Client update cannot commence updating a client installation

Citrix.PresentationServer.ClientUpdateCannotCommenceUpdatingClientInstallation.Rule (Rule)

Raises an alert if an automatic client update component cannot commence updating a client installation

Knowledge Base article:

Citrix ® Management Pack


The server detected that a client installation is out of date. However, due to a problem while communicating with the client, the client update process failed.

The session will continue, but this alert suggests that communication between client and server is not stable and further errors could occur.


Before updating the client software, the server exchanges information with the client machine. This event indicates that this exchange could not be completed. There are three possible reasons for this:

  • There is a network problem between the server and the client
  • The client machine is busy or the client program has terminated
  • A condition on the client machine, such as insufficient user permissions, has made the update impossible

The event that caused this alert contains an error code that can help in determining the exact cause for this error:

Code 1

The server was unable to read information from the client; for example, due to network problems.

Code 7

The server could not send information to the client or receive information from the client; for example, due to network problems.

Code 8

The client has detected that the user does not have sufficient permissions on the client computer to upgrade the client installation. For example, only the “root” user can update a Clients for UNIX installation made by another user.

Code 13

The server stopped waiting for a response from the client because the time-out period was exceeded. This suggests that the client is either busy, or malfunctioning, or has terminated unexpectedly.

A number of other error codes are also generated by this event. These are client-specific; for example, another client update is already in progress. The error message displayed in the client user's session may contain more information about the exact cause of this event.


Ensure that the network infrastructure linking the server and clients is stable. Check that the client that caused this event is functioning correctly, and ask the user if they have seen any, more specific, error messages. Ask the user to restart the client update by logging off and starting a new session.

External Knowledge Sources

The following sources of information can be helpful when dealing with this error:

Or search the Citrix knowledge base for more information.

Sample Event

The server was not able to start the downloading of new client files. (Error: %1)

Related Events

Check for related CLTMGR events 1017, 1018, 1019, and 1021, all of which indicate communication errors during the client update procedure.

© 2002-2008 Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Element properties:

Event SourceCLTMGR
Alert GenerateTrue
Alert SeverityError
Alert PriorityNormal
Alert Message
Client update cannot commence updating a client installation
The automatic client update component could not initialize an upgrade operation on a client installation.
Event LogApplication

Member Modules:

ID Module Type TypeId RunAs 
EventCollectionDS DataSource Microsoft.Windows.EventProvider Citrix.PresentationServer.CitrixAdministratorAccount
GenerateAlert WriteAction System.Health.GenerateAlert Citrix.PresentationServer.CitrixAdministratorAccount

Source Code:

<Rule ID="Citrix.PresentationServer.ClientUpdateCannotCommenceUpdatingClientInstallation.Rule" Enabled="true" Target="Citrix.PresentationServer.ManagedServer" ConfirmDelivery="false" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal" DiscardLevel="100">
<DataSource ID="EventCollectionDS" RunAs="CtxLibrary!Citrix.PresentationServer.CitrixAdministratorAccount" TypeID="Windows!Microsoft.Windows.EventProvider">
<WriteAction ID="GenerateAlert" RunAs="CtxLibrary!Citrix.PresentationServer.CitrixAdministratorAccount" TypeID="Health!System.Health.GenerateAlert">