Federation Passive Service Communication Error On The Federation Server Proxy

Microsoft.ActiveDirectoryFederationServices20.FederationServerProxyAuthenticationWSFederationPassiveServiceCommunicationErrorMonitor (UnitMonitor)

Knowledge Base article:


A communication error occurred during an attempt to get a token from the Federation Service. If the same problem does not occur again within 15 minutes, the health state of this monitor will change back to a Green state. The alert that is generated by this monitor must be resolved manually.


This event might occur during service startup if a service dependency was not available. For example, this event might occur if the Internet Information Services (IIS) service was offline when the AD FS Windows Service started.

For more information about the specific cause of this event, review the additional details that are specified within the event.


Make sure that the Federation Service is running. Start (or restart) it as necessary. For more information about verifying whether AD FS is installed and running, see "Things to Check Before Troubleshooting AD FS" section in the AD FS troubleshooting guide.

Use the additional details in the event to determine whether other services are unavailable or misconfigured.

Element properties:

Parent MonitorSystem.Health.ConfigurationState
Alert GenerateTrue
Alert SeverityWarning
Alert PriorityNormal
Alert Auto ResolveTrue
Monitor TypeMicrosoft.Windows.SingleEventLogTimer2StateMonitorType
Alert Message
Federation Passive Service Communication Error On The Federation Server Proxy
A communication error occurred during an attempt to get a token from the Federation Service.

Source Code:

<UnitMonitor ID="Microsoft.ActiveDirectoryFederationServices20.FederationServerProxyAuthenticationWSFederationPassiveServiceCommunicationErrorMonitor" Accessibility="Public" Enabled="true" Target="Microsoft.ActiveDirectoryFederationServices20.FederationServerProxyAuthentication" ParentMonitorID="Health!System.Health.ConfigurationState" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal" TypeID="Windows!Microsoft.Windows.SingleEventLogTimer2StateMonitorType" ConfirmDelivery="true">
<AlertSettings AlertMessage="Microsoft.ActiveDirectoryFederationServices20.FederationServerProxyAuthenticationWSFederationPassiveServiceCommunicationErrorMonitor_AlertMessageResourceID">
<OperationalState ID="EventRaised" MonitorTypeStateID="EventRaised" HealthState="Warning"/>
<OperationalState ID="TimerEventRaised" MonitorTypeStateID="TimerEventRaised" HealthState="Success"/>
<XPathQuery Type="UnsignedInteger">EventDisplayNumber</XPathQuery>
<Value Type="UnsignedInteger">363</Value>
<XPathQuery Type="String">PublisherName</XPathQuery>
<Pattern>(^AD FS$)|(^AD FS 2.0$)</Pattern>