HP Printer: Printer Operational Status Health Monitor

Jalasoft.Xian.SmartManagementPacks.HPPrinters.PrinterOperationalStatus.1.1 (AggregateMonitor)

This monitor catches Xian events that notifies when the Printer Operational Status has changed its state.

Knowledge Base article:


Printer operational status has changed.

The printer operational status has changed from one of the following states to another: Other, Unknown, Idle, Printing, or Warm-up.


The Other value indicates that the printer is offline or a critical alert is active. The Unknown value indicates that the state can't be determined. The Idle value indicates that the printer is not doing any of the items listed below for Printing status. The Printing value indicates that a job is currently being processed or printed or a PJL job is being processed. And the Warm-up state is active on the device status when this is down, then the printer is currently offline but is resolving the condition that caused the offline state.


For critical states the printer requires the intervention by a printer technician.


Monitors printer operational status. It can be (1) for Other, (2) for Unknown, (3) for Idle, (4) for Printing, and (5) for Warm-up.

Element properties:

Parent MonitorSystem.Health.PerformanceState
Alert GenerateTrue
Alert SeverityMatchMonitorHealth
Alert PriorityLow
Alert Auto ResolveTrue
Alert Message
Printer Operational Status Alert

Source Code:

<AggregateMonitor ID="Jalasoft.Xian.SmartManagementPacks.HPPrinters.PrinterOperationalStatus.1.1" Accessibility="Public" Enabled="true" Target="ThirdParty_HPPrinters!Jalasoft.Xian.Common.Elements.ThirdParty.HPPrinters.JsXHPPrintersSnmpDeviceElement" ParentMonitorID="SystemHealth!System.Health.PerformanceState" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal">
<AlertSettings AlertMessage="PrinterOperationalStatus_AlertMessage">