Dell Remote Access : Storage : Battery is in warning state

Dell.iDRAC7.SNMPTrap.4274 (Rule)

Knowledge Base article:


Battery warning state alert


Battery has generated warning alert. Probable causes and corresponding resolutions for this condition are:



Battery on <controller name> is missing.

Verify that the device is present and then check the cables. See the storage hardware documentation to verify cabling. In addition check the connection to the controller battery and the battery health. A battery with a weak or depleted charge may cause this message.

The battery voltage on <controller name> is low.

The battery needs to recharged. Wait 24 hours to see if the charge is restored.

The battery temperature on <controller name> is above normal.

Verify that the room temperature is normal and that fans are functioning properly. See the storage hardware documentation for acceptable operating temperatures.

The battery on <controller name> was removed.

Make sure that the battery is present and properly connected. If the battery is present, wait for a few minutes and re-check if the battery is detected. If the contact point between the battery and the controller is degraded, you must replace the battery, the controller, or both. Refer to the storage hardware documentation for information on how to safely access, or remove. Contact technical support if the issue persists.

The battery on <Controller name> learn cycle has timed out.

Replace the battery pack. The battery is unable to maintain a full charge.

Write policy on <controller name> was changed to Write Through.

Verify the battery health is good. See the storage hardware documentation to verify battery health. Contact technical support.

The charge level for the battery on <controller name> is below the normal threshold.

Check for other events related to the state of the battery.These may help determine the cause of this event.

Errors detected with battery on <controller name>.

Contact technical support.


Additional information on this issue may be available. Launch the DRAC or OMSA Console to debug further.

Element properties:

Alert GenerateTrue
Alert SeverityWarning
Alert PriorityNormal
Alert Message
Dell Remote Access : Storage : Battery is in warning state

Member Modules:

ID Module Type TypeId RunAs 
DS DataSource Dell.SNMPTrap.DSMT Default
Alert WriteAction System.Health.GenerateAlert Default

Source Code:

<Rule ID="Dell.iDRAC7.SNMPTrap.4274" Enabled="true" Target="DAD!Dell.RemoteAccess.iDRAC7" ConfirmDelivery="false" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal" DiscardLevel="100">
<DataSource ID="DS" TypeID="Dell.SNMPTrap.DSMT">
<WriteAction ID="Alert" TypeID="SystemHealth!System.Health.GenerateAlert">
<Custom1>Alert Message ID = $Data/EventData/DataItem/Property[@Name="drsAlertMessageID"]$ </Custom1>
<Custom2>Alert Message = $Data/EventData/DataItem/Property[@Name="drsAlertMessage"]$ </Custom2>
<Custom3>Alert Status = $Data/EventData/DataItem/Property[@Name="drsAlertCurrentStatus"]$ </Custom3>
<Custom4>Alert Service Tag = $Data/EventData/DataItem/Property[@Name="drsSystemServiceTag"]$ </Custom4>
<Custom5>Alert FQDN = $Data/EventData/DataItem/Property[@Name="drsAlertFQDN"]$ </Custom5>
<Custom6>Alert FQDD = $Data/EventData/DataItem/Property[@Name="drsAlertFQDD"]$ </Custom6>