Flow: Packets per second Health Monitor

Jalasoft.Xian.SmartManagementPacks.Flow.Packetspersecond.1.1 (AggregateMonitor)

This monitor catches Xian events that notifies when the Packets per second if has changed its state.

Knowledge Base article:


Packages per second is over/under threshold.

Over threshold : The flow of packages per second of this rule was up is above the maximum threshold configured in Xian.

Under threshold: The flow of packages per second of this rule was up is below the minimum threshold configured in Xian.


Over threshold: The flow that is arriving to source is above the maximum threshold configured in Xian.

Under threshold: The flow that is arriving to source is below the minimum threshold configured in Xian.


Over threshold: You should review the sources in order to determine who is overflowing the network.

Under threshold: Once the amount of bytes of below threshold has been reach, you should review the destination and the sources to determine the problem.


Monitors the amount of Packets per second sent from a source to a destination.

Element properties:

Parent MonitorSystem.Health.PerformanceState
Alert GenerateTrue
Alert SeverityMatchMonitorHealth
Alert PriorityLow
Alert Auto ResolveTrue
Alert Message
Packets per second Alert

Source Code:

<AggregateMonitor ID="Jalasoft.Xian.SmartManagementPacks.Flow.Packetspersecond.1.1" Accessibility="Public" Enabled="true" Target="ThirdParty_Flow!Jalasoft.Xian.Common.Elements.ThirdParty.Flow.JsXFlowRecordElement" ParentMonitorID="SystemHealth!System.Health.PerformanceState" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal">
<AlertSettings AlertMessage="Packetspersecond_AlertMessage">