HIP - App State Monitoring

HIP___App_State_Monitoring_12_Rule.AdvancedAlertCriteriaMonitor (UnitMonitor)

Knowledge Base article:

Management Pack

A problem occurred with objects associated with the specified Host Initiated Processing (HIP) application, the HIP application received data that it could not process, or the Windows service for the HIP application was stopped. Review the specific event that raised this alert to determine possible causes and resolutions.


Object-related events (806, 809, 810, 817, 818, 822, 830, 831, 832, 833, 834, 835)

Events 806, 818, 834:

The HIP Application attempted to invoke the specified method in the user-supplied HIP server and the call failed with the HRESULT specified in the event.

  • The HIP server is not accessible, or
  • The HIP server returned the specified error

Event 809:

When calling a COM HIP server, the HIP Service attempts to obtain the CLSID from the PROGID by calling the COM function CLSIDFromProgID. This call failed with the indicated HRESULT. The COM HIP Server is not registered correctly or CLSIDFromProgID failed for other reasons.

Event 810:

When calling a COM HIP server, the HIP Service calls the COM CoCreateInstance function to create the object. This call failed with the indicated HRESULT. The COM HIP Server is not registered correctly or CoCreateInstance failed for other reasons.

Event 817:

When calling a COM HIP server, the HIP Service calls the COM GetIDsOfNames function to get the ID of a specific Method Name. This call failed with the indicated HRESULT. The COM HIP Server does not contain the specified method name, or GetIDsOfNames failed for other reasons.

Event 822:

The .NET HIP Server loaded by the HIP Application does not contain the Interface specified in the event text.

Event 830:

The HIP Application specified in the event could not find information about the specified method. A call to GetDotNetMethodInfo failed with the HRESULT specified in the event. Processing for this Client Request has been terminated. The TI Configuration database may be unavailable or may be inaccessible from the HIP Service.

Events 831, 832, 833, 835:

The HIP Application encountered a problem using the .NET HIP Server object implementing assembly.

Data-related events (758, 759, 807, 803, 804, 805, 808, 815, 816, 823)

Event 758:

The HIP Application needs to acquire the client's host name in order to verify that the client is a valid Host Environment. The HIP Application was unable to acquire the client's host name because queries to the underlying SNA or TCP transport failed when attempting return the client host information.

Event 759:

All incoming HIP requests must come from a client whose host name has been configured in a host environment and assigned to the HIP application. A host environment containing the specific host name is not configured as a valid host environment for the HIP Object view being called.

Event 807:

On HIP Application startup, the HIP Service will attempt to resolve all Host Environment TCP host names to IP addresses. This event will be logged for each host name that the HIP Service is unable to resolve.

Event 803:

The HIP Service flow control modules handle the processing and execution of an incoming client request after the client has been verified to be from a valid Host Environment. This event indicates a step in the flow control module has failed with the HRESULT specified in the event.

Event 804:

When a HIP Application receives an incoming TRM (Transaction Request Message) from a client it attempts to resolve the information in the TRM to a configured HIP Object view. This event indicates that the resolution failed. The unknown resolution data is specified in the event text.

Event 805:

The HIP Object view allows a HIP Application to be configured to resolve an incoming client request by examining specific data contained in the request. This event indicates that this resolution failed. The unknown resolution data is specified in the event text.

Event 808:

When receiving an incoming request from a client, a HIP Application expects a specific number of bytes in the incoming request. A request was received that either sent too much data or did not send an end-of-data indicator. The incoming client request does not match what the HIP server method being called is expecting.

Event 815:

The HIP Application was unable to convert the user data from the incoming client request. The event detail will contain the specific problem encountered during conversion. Generally this event indicates a mismatch between the data sent in the client request and the method definition in the HIP Object TIM file.

Event 816:

The HIP Application was unable to convert the reply data returned from the HIP server object. The event detail will contain the specific problem encountered during conversion.

Event 823:

The incoming client request contains a TRM header which is improperly formatted. The HIP Service requires a properly formatted TRM header.

Service stopped

Event 731:

The service associated with the HIP application has stopped. This event can indicate normal or abnormal behavior. If the service stops due to a failure, it is generally preceded by one or more additional events from the HIP Service.


Object-related events

Events 806, 818, 834:

  • Verify that the user-supplied HIP server object is installed and accessible.
  • To identify where in the HIP server the error is occurring, enable tracing in the HIP server object if available, or attach a debugger to the HIP Service.

Events 809, 810:

  • Verify that the COM HIP Server is installed and registered correctly.
  • Examine the specified HRESULT for further details on why the specified function is failing.

Event 817:

  • Verify that the COM HIP Server contains the specified method.
  • Examine the specified HRESULT for further details on why the specified function is failing.

Event 822:

  • Examine the .NET HIP Server and verify the specified Interface exists and is accessible.
  • Modify the .NET HIP Server or the HIP Object .TIM file to specify the correct interface.

Event 830: Run the Host Integration Server Configuration Wizard and verify:

  • The TI configuration database has been created and specified correctly
  • The service account being used by the HIP Service has the necessary permissions to connect to and query the TI configuration database

Events 831, 832, 833, 835:

  • Examine the detail of the event for specific information about the problem encountered when attempting to use the .NET HIP server implementing assembly.
  • Correct the implementing assembly and restart the HIP Application.

Data-related events

Event 758:

  • Verify that the underlying network transport (TCP or SNA) is functioning.
  • If using TCP, verify that DNS name resolution is working properly for the client making the request.

Event 759: Using TI Manager, verify:  

  • The client host name has been configured in a valid Host Environment.
  • The Host Environment containing the host name has been assigned to the correct HIP Object view.

Event 807:

  • Using TI Manager, verify that the host name specified in the Host Environment is correct.
  • If the host name is correct, verify that the host name can be resolved to an IP address on the server running the HIP Service.

Event 803:

  • The returned HRESULT may give an indication of the problem and how to address it.
  • Enable tracing for the HIP Application and examine the trace results for any likely causes. If possible, compare the trace results to another HIP Application that does not generate the event.
  • Enable network transport (SNA or TCP) level traces, and examine the trace results for any likely causes.
  • Debug the method being executed in the HIP Application to determine if it is returning the HRESULT specified in the event

Events 804, 805:

Examine the failed TRM resolution data contained in the event text. It may be necessary to:

  • Change the HIP Object view to match the resolution data specified in the client request, or
  • Change the client to send a request which matches the configuration in the HIP Object view

Event 808:

  • Examine the incoming client request to identify if too much data is being sent or if the end-of-data indicator is not being sent.
  • Correct the client application to send the correct number of bytes.

Event 815:

Examine the detailed conversion error message and adjust the client request or the HIP Object TIM file.

Event 816:

Examine the detailed conversion error message to determine resolutions.

Event 823

  • Examine the incoming client request.
  • Modify the client application to send a correctly formatted TRM header.

Service stopped


Event 731:

If the service was stopped by an administrator, restart the service. If the service stopped unexpectedly, review the additional events generated by the HIP Service to determine the possible causes and resolutions.

© 1995-2001 Microsoft Corporation, all rights reserved.

Element properties:

Parent MonitorApp
Alert GenerateTrue
Alert SeverityMatchMonitorHealth
Alert PriorityNormal
Alert Auto ResolveTrue
Monitor TypeSystem.Mom.BackwardCompatibility.StateAlert.RuleGenerated.AdvancedRuleCriteriaMonitor
Alert Message
HIP - App State Monitoring

Source Code:

<UnitMonitor ID="HIP___App_State_Monitoring_12_Rule.AdvancedAlertCriteriaMonitor" TypeID="MomBackwardCompatibility!System.Mom.BackwardCompatibility.StateAlert.RuleGenerated.AdvancedRuleCriteriaMonitor" Accessibility="Internal" Target="Microsoft.HostIntegrationServer.2006.HIS_HIP_Class" Enabled="true" ParentMonitorID="App" Comment="Mom2005ID='{0C3C3D08-5A5A-4FFE-83DC-0540F0394C25}'">
<AlertSettings AlertMessage="HIP___App_State_Monitoring_12_Rule.AdvancedAlertCriteriaMonitor.StringResource">
<OperationalState HealthState="Success" MonitorTypeStateID="Success" ID="AlertLevelSuccess"/>
<OperationalState HealthState="Warning" MonitorTypeStateID="Warning" ID="AlertLevelWarning"/>
<OperationalState HealthState="Error" MonitorTypeStateID="Error" ID="AlertLevelError"/>
<ServerRole>HIS HIP</ServerRole>
<XPathQuery Type="Integer">AlertContext/DataItem/EventDisplayNumber</XPathQuery>
<Value Type="String">731</Value>
<XPathQuery Type="Integer">AlertContext/DataItem/EventDisplayNumber</XPathQuery>
<XPathQuery Type="Integer">AlertContext/DataItem/EventDisplayNumber</XPathQuery>
<Value Type="String">807</Value>