Script Engine Package Run Time Report Probe

Microsoft.Amalga.UIS.2009.Monitoring.ScriptEnginePackageRuntimeReportProbe (ProbeActionModuleType)

This probe is intended to be called from an administrative task and for the purpose of on-demand time checks on packages. It checks per server, per service, or per package, depending on the parameters passed in. The probe checks a script engine package's last processed timestamp and compares it against the current time, then determines if the time delta is within tolerance, or if the delta is above warning or critical time thresholds.

Element properties:


Member Modules:

ID Module Type TypeId RunAs 
PackageRunTimeReportProbe ProbeAction Microsoft.Windows.ScriptProbeAction Default
PassThrough ProbeAction System.PassThroughProbe Default

Overrideable Parameters:

IDParameterTypeSelectorDisplay NameDescription
TimeoutSecondsint$Config/TimeoutSeconds$Timeout Seconds
DebugEnabledbool$Config/DebugEnabled$Log EnabledFor debugging management pack script issues. Not recommended for general use.
WarningMinutesint$Config/WarningMinutes$Warning Minutes
CriticalMinutesint$Config/CriticalMinutes$Critical Minutes

Source Code:

<ProbeActionModuleType ID="Microsoft.Amalga.UIS.2009.Monitoring.ScriptEnginePackageRuntimeReportProbe" Accessibility="Internal" Batching="false" PassThrough="false">
<xsd:element minOccurs="1" name="TimeoutSeconds" type="xsd:integer"/>
<xsd:element minOccurs="1" name="DebugEnabled" type="xsd:boolean"/>
<xsd:element minOccurs="1" name="WarningMinutes" type="xsd:integer"/>
<xsd:element minOccurs="1" name="CriticalMinutes" type="xsd:integer"/>
<xsd:element minOccurs="1" name="ServiceInstanceName" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element minOccurs="1" name="PackageName" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element minOccurs="1" name="DebugEventSource" type="xsd:string"/>
<OverrideableParameter ID="TimeoutSeconds" Selector="$Config/TimeoutSeconds$" ParameterType="int"/>
<OverrideableParameter ID="DebugEnabled" Selector="$Config/DebugEnabled$" ParameterType="bool"/>
<OverrideableParameter ID="WarningMinutes" Selector="$Config/WarningMinutes$" ParameterType="int"/>
<OverrideableParameter ID="CriticalMinutes" Selector="$Config/CriticalMinutes$" ParameterType="int"/>
<ModuleImplementation Isolation="Any">
<ProbeAction ID="PackageRunTimeReportProbe" TypeID="Windows!Microsoft.Windows.ScriptProbeAction">
'' Amalga2009PackagesRunTimeReport.vbs

Option Explicit

const SCRIPT_VERSION = "1.0"
WRITELINEHEADER = "Amalga2009PackagesRunTimeReport.vbs" &amp; vbcrlf &amp; "Microsoft.Amalga.UIS.2009.Monitoring.ScriptEnginePackageRuntimeReportProbe" &amp; vbcrlf &amp; "script version: " &amp; SCRIPT_VERSION &amp; vbcrlf &amp; "script start: " &amp; now()



dim LogEnabled
LogEnabled = false
dim ManagedEntityId
ManagedEntityId = ""

Dim oAPI
Set oAPI = CreateObject("MOM.ScriptAPI")

dim DebugEventSource
dim LogEventSource
dim LogSeverity

DebugEventSource = "$Config/DebugEventSource$"
if instr(DebugEventSource,"$") then
LogEventSource = "Amalga"
LogEnabled = true
WriteLine "Error in DebugEventSource - $ not translated - " &amp; DebugEventSource
cdate("unexpected error - macro subsitution did not happen") ''' intentionally crash
LogEventSource = trim(DebugEventSource &amp; "")
if (LogEventSource = "") then
LogEventSource = "Amalga"
LogEnabled = true
WriteLine "missing DebugEventSource, defaulting to 'Amalga'"
LogEnabled = false
end if
end if

Dim oArgs
Set oArgs = WScript.Arguments


if (oArgs.Count &lt;&gt; EXPECTED_PARAM_COUNT) then
LogEnabled = true
WriteLine "invalid arg count: " &amp; oArgs.Count &amp; " expected " &amp; EXPECTED_PARAM_COUNT
oArgs = cdate("invalid arg count") ''' intentionally crash
end if

ManagedEntityId = GetArg(oArgs(0))

dim DebugEnabled
DebugEnabled = "$Config/DebugEnabled$"
if instr(DebugEnabled,"$") then
LogEnabled = true
WriteLine "Error in DebugEnabled - $ not translated - " &amp; DebugEnabled
cdate("unexpected error - macro subsitution did not happen") ''' intentionally crash
end if
DebugEnabled = trim(ucase(DebugEnabled &amp; " "))
LogEnabled = (DebugEnabled = "TRUE")

Dim gserviceinstancename, gpackagename, warningMinutes, criticalMinutes

gserviceinstancename = "$Config/ServiceInstanceName$"
if instr(gserviceinstancename,"$") then
LogEnabled = true
WriteLine "Error in gserviceinstancename - $ not translated - " &amp; gserviceinstancename
cdate("unexpected error - macro subsitution did not happen") ''' intentionally crash
end if

gpackagename = "$Config/PackageName$"
if instr(gpackagename,"$") then
LogEnabled = true
WriteLine "Error in gpackagename - $ not translated - " &amp; gpackagename
cdate("unexpected error - macro subsitution did not happen") ''' intentionally crash
end if

warningMinutes = "$Config/WarningMinutes$"
if instr(warningMinutes,"$") then
LogEnabled = true
WriteLine "Error in warningMinutes - $ not translated - " &amp; warningMinutes
cdate("unexpected error - macro subsitution did not happen") ''' intentionally crash
end if

criticalMinutes = "$Config/CriticalMinutes$"
if instr(criticalMinutes,"$") then
LogEnabled = true
WriteLine "Error in criticalMinutes - $ not translated - " &amp; criticalMinutes
cdate("unexpected error - macro subsitution did not happen") ''' intentionally crash
end if


Dim retval

WriteLine("LogEnabled=" &amp; LogEnabled &amp; "(DebugEnabled=" &amp; DebugEnabled &amp; ")")
WriteLine("serviceinstancename=" &amp; gserviceinstancename)
WriteLine("packagename=" &amp; gpackagename)
WriteLine("warningMinutes=" &amp; warningMinutes)
WriteLine("criticalMinutes=" &amp; criticalMinutes)

WriteLine("checking the registry for package's state keys")

dim oReg, strComputer, strKeyPath, arrValueNames, keyfound, LastUpdated, LastProcessed, strValueName, strValue, valuefound
dim ActiveTimeBias, deltayears, deltamonths, deltadays, deltahours, deltaminutes, deltaseconds, status, pos
dim Date1LessThanDate2, totalMinutesBehind

Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &amp;H80000002

strComputer = "."

Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" &amp; _
strComputer &amp; "\root\default:StdRegProv")

strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Amalga\2.0\ScriptEngine\"

If oReg.EnumKey (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath, arrValueNames) = 0 Then
WriteLine("The registry path exists " &amp; strKeyPath)
keyfound = true
WriteLine("The registry path does not exist " &amp; strKeyPath)
keyfound = false
end if

if (keyfound) then
if (ucase(trim(gserviceinstancename)) = "ALL") then
wscript.echo "Enumerating all services, all packages"
call EnumerateServices()
if (ucase(trim(gpackagename)) = "ALL") then
wscript.echo "Enumerating all packages for service: " &amp; gserviceinstancename
wscript.echo "----------"
call EnumeratePackages(gserviceinstancename)
wscript.echo "Getting report for service: " &amp; gserviceinstancename &amp; " package: " &amp; gpackagename
wscript.echo "----------"
call ReportServiceTime(gserviceinstancename, gpackagename)
end if
end if
wscript.echo "ERROR: package state keys root not found"
end if

WriteLine("end script.")

sub EnumerateServices()

dim oReg, strComputer, strKeyPath, arrSubKeys, i, serviceinstancename

wscript.echo "----------"

strComputer = "."

Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" &amp; _
strComputer &amp; "\root\default:StdRegProv")

strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Amalga\2.0\ScriptEngine\DiscoveryData\ServiceInstances"
oReg.EnumKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath, arrSubKeys

dim numSubKeys
numSubKeys = -1

on error resume next
numSubKeys = UBound(arrSubKeys)
on error goto 0

if (numSubKeys &gt;= 0) then
For i = 0 to numSubKeys
WriteLine("processing service " &amp; i &amp; "...")
serviceinstancename = arrSubKeys(i)
WriteLine("Service instance name: " &amp; serviceinstancename)
call EnumeratePackages(serviceinstancename)
WriteLine("The sub key count for services is &lt; 1 (" &amp; numSubKeys &amp; ")")
end if

end sub
sub EnumeratePackages(serviceinstancename)

dim oReg, strComputer, strKeyPath, arrSubKeys, i, packagename

strComputer = "."

Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" &amp; _
strComputer &amp; "\root\default:StdRegProv")

strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Amalga\2.0\ScriptEngine\DiscoveryData\ServiceInstances\" &amp; serviceinstancename
oReg.EnumKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath, arrSubKeys

dim numSubKeys
numSubKeys = -1

on error resume next
numSubKeys = UBound(arrSubKeys)
on error goto 0

if (numSubKeys &gt;= 0) then
For i = 0 to numSubKeys
WriteLine("processing packagename " &amp; i &amp; "...")
packagename = arrSubKeys(i)
WriteLine("packagename name: " &amp; packagename )
call ReportServiceTime(serviceinstancename, packagename)
WriteLine("The sub key count for packages is &lt; 1 (" &amp; numSubKeys &amp; ")")
end if

end sub
sub ReportServiceTime(serviceinstancename, packagename)

dim strKeyPath
strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Amalga\SCOM\Volatile\2.0\ScriptEngine\" &amp; serviceinstancename &amp; "\" &amp; packagename ''' not trailing backslash here
dim RegValuePrefixName
RegValuePrefixName = "MessagesReceived"

dim OldRetVal_MessagesReceived
OldRetVal_MessagesReceived = ucase(GetOldRetVal(strKeyPath, RegValuePrefixName))

dim serviceRunning, packageRunning
serviceRunning = IsServiceRunning(serviceinstancename)
packageRunning = false
if (not serviceRunning) then
status = ""
elseif (OldRetVal_MessagesReceived = "NO_CHANGE") then
retval = "NO_CHANGE"
status = "'Message Received' counter has not moved since last check, assuming caught up."
packageRunning = IsPackageRunning(packagename)
if (not packageRunning) then
status = ""
elseif (OldRetVal_MessagesReceived = "") then
retval = "MISSING_REG"
status = ""
end if
end if

if (packageRunning) then

dim oReg, strComputer, arrSubKeys, i, keyfound, arrValueNames, strValueName, strValue

strComputer = "."

Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" &amp; _
strComputer &amp; "\root\default:StdRegProv")

strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Amalga\2.0\ScriptEngine\" &amp; serviceinstancename &amp; "\" &amp; packagename &amp; "\"

If oReg.EnumKey (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath, arrValueNames) = 0 Then
WriteLine("The registry path exists " &amp; strKeyPath)
keyfound = true
WriteLine("The registry path does not exist " &amp; strKeyPath)
keyfound = false
end if

If (keyfound) Then

WriteLine("found package's state keys, starting building discovery objects")

strValueName = "Status.Processed.Last"
oReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strKeyPath,strValueName,strValue
LastProcessed = strValue &amp; ""
WriteLine("LastProcessed: " &amp; LastProcessed)
if LastProcessed = "" then
LastProcessed = 0
valuefound = false
valuefound = true
end if
pos = instr(LastProcessed,".")
if (pos&gt;0) then LastProcessed = left(LastProcessed,pos-1)
WriteLine("LastProcessed: " &amp; LastProcessed)

LastUpdated = now()
WriteLine("LastUpdated: " &amp; LastUpdated)

strValueName = "ActiveTimeBias"
oReg.GetDWORDValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"System\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation\",strValueName,strValue
ActiveTimeBias = strValue &amp; ""
WriteLine("ActiveTimeBias: " &amp; ActiveTimeBias)
if (ActiveTimeBias = "") then ActiveTimeBias = 0
WriteLine("ActiveTimeBias: " &amp; ActiveTimeBias)

LastProcessed = DateAdd("n",(-1*ActiveTimeBias),LastProcessed)
WriteLine("LastProcessed: " &amp; LastProcessed)

Date1LessThanDate2 = GetDateDiff(LastProcessed, LastUpdated, deltayears, deltamonths, deltadays, deltahours, deltaminutes, deltaseconds)

totalMinutesBehind = (deltayears * 365 * 24 * 60) + (deltamonths * 30 * 24 * 60) + (deltadays * 24 * 60) + (deltahours * 60) + (deltaminutes)

WriteLine ("totalMinutesBehind: " &amp; totalMinutesBehind)

if (not valuefound) then
status = "The package has not process any messages. Status.Processed.Last value not found - " &amp; strKeyPath
retval = "UNEXPECTED"
if (retval = "MISSING_REG") then
status = "Ensure the dependent monitor 'Package is receiving messages' is enabled."
elseif (not Date1LessThanDate2) then
status = "Last Processed (time zone adjusted) &gt; Last Checked Time"
retval = "UNEXPECTED"
if (clng(totalMinutesBehind) &gt; clng(criticalMinutes)) then
status = "delta is &gt; " &amp; criticalMinutes &amp; " min (CRITICAL)"
retval = "CRITICAL"
if (clng(totalMinutesBehind) &gt; clng(warningMinutes)) then
status = "delta is within " &amp; warningMinutes &amp; "-" &amp; criticalMinutes &amp; " min (WARNING)"
retval = "WARNING"
status = "delta is &lt; " &amp; warningMinutes &amp; " min (HEALTHY)"
retval = "HEALTHY"
end if
end if
end if
end if

wscript.echo ucase(retval)
wscript.echo "Package:" &amp; packagename
wscript.echo "Service:" &amp; serviceinstancename
wscript.echo status
if (valuefound) then
wscript.echo "Last Checked Time:" &amp; LastUpdated
wscript.echo "Last Processed:" &amp; LastProcessed
wscript.echo "Warning Minutes Range:" &amp; warningMinutes
wscript.echo "Critical Minutes Range:" &amp; criticalMinutes
wscript.echo "Total Minutes Behind: " &amp; totalMinutesBehind
wscript.echo "Delta Times: " &amp; deltaYears &amp; "y " &amp; deltaMonths &amp; "m " &amp; deltaDays &amp; "d " &amp; deltaHours &amp; "h " &amp; deltaMinutes &amp; "n " &amp; deltaSeconds &amp; "s"
end if

retval = "UNEXPECTED"
status = "timestamp keys not found - " &amp; strKeyPath

wscript.echo ucase(retval)
wscript.echo status
wscript.echo "Package:" &amp; packagename
wscript.echo "Service: " &amp; serviceinstancename

end if

else '' package not running
wscript.echo ucase(retval)
if status &lt;&gt; "" then
wscript.echo status
end if
wscript.echo "Package:" &amp; packagename
wscript.echo "Service: " &amp; serviceinstancename
end if

wscript.echo "----------"

end sub



sub DumpArgs(Args)
dim i, status
WriteLine("Dumping args as passed in.")
WriteLine("Note: If you see quotes, they are actually part of the argument literal.")
dim untranslated
untranslated = false
status = "Args: "
for i = 0 to Args.Count - 1
status = status &amp; Args(i) &amp; " "
WriteLine(i &amp; ": " &amp; Args(i))
if (instr(Args(i),"$") &gt; 0) then
untranslated = true
LogEnabled = true
WriteLine("ERROR: untranslated $ encountered at arg " &amp; i &amp; ": " &amp; Args(i))
end if
if (untranslated) then
LogEnabled = true
WriteLine("ERROR: one or more untranslated $ args encountered, quitting.")
status = cdate("ERROR: one or more untranslated $ args encountered, quitting.") ''' intentionally crash here
end if

end sub


function GetArg(quotedarg)
dim s
s = quotedarg
if s &lt;&gt; "" then
if mid(s,1,1) = """" then
s = mid(s,2, len(s)-1)
end if
if mid(s,len(s),1) = """" then
s = mid(s, 1, len(s)-1)
end if
end if
GetArg = s
end function


sub WriteLine(in_line)

dim s

s = vbcrlf &amp; "ID: " &amp; ManagedEntityId &amp; vbcrlf &amp; WRITELINEHEADER &amp; vbcrlf &amp; vbcrlf &amp; in_line

if (LogEnabled) then
wscript.echo in_line
call oAPI.LogScriptEvent(LogEventSource, 100, LogSeverity, s)
end if

end sub


function GetDomainFromTargetComputer(machinename)
dim pos, temp
temp = machinename
temp = lcase(" " &amp; temp &amp; " ")
pos = instr(temp,".")
if (pos &gt;0) then
GetDomainFromTargetComputer = trim(mid(temp,pos+1))
GetDomainFromTargetComputer = ""
end if
end function
function GetNetBIOSNameFromTargetComputer(machinename)
dim pos, temp
temp = machinename
temp = lcase(" " &amp; temp &amp; " ")
pos = instr(temp,".")
if (pos &gt;0) then
GetNetBIOSNameFromTargetComputer = trim(left(temp,pos-1))
GetNetBIOSNameFromTargetComputer = ""
end if
end function
function NormalizeDate(x)
dim retval, i, L, c

L = len(x)
for i = 1 to L
c = ucase(mid(x,i,1))
if (instr("/:AMP ",c)=0) then
retval = retval &amp; c
end if

NormalizeDate = retval
end function


function GetDateDiff(date1,date2,y,m,d,h,n,s)
'' returns false if date1 &gt; date2

dim x, d1, d2

d1 = date1
d2 = date2

if ( (datediff("yyyy",d1,d2) &lt; 0) or (datediff("m",d1,d2) &lt; 0) or (datediff("d",d1,d2) &lt; 0) or (datediff("h",d1,d2) &lt; 0) or (datediff("n",d1,d2) &lt; 0) or (datediff("s",d1,d2) &lt; 0) ) then
d1 = date2
d2 = date1
GetDateDiff = false ''' date1 not &lt; date2 unexpected
d1 = date1
d2 = date2
GetDateDiff = true ''' date1 &lt; date2 as expected
end if

x = datediff("yyyy",d1,d2)
y = x
d1 = dateadd("yyyy",x,d1)
if (datediff("s",d1,d2) &lt; 0) then
d1 = dateadd("yyyy",-1,d1)
y = y -1
end if
WriteLine "years: " &amp; y

x = datediff("m",d1,d2)
m = x
d1 = dateadd("m",x,d1)
if (datediff("s",d1,d2) &lt; 0) then
d1 = dateadd("m",-1,d1)
m = m -1
end if
WriteLine "months behind: " &amp; m

x = datediff("d",d1,d2)
d = x
d1 = dateadd("d",x,d1)
if (datediff("s",d1,d2) &lt; 0) then
d1 = dateadd("d",-1,d1)
d = d -1
end if
WriteLine "days behind: " &amp; d

x = datediff("h",d1,d2)
h = x
d1 = dateadd("h",x,d1)
if (datediff("s",d1,d2) &lt; 0) then
d1 = dateadd("h",-1,d1)
h = h -1
end if
WriteLine "hours behind: " &amp; h

x = datediff("n",d1,d2)
n = x
d1 = dateadd("n",x,d1)
if (datediff("s",d1,d2) &lt; 0) then
d1 = dateadd("n",-1,d1)
n = n -1
end if
WriteLine "minutes behind: " &amp; n

x = datediff("s",d1,d2)
s = x
d1 = dateadd("s",x,d1)
if (datediff("s",d1,d2) &lt; 0) then
d1 = dateadd("s",-1,d1)
s = s -1
end if
WriteLine "seconds behind: " &amp; s

end function

Function IsServiceRunning(servicename)

dim strNamespace, objWMIService, strComputer, colserviceList

strNamespace = "\root\CIMV2"
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\." &amp; strNameSpace)

On Error Resume Next
strComputer = "."

Dim objServicesCimv2 ' As SWbemServicesEx
Set objServicesCimv2 = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" _
&amp; strComputer &amp; "\root\cimv2")
if err.number = 0 Then

set colserviceList = objServicesCimv2.ExecQuery("select name, StartMode, State from Win32_Service where name = '" &amp; servicename &amp; "'")
dim s
for each s in colservicelist
WriteLine ("service: " &amp; &amp; " " &amp; s.StartMode &amp; " " &amp; s.State)
if ( (lcase(trim(s.state &amp; " ")) = "") or (lcase(trim(s.state &amp; " ")) = "stopped") ) then
IsServiceRunning = false
IsServiceRunning = true
end if
exit function

wscript.echo Err.Description
End If

wscript.echo "service '" &amp; servicename &amp; "' not found, assuming stopped"
IsServiceRunning = false

end function


Function IsPackageRunning(packagename)

dim strNamespace, objWMIService, strComputer, colserviceList, objRefresher

strNamespace = "\root\CIMV2"
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\." &amp; strNameSpace)

On Error Resume Next
strComputer = "."

Set objRefresher = createobject("WbemScripting.SWbemRefresher")
Dim objServicesCimv2 ' As SWbemServicesEx
Set objServicesCimv2 = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" _
&amp; strComputer &amp; "\root\cimv2")
if err.number = 0 Then

Dim objRefreshableItem ' As SWbemRefreshableItem
Set objRefreshableItem = _
objRefresher.AddEnum(objServicesCimv2, _

Dim process
dim counterval
dim retries
for retries = 1 to 10
counterval = clng(-1)
For Each process In objRefreshableItem.ObjectSet
if ( lcase(trim( &amp; " ")) = lcase(trim(packagename &amp; " ")) ) then
counterval = process.packagestopped
counterval = clng(counterval)
if err.number &lt;&gt; 0 then
counterval = clng(-1)
end if
WriteLine ( &amp; " " &amp; counterval)
if clng(counterval) &lt;&gt; clng(-1) then
IsPackageRunning = (clng(counterval) &lt;&gt; clng(1)) ''' 0 = running, 1 = stopped
exit function
WriteLine ("retrying to find the 'Package Stopped' counter")
end if
end if

WriteLine ("'Package Stopped' counter not found for package '" &amp; packagename &amp; "', assuming stopped after retries:" &amp; (retries-1))

IsPackageRunning = false

WriteLine (Err.Description)
WriteLine ("unable to connect to WMI \root\cimv2")
End If

end function

Function GetOldRetVal(strKeyPath, RegValuePrefixName)

GetOldRetVal = ""

Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &amp;H80000002
dim strComputer, oReg, strValueName, strValue, arrValueNames
strComputer = "."

Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" &amp; _
strComputer &amp; "\root\default:StdRegProv")

If (oReg.EnumKey (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath &amp; "\", arrValueNames) = 0) Then
WriteLine("The registry path exists " &amp; strKeyPath)
WriteLine("The registry path does not exist " &amp; strKeyPath)
exit Function
end if

strValueName = RegValuePrefixName &amp; "_LastUpdatedRetVal"
oReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strKeyPath,strValueName,strValue
strValue = strValue &amp; ""

GetOldRetVal = strValue

WriteLine("Old RetVal =" &amp; strValue)

end function

<ProbeAction ID="PassThrough" TypeID="System!System.PassThroughProbe"/>
<Node ID="PackageRunTimeReportProbe">
<Node ID="PassThrough"/>