Monitors the number of dropped packets transmitted across each physical NIC instance on the host.
ESX Network Incoming Dropped Packets is over threshold.
The network incoming dropped packets in this ESX server is above the maximum threshold configured in Xian Network Manager.
The amount of network Incoming Dropped Packets received by the ESX server is growing.
Verify that reservations, shares, and limits correspond to the requirements and are not unnecessary restricting the management of resources. Tune the environment if necessary.
Monitors the amount of dropped packets reception by the ESX server's network.
Target | Jalasoft.Xian.Common.Elements.ThirdParty.VMWare.JsXVMwareVirtualCenterEsxElement | ||
Parent Monitor | System.Health.PerformanceState | ||
Algorithm | WorstOf | ||
Category | StateCollection | ||
Enabled | True | ||
Alert Generate | True | ||
Alert Severity | MatchMonitorHealth | ||
Alert Priority | Low | ||
Alert Auto Resolve | True | ||
Remotable | True | ||
Accessibility | Public | ||
Alert Message |
<AggregateMonitor ID="Jalasoft.Xian.SmartManagementPacks.VMwareVirtualCenters.EsxNetDroppedRx.1.1" Accessibility="Public" Enabled="true" Target="ThirdParty_VMWare!Jalasoft.Xian.Common.Elements.ThirdParty.VMWare.JsXVMwareVirtualCenterEsxElement" ParentMonitorID="SystemHealth!System.Health.PerformanceState" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal">
<AlertSettings AlertMessage="EsxNetDroppedRx_AlertMessage">