EMC SI Storage Group Discovery

EMC.SI.LunMaskingView.Discovery (Discovery)

Discovery for Storage Groups.

Knowledge Base article:


This discovery is for the LUN Masking View class.


By default this discovery runs every 2 hours (7200 seconds). For normal operation, you should not change this value.

This discovery will time out if it runs longer than 5 minutes (300 seconds). For normal operation, you should not change this value. If you experience a high number of time outs, you can override the value to a longer interval.

There is no sync time specified for this discovery. Use of a sync time is not recommended because it can cause high resource utilization due to a large number of workflows running at the same time.


For more information or technical support, refer to EMC Online Support at support.emc.com.

Element properties:


Object Discovery Details:

Discovered Classes and their attribuets:

Member Modules:

ID Module Type TypeId RunAs 
DS DataSource EMC.SI.LunMaskingView.DiscoveryDataSource Default

Source Code:

<Discovery ID="EMC.SI.LunMaskingView.Discovery" Enabled="true" Target="ESILib!EMC.SI.StorageSystem" ConfirmDelivery="false" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal">
<DiscoveryClass TypeID="ESILib!EMC.SI.LunMaskingView">
<Property TypeID="ESILib!EMC.SI.LunMaskingView" PropertyID="LunMaskingViewId"/>
<Property TypeID="ESILib!EMC.SI.StorageDevice" PropertyID="DescriptiveId"/>
<Property TypeID="ESILib!EMC.SI.StorageDevice" PropertyID="FriendlyClassName"/>
<Property TypeID="ESILib!EMC.SI.StorageDevice" PropertyID="PhysicalPath"/>
<Property TypeID="System!System.Entity" PropertyID="DisplayName"/>
<DataSource ID="DS" TypeID="EMC.SI.LunMaskingView.DiscoveryDataSource">