Cisco PIX Firewall: Available memory buffer 4-byte blocks Health Monitor

Jalasoft.Xian.SmartManagementPacks.CiscoPix.Available4blocks.1.1 (AggregateMonitor)

This monitor catches Xian events that notifies when the Available memory buffer 4-byte blocks has changed its state.

Knowledge Base article:


Number of available memory buffer 4-byte blocks is over/under threshold.

Over threshold: The number of available memory buffer 4-byte blocks is above the maximum threshold configured in Xian Network Manager 2012.

Under threshold: The number of available memory buffer 4-byte blocks is below the minimum threshold configured in Xian Network Manager 2012.


Over threshold: There is less than expected duplication of existing blocks in DNS, Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol, URL filtering, and TCP modules using the available 4-byte blocks.

Under threshold: There is excessive duplication of existing blocks in DNS, Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol, URL filtering, and TCP modules using the available 4-byte blocks.


Over threshold: If the PIX cannot support the traffic load, the number of available 4-byte blocks hovers close to 0. When the CNT column hits zero, the PIX attempts to allocate more blocks, up to a maximum of 8192. If no more blocks are available, the PIX drops the packet.

Under threshold: Once the 4 byte block memory has been fully exhausted, the appliance will start dropping packets and result in no packets being forwarded.


Monitors the current number of available 4-byte blocks in memory buffer.

Element properties:

Parent MonitorSystem.Health.PerformanceState
Alert GenerateTrue
Alert SeverityMatchMonitorHealth
Alert PriorityLow
Alert Auto ResolveTrue
Alert Message
Available memory buffer 4-byte blocks Alert

Source Code:

<AggregateMonitor ID="Jalasoft.Xian.SmartManagementPacks.CiscoPix.Available4blocks.1.1" Accessibility="Public" Enabled="true" Target="ThirdParty_Cisco!Jalasoft.Xian.Common.Elements.ThirdParty.Cisco.JsXCiscoPixFirewallSnmpDeviceElement" ParentMonitorID="SystemHealth!System.Health.PerformanceState" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal">
<AlertSettings AlertMessage="Available4blocks_AlertMessage">