The Routing and Remote Access service could not start because it failed to load and initialize one of the RAS DLLs.
The service failed to start and initialize the Remote Access Connection Manager service. The most common reasons for this error are:
Winsock failed to initialize. The underlying network subsystem might not be ready for network communication.
The Remote Access Connection Manager service does not exist on the computer.
The Remote Access Connection Manager service failed to bind to the local RPC server.
The service encountered an error while loading one of the RAS support binaries. The most common reasons for this error are:
One of the files does not exist.
The System account does not have read/execute permissions for one of the files.
The driver is not loaded in memory.
The service failed to load and start the authentication or accounting provider. The most common reasons for this error are:
If Routing and Remote Access is configured for RADIUS authentication/accounting:
The file rasrad.dll is missing in %systemroot%\system32.
The RADIUS server name is misspelled.
The RADIUS server is not running.
If Routing and Remote Access is configured for Windows authentication/accounting:
One of the Internet Authentication Service (IAS) DLLs is not registered under %systemroot%\system32.
Open Services, and verify whether the Remote Access Connection Manager service is installed. If the service does not appear in the list of services, you might need to repair or reinstall the operating system.
If the Remote Access Connection Manager service appears in the list of services, verify whether the service is started. If the service is stopped, start it.
If you cannot start the Remote Access Connection Manager service or the problem persists, you might need to restart the server.
Verify whether the following files exist in the %systemroot%\system32 folder:
Verify whether the following file exist under %systemroot%\system32\drivers folder:
If these files do not exist in this directory, you must repair the Windows operating system. For more information about repairing the Windows operating system, see Help and Support Center.
Verify that the System account has read/write permissions on the above files. To check the permissions:
Right-click each file, and click Properties.
On the Security tab, verify that the System account has read/execute permissions for the file. If it does not, add them.
Open Routing and Remote Access and verify whether Routing and Remote Access is correctly configured for RADIUS authentication and accounting:
Verify whether the server should use Windows Authentication/Accounting instead of RADIUS Authentication/Accounting. If the server should use Windows Authentication/Accounting, reconfigure the server to do so. For more information about reconfiguring a server for Windows Authentication/Accounting, see Help and Support Center.
Verify whether the name of the RADIUS server is spelled correctly.
Verify whether the RADIUS server is available and running properly.
If the server is configured for Windows Authentication/Accounting,
Check Event Viewer on the server for events that relate to Internet Authentication Service (IAS) DLLs, and resolve any issues.
Run regsvr32.exe on following IAS DLLs to register them:
ias.dll,iasacct.dll,iasads.dll,iashlpr.dll,iasperf.dll,iaspolcy.dll,iasrad.dll,iasrecst.dll, iassam.dll,iassdo.dll,iassvcs.dll
Microsoft Corporation, all rights reserved
Target | Microsoft.Windows.RemoteAccess.2012.R2.Class.VPNServer |
Category | EventCollection |
Enabled | True |
Event Source | RemoteAccess |
Alert Generate | False |
Remotable | True |
Event Log | System |
ID | Module Type | TypeId | RunAs |
DS | DataSource | Microsoft.Windows.EventProvider | Default |
WriteToDB | WriteAction | Microsoft.SystemCenter.CollectEvent | Default |
<Rule ID="Loading_RAS_supporting_modules_failure_1_Rule" Enabled="true" Target="Microsoft.Windows.RemoteAccess.2012.R2.Class.VPNServer" ConfirmDelivery="true" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal" DiscardLevel="100">
<DataSource ID="DS" TypeID="Windows!Microsoft.Windows.EventProvider">
<XPathQuery Type="UnsignedInteger">EventDisplayNumber</XPathQuery>
<XPathQuery Type="String">PublisherName</XPathQuery>
<Value Type="String">RemoteAccess</Value>
<WriteAction ID="WriteToDB" TypeID="SystemCenter!Microsoft.SystemCenter.CollectEvent"/>