Health Monitoring and Recovery Test Monitor

Citrix.PresentationServer.HCATestFailed.Monitor (UnitMonitor)

Monitors tests running under Health Monitoring and Recovery

Knowledge Base article:

Citrix ® Management Pack


A test running under Health Monitoring & Recovery has detected a problem and reported a failure. The Health Monitoring & Recovery Service will take the recovery action assigned to this test.


The cause depends on which test failed. There are four tests defined for Health Monitoring & Recovery. These are:

  • Terminal Services test - This test enumerates the list of sessions running on the server and the session information, such as user name.
  • IMA Service test - This test queries the Citrix Independent Management Architecture (IMA) service to ensure that it is running by enumerating the applications available on the server.
  • Logon/Logoff monitor test - Log on/Log off cycles are monitored to determine whether there is a problem with session initialization or possibly an application failure. If there are a lot of short cycles within a short time period, a problem is assumed to exist
  • XML ticket test - This test requests a ticket form the XML service running on the server and prints the ticket.

This alert indicates a problem in one of the components of Citrix Presentation Server.

  • Terminal Services test
    Check to see that Microsoft Terminal Services is running on Presentation Server. The recommended recovery action for Health Monitoring & Recovery to take is to remove the server from load balancing while the administrator fixes Terminal Services.
  • IMA Service test
    Check to see whether the IMA service is running or not responding. The recommended recovery action is to shutdown or restart the IMA Service.
  • Logon/Logoff test
    This indicates a problem with a published application. The recommended recovery action for Health Monitoring & Recovery to take is to remove the server from load balancing while the administrator corrects the problem found by the test.
  • XML ticket test
    Check to see that the Citrix XML service is running and the ticketing authority is accessible. The recommended recovery action for Health Monitoring & Recovery to take is to remove the server from load balancing while the administrator corrects the problem found by the test.

If Health Monitoring & Recovery removes a server from load balancing as a recovery action, the server can be put back into load balancing using the enablelb.exe utility.

External Knowledge Sources

The following sources of information can be helpful when dealing with this error:

Sample Event

Test threshold reached for the test {0}. The specified action will now be performed. The test is assumed to be in a failed state, and no more failure messages will be returned. An information message will be sent when the test is passed.

© 2002-2008 Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Element properties:

Parent MonitorCitrix.PresentationServer.HealthCheckAgent.AvailabilityState
Alert GenerateTrue
Alert SeverityMatchMonitorHealth
Alert PriorityNormal
Alert Auto ResolveTrue
Monitor TypeMicrosoft.Windows.SingleEventLogManualReset2StateMonitorType
Alert Message
Health Monitoring and Recovery test failed
A test running under Health Monitoring and Recovery has detected a problem and reported a failure

Source Code:

<UnitMonitor ID="Citrix.PresentationServer.HCATestFailed.Monitor" Accessibility="Public" Enabled="true" Target="Citrix.PresentationServer.ManagedServer" ParentMonitorID="Citrix.PresentationServer.HealthCheckAgent.AvailabilityState" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal" RunAs="CtxLibrary!Citrix.PresentationServer.CitrixAdministratorAccount" TypeID="Windows!Microsoft.Windows.SingleEventLogManualReset2StateMonitorType" ConfirmDelivery="false">
<AlertSettings AlertMessage="Citrix.PresentationServer.HCATestFailed.Monitor.AlertMessage">
<OperationalState ID="Error" MonitorTypeStateID="EventRaised" HealthState="Error"/>
<OperationalState ID="Success" MonitorTypeStateID="ManualResetEventRaised" HealthState="Success"/>