Application use accounting

Comtrade.XenApp.Reports.UserSessionPerformancePerApplicationReport (Report)

This report shows cumulative time the individual users have spent using specified published applications.

Report depends on the following data collecting rule(s):
- Publish XenApp User Session Details DW (disabled by default, override 'Enabled' parameter)
- Publish XenApp User Logon Details DW

Knowledge Base article:


This report shows cumulative time the individual users have spent using specified published applications.


From, To, Time Zone (parts of Date/Time Selection): Enable you to define a time period for the report with relative or fixed dates.

Cumulative Usage Threshold (in hours): Sets the threshold by which application usage will be compared.

Concurrent App. Instances: Enables you to distinguish between concurrently running application instances on the same session:

Session State: Enables you to choose between all sessions (active and disconnected) or only active sessions.

Add Group, Add Object, Remove (parts of Object Picker): Enable you to select the Applications. When using the Object Picker, selecting Add Group enables you to choose SCOM object groups (and implicitly all Applications they contain). Selecting Add Object enables you to choose individual Applications. When multiple Applications are selected, the data for each Application is displayed on a separate page of the report.

Description of metrics:


A name of the user who accessed the application.


Application name that was accessed by the user.


Total time user has used the application over report time period. Time is shown in hh:mm:ss format. Depending on "Concurrent App. Instances" parameter, total time is calculated a bit differently in case there are at some point multiple instances of same application on same session:

Consider separately

Running time of all concurrently running application instances inside the same session is summed.

Consider as one

Even if there are multiple application instances inside the same session only time of single instance is added to total time.

Threshold Exceeded

A flag, showing whether the sum of all user sessions have exceeded given time limit (Yes) or not (No).

Report depends on the following data collecting rule(s):

Publish XenApp User Session Details DW (disabled by default, override 'Enabled' parameter)

Element properties:
