Fujitsu.Servers.PRIMERGY.PS.CIMClient (DeployableResource)
Element properties: Source Code: <DeployableResource ID="Fujitsu.Servers.PRIMERGY.PS.CIMClient" Accessibility="Public" FileName="CIMClient.psm1" HasNullStream="false"/>
File Content: CIMClient.psm1
# Fujitsu
# Copyright 2015-2019 FUJITSU LIMITED
# CIMClient.psm1
# Summary:
# CIM client module for PowerShell
$script:FTSNameSpace = "root/svs"
$script:CIMNameSpace = "root/cimv2"
$script:invokerClass = "Fujitsu.Servers.PRIMERGY.AssemblyInvoker.AssemblyInvoker"
$script:cimclientClass = "Fujitsu.Servers.PRIMERGY.CIMClient.CIMClient"
function New-CIMClient {
Creates new CIMClient object for future requests.
Function creates new CIMClient object using AssemblyInvoker object.
.PARAMETER InvokerDllPath
Path to AssemblyInvoker dll file.
.PARAMETER ClientDllPath
Path to CIMClient dll file.
.PARAMETER ClientAddress
IPAddress for CIMOM.
Port for CIMOM.
Username for CIMOM.
Password for CIMOM.
Namespace for CIMOM queries.
Logger object.
$cim = New-CIMClient -InvokerDllPath "invokerExamplePath.dll" -ClientDllPath "clientExamplePath.dll" -ClientAddress "" -ClientPort 5989 -ClientUser "test" -ClientPass "test" -CIMNamespace "root/cimv2"
Param (
[string] $InvokerDllPath = $(Throw New-Object System.ArgumentException "Parameter -InvokerDllPath must be set.", "InvokerDllPath"),
[string] $ClientDllPath = $(Throw New-Object System.ArgumentException "Parameter -ClientDllPath must be set.", "ClientDllPath"),
[string] $ClientUser = $(Throw New-Object System.ArgumentException "Parameter -ClientUser must be set.", "ClientUser"),
[string] $ClientPass = $(Throw New-Object System.ArgumentException "Parameter -ClientPass must be set.", "ClientPass"),
[string] $ClientAddress = "",
[int] $ClientPort = 5989,
[string] $CIMNamespace = $script:FTSNameSpace,
[object] $Logger = $Null
$disposeClient = {
if ($this.Client -ne $Null) {
$this.Client.Dispose() | Out-Null
$this.Client = $Null
$refreshSettings = {
if ($this.Client -eq $Null) { return }
if (($this.Address -ne $Null) -and ($this.Address -ne "")) {
$this.Client.Invoke("SetTarget", @([ipaddress]$this.Address, [int]$this.Port)) | Out-Null
$this.Client.Set("CimNamespace", [string]$this.Namespace) | Out-Null
$this.Client.Set("Timeout", $this.Timeout) | Out-Null
$this.Client.Set("CimRequestTries", $this.RequestTries) | Out-Null
$this.Client.Set("CimRetriesInterval", $this.RetriesInterval) | Out-Null
$this.Client.Set("CertificateValidation", $this.CheckCert) | Out-Null
if ($this.Protocol -ieq "http" -or $this.Protocol -ieq "https") {
$this.Client.Set("ProtocolPrefix", "$($this.Protocol)://") | Out-Null
$invokeQuery = {
Invokes query to the CIMOM.
Invokes CIM query to the CIMOM.
CIM class to query.
Optional, CIM element name to select from return set.
Optional, do not throw any errors if true.
Optional, enumerate names only.
Param (
[string] $CIMClass = $(Throw New-Object System.ArgumentException "Parameter -CIMClass must be set.", "CIMClass"),
[string] $CIMElement = "",
[bool] $Silent = $False,
[bool] $NamesOnly = $False
if ($this.Client -eq $Null) { return }
if ($CIMElement -eq "") {
$queriedClass = "$($CIMClass)"
} else {
$queriedClass = "$($CIMClass):$($CIMElement)"
if ($NamesOnly) {
$method = "EnumerateInstanceNames"
} else {
$method = "EnumerateInstances"
$this.LastError = ""
try {
$CimData = $this.Client.Invoke($method, $CIMClass)
if (($CimData -ne $Null) -and ($CimData.Error -ne $Null)) {
throw $CimData.Error
if ($CIMElement -ne "") {
foreach ($instance in $CimData) {
if ($instance.ElementName -match $CIMElement) {
return $instance
return $Null
return $CimData
} catch [Exception] {
$this.LastError = "CIM $($queriedClass): $($_.Exception.Message)"
if ($this.Logger -ne $Null -and $Silent) {
return $Null
} else {
throw $this.LastError
$invokeMethod = {
Invokes method from CIM class.
Invokes method from provided CIM class.
CIM class to query.
Method name to invoke from CIMClass.
Optional, params for method.
Optional, do not throw any errors if true.
$cim.Invoke("CIMClass", "MethodFromCIMClass")
Param (
[string] $CIMClass = $(Throw New-Object System.ArgumentException "Parameter -CIMClass must be set.", "CIMClass"),
[string] $Method = $(Throw New-Object System.ArgumentException "Parameter -Method must be set.", "Method"),
[hashtable] $Params = @{},
[bool] $Silent = $False
if ($this.Client -eq $Null) { return }
$this.LastError = ""
try {
$CimData = $this.Client.Invoke("CallMethod", @($CIMClass, $Method, $Params))
if (($CimData -ne $Null) -and ($CimData.Error -ne $Null)) {
throw $CimData.Error
return $CimData
} catch [Exception] {
$this.LastError = "CIM $($CIMClass): $($_.Exception.Message)"
if ($this.Logger -ne $Null -and $Silent) {
return $Null
} else {
throw $this.LastError
# Include AssemblyInvoker
if (-not ([System.Management.Automation.PSTypeName]'Fujitsu.Servers.PRIMERGY.AssemblyInvoker.AssemblyInvoker').Type) {
Add-Type -Path $InvokerDllPath
# To allow change CIMClient dll in future in ESXi management pack, this assembly must be loaded to separate appdomain using AssemblyInvoker.
$CIMClient = New-Object Fujitsu.Servers.PRIMERGY.AssemblyInvoker.AssemblyInvoker($ClientDllPath, $script:cimclientClass, $CIMNamespace)
if (($CIMClient -ne $Null) -and ($CIMClient.GetType().ToString() -eq $script:invokerClass)) {
$CIMClient.Invoke("SetTarget", @([ipaddress]$ClientAddress, [int]$ClientPort)) | Out-Null
$CIMClient.Invoke("SetCredentials", @([string]$ClientUser, [string]$ClientPass)) | Out-Null
} else {
throw "CIM: AssemblyInvoker is not instantiated"
$CIMClientObject = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
Type = "Fujitsu.Servers.PRIMERGY.PS.CIMClient"
Logger = $Logger
Client = $CIMClient
Port = $ClientPort
Address = $ClientAddress
Namespace = $CimNamespace
Protocol = "https"
CheckCert = $True
Timeout = 25000
LastError = ""
RequestTries = 3
RetriesInterval = 5000
$CIMClientObject | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name "Dispose" -Value $disposeClient
$CIMClientObject | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name "Refresh" -Value $refreshSettings
$CIMClientObject | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name "Query" -Value $invokeQuery
$CIMClientObject | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name "Invoke" -Value $invokeMethod
return $CIMClientObject
Export-ModuleMember -Variable 'FTSNameSpace', 'CIMNamespace'
Export-ModuleMember -Function 'New-CIMClient'