Configured client printer is not compatible

Citrix.PresentationServer.ConfiguredClientPrinterIsNotCompatible.Rule (Rule)

Raises an alert if a configured client printer is not compatible

Knowledge Base article:

Citrix ® Management Pack


A client printer was not auto-created because the associated printer driver is marked as incompatible in the farm's compatibility list for the server's operating system. The printer is not available for use in a client session.


Two related events can cause this problem. The first event occurs when the server attempts to auto-create a client printer that uses a printer driver prohibited by the driver compatibility list. The second event refers to auto-created client printers that are specifically defined for DOS and Windows CE clients, using the Presentation Server Console.


Contact the printer vendor for an updated version of the printer driver that caused this error.

See the Citrix Presentation Server Administrator's Guide and the Presentation Server Console help for more information on how to use the Console to prevent incompatible drivers being used for auto-created printers.

External Knowledge Sources

The following sources of information can be helpful when dealing with this error:

Or search the Citrix knowledge base for more information.

Sample Event

Client printer auto-creation failed. The printer driver is not allowed, based on the farm's compatibility list for the operating system platform. Check your printer driver compatibility list in the Presentation Server Console. Client name: (%1) Printer: (%2) Printer driver: (%3)


Client printer auto-creation failed. The printer driver (%1) marked as a bad driver in the compatibility list:

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Element properties:

Event SourceMetaframeEvents
Alert GenerateTrue
Alert SeverityWarning
Alert PriorityNormal
Alert Message
Configured client printer is not compatible
Printer driver {0} for a configured client printer is not compatible.
Event LogApplication

Member Modules:

ID Module Type TypeId RunAs 
EventCollectionDS DataSource Microsoft.Windows.EventProvider Citrix.PresentationServer.CitrixAdministratorAccount
GenerateAlert WriteAction System.Health.GenerateAlert Citrix.PresentationServer.CitrixAdministratorAccount

Source Code:

<Rule ID="Citrix.PresentationServer.ConfiguredClientPrinterIsNotCompatible.Rule" Enabled="true" Target="Citrix.PresentationServer.ManagedServer" ConfirmDelivery="false" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal" DiscardLevel="100">
<DataSource ID="EventCollectionDS" RunAs="CtxLibrary!Citrix.PresentationServer.CitrixAdministratorAccount" TypeID="Windows!Microsoft.Windows.EventProvider">
<WriteAction ID="GenerateAlert" RunAs="CtxLibrary!Citrix.PresentationServer.CitrixAdministratorAccount" TypeID="Health!System.Health.GenerateAlert">