TASK ERROR: Unable To Retrieve Exchange Installation Path", 1
End If

AntigenVersion = Left(RetrieveFileVersion (AntigenInstallPath, "AntigenStarter.exe"), 1)

If TextLogParameter = "true" then
End If

' Set what exchange services should be handled
' boolDependancyFlag = True -&gt; only dependant exchange services will be handled
' boolDependancyFlag = False -&gt; all Exchange and IIS services will be handled

WriteLog "NULL"
WriteLog "Beginning Execution of AntigenService Script using " &amp; FunctionParameter &amp; " Function"

Dim boolDependancyFlag

If FunctionParameter = "enable" or FunctionParameter = "disable" Then
BoolDependancyFlag = False
Select Case ModeParameter
Case "1"
boolDependancyFlag = True
Case "2"
boolDependancyFlag = False
Case "ese"
boolDependancyFlag = False
Case "vsapi"
boolDependancyFlag = False
End Select
End If

Dim boolServiceStateFlag
Dim strParam
Dim strCommand

Select Case FunctionParameter
Case "stop"
StopServicesList boolDependancyFlag

Case "start"
StartServicesList boolDependancyFlag

Case "restart"
StopServicesList boolDependancyFlag
StartServicesList boolDependancyFlag

Case "switch"
StopServicesList boolDependancyFlag
Wait 2
'ScriptContext.Sleep (2000)
AntutilMode AntigenInstallPath, ModeParameter
Wait 2
StartServicesList boolDependancyFlag

Case "disable"
StopServicesList boolDependancyFlag
AntutilHook AntigenInstallPath, "disable"
Wait 2
StartServicesList boolDependancyFlag

Case "enable"
StopServicesList boolDependancyFlag
AntutilHook "enable"
Wait 2
StartServicesList boolDependancyFlag

End Select

WriteLog "Finished Execution of AntigenService Script using " &amp; FunctionParameter &amp; " Function"

'* Function: CheckHookMode()
'* Purpose: Checks Hooking Mode from registry

Function CheckHookMode

Dim intRegHook

intRegHook = RetrieveRegValue ("SOFTWARE\Sybari Software\Antigen for Exchange","AntigenHooking", 2)
Select Case intRegHook
Case 1
WriteLog "Antigen is now set to ESE shim mode."
Case 2
WriteLog "Antigen is now set to VSAPI mode."

End Select

End Function

'* Function: AntutilMode()
'* Purpose: Sets up call to ANTUTIL for switching hooking mode

Function AntutilMode (AntigenInstallPath, HookMode)

Dim strCommand
Dim strParam

strCommand = """" &amp; AntigenInstallPath &amp; "\Antutil.exe" &amp; """"
strParam = " /mode " &amp; Hookmode

WriteLog "Running ANTUTIL to switch Antigen hooking mode"
ShellExecute strCommand, strParam

End Function

'* Function: AntutilHook()
'* Purpose: Sets up call to ANTUTIL for switching hooking mode

Function AntutilHook (AntigenInstallPath, HookMode)

Dim strCommand
Dim strParam

strCommand = """" &amp; AntigenInstallPath &amp; "\Antutil.exe" &amp; """"
strParam = " /" &amp; Hookmode

WriteLog "Running ANTUTIL to " &amp; Hookmode &amp; " Antigen hooking"
ShellExecute strCommand, strParam

End Function

'* Function: ShellExecute()
'* Purpose: Sets up call to ANTUTIL for switching hooking mode

Function ShellExecute (Command, Parameter)

set wshShell = CreateObject ("") Command &amp; Parameter,,false

Set wshShell = Nothing

End Function

'* Function: StopServiceSList()
'* Purpose: Generates Calls to stop all required Services

Function StopServicesList (boolDependancyFlag)
Dim refWMI
Dim refService

Set refWMI = GetObject("winMgmts:")

if boolDependancyFlag then
Select Case AntigenVersion
WriteLog "Executing a stop of Antigen services"
StopService "AntigenService"
WriteLog "Executing a stop of Antigen services"
StopService "AntigenService"
WriteLog "Executing a stop of Antigen and dependancy related Exchange services"
Set refService = refWMI.Get("Win32_Service.Name='POP3Svc'")
If refService.StartMode &lt;&gt; "Disabled" Then
StopService "POP3Svc"
End If

Set refService = refWMI.Get("Win32_Service.Name='IMAP4Svc'")
If refService.StartMode &lt;&gt; "Disabled" Then
StopService "IMAP4Svc"
End If

StopService "SMTPSVC"
StopService "MSExchangeIS"
StopService "AntigenIMC"
StopService "AntigenStore"
StopService "AntigenService"
StopService "AntigenMonitor"
End Select
'Exchange Services

WriteLog "Executing a stop of Antigen, Exchange and IIS services"
Set refService = refWMI.Get("Win32_Service.Name='POP3Svc'")
If refService.StartMode &lt;&gt; "Disabled" Then
StopService "POP3Svc"
End If
Set refService = refWMI.Get("Win32_Service.Name='IMAP4Svc'")
If refService.StartMode &lt;&gt; "Disabled" Then
StopService "IMAP4Svc"
End If
Set refService = refWMI.Get("Win32_Service.Name='MSExchangeSRS'")
If refService.StartMode &lt;&gt; "Disabled" Then
StopService "MSExchangeSRS"
End If
StopService "MSExchangeMGMT"
StopService "RESvc"
StopService "MSExchangeMTA"
StopService "MSExchangeIS"
StopService "MSExchangeSA"

'IIS Services

Set refService = refWMI.Get("Win32_Service.Name='NntpSvc'")
If refService.StartMode &lt;&gt; "Disabled" Then
StopService "NntpSvc"
End If

StopService "SMTPSVC"
StopService "W3SVC"
StopService "HTTPFilter"
StopService "NNTPSVC"
StopService "MSFTPSVC"
StopService "IISADMIN"

'Antigen Services

StopService "AntigenIMC"
StopService "AntigenStore"
StopService "AntigenService"
StopService "AntigenMonitor"
End If

Set refWMI = Nothing
Set refService = Nothing

End Function

'* Function: StartServiceSList()
'* Purpose: Generates Calls to stop all required Services

Function StartServicesList (boolDependancyFlag)

Dim refWMI
Dim refService

Set refWMI = GetObject("winMgmts:")

if boolDependancyFlag then
Select Case AntigenVersion
WriteLog "Executing a start of Antigen services"
StartService "AntigenService"
WriteLog "Executing a start of Antigen services"
StartService "AntigenService"
WriteLog "Executing a start of Antigen and dependancy related Exchange services"
StartService "AntigenMonitor"
StartService "AntigenService"
StartService "AntigenStore"
StartService "AntigenIMC"
StartService "MSExchangeIS"
StartService "SMTPSVC"

Set refService = refWMI.Get("Win32_Service.Name='POP3Svc'")
If refService.StartMode &lt;&gt; "Disabled" Then
StartService "POP3Svc"
End If

Set refService = refWMI.Get("Win32_Service.Name='IMAP4Svc'")
If refService.StartMode &lt;&gt; "Disabled" Then
StartService "IMAP4Svc"
End If
End Select
WriteLog "Executing a start of Antigen, Exchange and IIS services"

'IIS Service

StartService "IISADMIN"
StartService "MSFTPSVC"
StartService "NNTPSVC"

If FunctionParameter &lt;&gt; "disable" Then
'Antigen Services
StartService "AntigenMonitor"
StartService "AntigenIMC"
StartService "AntigenStore"
StartService "AntigenService"
WriteLog "Antigen Services have been unhooked from Exchange and will not be started"
End If

'WWW Services

Set refService = refWMI.Get("Win32_Service.Name='NntpSvc'")
If refService.StartMode &lt;&gt; "Disabled" Then
StartService "NntpSvc"
End If
StartService "W3SVC"
StartService "SMTPSVC"

'Exchange Services

StartService "MSExchangeSA"
StartService "MSExchangeIS"
StartService "MSExchangeMTA"
StartService "RESvc"
StartService "MSExchangeMGMT"

Set refService = refWMI.Get("Win32_Service.Name='MSExchangeSRS'")
If refService.StartMode &lt;&gt; "Disabled" Then
StartService "MSExchangeSRS"
End If
Set refService = refWMI.Get ("Win32_Service.Name='IMAP4Svc'")
If refService.StartMode &lt;&gt; "Disabled" Then
StartService "IMAP4Svc"
End If

Set refService = refWMI.Get("Win32_Service.Name='POP3Svc'")
If refService.StartMode &lt;&gt; "Disabled" Then
StartService "POP3Svc"
End If

End If

Set refWMI = Nothing
Set refService = Nothing

End Function

'* Function: StopService()
'* Purpose: Generates Calls to stop all Services

Function StopService (strService)

Dim refWMI
Dim refService

On Error Resume Next

Set refWMI = GetObject("winMgmts:")

Set refService = refWMI.Get("Win32_Service.Name='" &amp; strService &amp; "'")
If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
WriteLog "ERROR: Could not connect to Service: " &amp; strService
If refService.State = "Stopped" Then
WriteLog "The service: " &amp; refService.Name &amp; " is already stopped"
WriteLog "Stopping the service: " &amp; refService.Name
intstop = refService.StopService()

WMIChangeEvent refService.Name, "Stopped"

WriteLog "The service: " &amp; refService.Name &amp; " has Stopped"
End If
End If

Set refWMI = Nothing
Set refService = Nothing

End Function

'* Function: StartService()
'* Purpose: Generates Calls to start all Services

Function StartService (strService)

Dim refWMI
Dim refService

On Error Resume Next

Set refWMI = GetObject("winMgmts:")

Set refService = refWMI.Get("Win32_Service.Name='" &amp; strService &amp; "'")
If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
WriteLog "ERROR: Could not connect to Service: " &amp; strService
If refService.State = "Running" Then
WriteLog "The service: " &amp; refService.Name &amp; " is already started"
ElseIf refService.StartMode = "Disabled" Then
WriteLog "The service: " &amp; refService.Name &amp; " is unexpectedly disabled. Cannot start"
WriteLog "Starting the service: " &amp; refService.Name
intStart = refService.StartService()

WMIChangeEvent refService.Name, "Running"

WriteLog "The service: " &amp; refService.Name &amp; " is started"
End If
End If

Set refWMI = Nothing
Set refService = Nothing

End Function

'* Function: CreateLogFolder()
'* Purpose: Creates Log subfolder under Antigen

Function CreateLogFolder (AntigenInstallPath)

Dim objFSO
set objFSO = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

If objFSO.FolderExists(AntigenInstallPath &amp; "\MOMLogs") = 0 then
objFSO.CreateFolder(AntigenInstallPath &amp; "\MOMLogs")
End If

Set objFSO = Nothing

End Function

'* Function: WriteLog()
'* Purpose: Writes script activity and errors to a log file

Function WriteLog (strLogText)

Dim objfs
Dim objf
Dim strTimeStamp

If TextLogParameter = "true" Then

On Error Resume Next

Set objfs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objf = objfs.OpentextFile(AntigenInstallPath &amp; "\MOMLogs\" &amp; "Tasks.log", 8, False)

' If log file doesn't exist - create it
If Err.Number &lt;&gt; 0 Then
Set objf = objfs.CreatetextFile(AntigenInstallPath &amp; "\MOMLogs\" &amp; "Tasks.log", False)
End If

If strLogText = "NULL" then
strTimeStamp = Date &amp; " " &amp; Time &amp; " "
objf.WriteLine(strTimeStamp &amp; strLogText)
End If
End If

Set objfs = Nothing
Set objf = Nothing

End Function

'* Function: RetrieveRegValue
'* Purpose: Retrieves String Value from Registry

Function RetrieveRegValue (Key, strValueName, intValueType)

' intValueType -&gt; 1 = String Value
' -&gt; 2 = DWORD Value

const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &amp;H80000002
Dim strServerName
Dim objReg
Dim strRegValue

On Error Resume Next
Set objReg=GetObject("winmgmts:\root\default:StdRegProv")
If Err.Number &lt;&gt; 0 Then
strRegValue = NULL

Select Case intValueType
Case 1
strErr = objReg.GetStringValue (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Key, strValueName, strRegValue)

Case 2
strErr = objReg.GetDWORDValue (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Key, strValueName, strRegValue)

End Select

' if reading the registry fails via wmi return error

If strErr &lt;&gt; 0 then
strRegValue = NULL
End If
End If

Set objReg = Nothing

RetrieveRegValue = strRegValue

End Function

'* Function: RetrieveFileVersion
'* Purpose: Retrieves File Version number

Function RetrieveFileVersion (strPath, strFile)

Dim refFile
Dim ver

Set refFile = GetObject("winMgmts:CIM_DataFile.Name='" &amp; strPath &amp; "\" &amp; strFile &amp; "'")

ver = refFile.version

Set refFile = Nothing

RetrieveFileVersion = ver

End Function

'* Function: Wait
'* Purpose: Creates timed pause in the execution

Function Wait (intNumSeconds)

ScriptContext.Sleep intNumSeconds

End Function

'* Function: WMIChangeEvent()
'* Purpose: Waits for appropriate WMI event to signal servive state change

Function WMIChangeEvent (ServiceName, State)

Set refWMI = GetObject("winMgmts:")

strQuery = "SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 5 WHERE TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_Service'"

Set refEventSource = refWMI.ExecNotificationQuery(strQuery)

boolAgain = True

Set refService = refWMI.Get("Win32_Service.Name='" &amp; ServiceName &amp; "'")

If refService.State &lt;&gt; State Then

Set refEvent = refEventSource.NextEvent()
If (strComp(refEvent.TargetInstance.Name, ServiceName, 1) = 0) And refEvent.TargetInstance.State = State Then
boolAgain = False
End If
Loop While boolAgain

End If

Set refWMI = Nothing
Set refEventSource = Nothing
Set refService = Nothing

End Function

'* Function: WriteMOMEvent()
'* Purpose: Writes events to MOM EventLog

Function WriteMOMEvent(EventMessage, EventType)

Dim objEvt
Set objEvt = ScriptContext.CreateEvent

objEvt.Message = EventMessage
objEvt.EventType = EventType

set objEvt = Nothing

End Function
<Name>Antigen Service Control</Name>
<Node ID="RunScriptAction"/>