LC:RoutingApps - 00 - UC Routing Applications\RoutingApps - 006 - Failed Exchange UM calls\

LC_RoutingApps___00___UC_Routing_Applications_RoutingApps___006___Failed_Exchange_UM_calls__20_2_EE (UnitMonitor)

LC:RoutingApps - 00 - UC Routing Applications\RoutingApps - 006 - Failed Exchange UM calls\ perf counter exceeded specified threshold. Current value is {0}

Knowledge Base article:


The number of times a caller did not reach any Exchange UM server due to errors or configuration problems.


The Exchange UM server is either too busy and unable to answer calls in timely fashion, or has some other problem. See Exchange UM event logs for more details.


This might be a temporary condition. Review the Exchange UM event logs to see if the specific problem can be determined.

Element properties:

Parent MonitorSystem.Health.PerformanceState
Instance NameLC:RoutingApps - 00 - UC Routing Applications
Counter NameRoutingApps - 006 - Failed Exchange UM calls
Alert GenerateTrue
Alert SeverityError
Alert PriorityNormal
Alert Auto ResolveTrue
Monitor TypeSystem.Performance.DeltaThreshold
Alert Message
LC:RoutingApps - 00 - UC Routing Applications\RoutingApps - 006 - Failed Exchange UM calls\ - The number of times a caller did not reach any Exchange UM server due to errors or configuration problems.
LC:RoutingApps - 00 - UC Routing Applications\RoutingApps - 006 - Failed Exchange UM calls\ - The number of times a caller did not reach any Exchange UM server due to errors or configuration problems.

Source Code:

<UnitMonitor ID="LC_RoutingApps___00___UC_Routing_Applications_RoutingApps___006___Failed_Exchange_UM_calls__20_2_EE" Accessibility="Public" Enabled="true" Target="Microsoft_Office_Communications_Server_2007_R2_Enterprise_Edition" ParentMonitorID="SCHealth!System.Health.PerformanceState" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal" TypeID="SCPerformance!System.Performance.DeltaThreshold" ConfirmDelivery="false">
<AlertSettings AlertMessage="LC_RoutingApps___00___UC_Routing_Applications_RoutingApps___006___Failed_Exchange_UM_calls______The_number_of_times_a_caller_did_not_reach_any_Exchange_UM_server_due_to_errors_or_configuration_problems_">
<OperationalState ID="LC_RoutingApps___00___UC_Routing_Applications_RoutingApps___006___Failed_Exchange_UM_calls__20_2_EE_OverThreshold" MonitorTypeStateID="OverThreshold" HealthState="Error"/>
<OperationalState ID="LC_RoutingApps___00___UC_Routing_Applications_RoutingApps___006___Failed_Exchange_UM_calls__20_2_EE_UnderThresold" MonitorTypeStateID="UnderThreshold" HealthState="Success"/>
<CounterName>RoutingApps - 006 - Failed Exchange UM calls</CounterName>
<ObjectName>LC:RoutingApps - 00 - UC Routing Applications</ObjectName>