Dell Remote Access : Server : Memory is in warning state

Dell.iDRAC7.SNMPTrap.2266 (Rule)

Knowledge Base article:


Memory warning state alert


Memory has generated warning alert. Probable causes and corresponding resolutions for this condition are:



Persistent correctable memory errors detected on a memory device at location(s) <location>.

Re-install the memory component. If the problem persists, contact technical support. Refer to the product documentation to choose a convenient contact method.

Memory device at location <location> is throttled.

If unexpected, review system logs for power or thermal exceptions.

Memory device at location <location> is absent.

If unexpected, check presence, then re-install.

Correctable memory error rate exceeded for <location>.

Re-install the memory component. If the problem continues, contact support.

Memory device at location <location> failed to transition to in test.

Re-install the memory component. If the problem continues, contact support.

Memory device at location <location> is in a degraded state.

Re-install the memory component. If the problem continues, contact support.

Memory RAID redundancy is degraded. Check memory device at location(s) <location>.

Re-install the memory component. If the problem continues, contact support.

Memory mirror redundancy is degraded. Check memory device at location <location>.

Review system logs for memory exceptions. Re-install memory at location <location>

Memory redundancy is degraded.

Review system logs for memory exceptions. Re-install memory at location <location>


Additional information on this issue may be available. Launch the DRAC or OMSA Console to debug further.

Element properties:

Alert GenerateTrue
Alert SeverityWarning
Alert PriorityNormal
Alert Message
Dell Remote Access : Server : Memory is in warning state

Member Modules:

ID Module Type TypeId RunAs 
DS DataSource Dell.SNMPTrap.DSMT Default
Alert WriteAction System.Health.GenerateAlert Default

Source Code:

<Rule ID="Dell.iDRAC7.SNMPTrap.2266" Enabled="true" Target="DAD!Dell.RemoteAccess.iDRAC7" ConfirmDelivery="false" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal" DiscardLevel="100">
<DataSource ID="DS" TypeID="Dell.SNMPTrap.DSMT">
<WriteAction ID="Alert" TypeID="SystemHealth!System.Health.GenerateAlert">
<Custom1>Alert Message ID = $Data/EventData/DataItem/Property[@Name="drsAlertMessageID"]$ </Custom1>
<Custom2>Alert Message = $Data/EventData/DataItem/Property[@Name="drsAlertMessage"]$ </Custom2>
<Custom3>Alert Status = $Data/EventData/DataItem/Property[@Name="drsAlertCurrentStatus"]$ </Custom3>
<Custom4>Alert Service Tag = $Data/EventData/DataItem/Property[@Name="drsSystemServiceTag"]$ </Custom4>
<Custom5>Alert FQDN = $Data/EventData/DataItem/Property[@Name="drsAlertFQDN"]$ </Custom5>
<Custom6>Alert FQDD = $Data/EventData/DataItem/Property[@Name="drsAlertFQDD"]$ </Custom6>