Microsoft.BizTalk.Services.ESSOServiceEnterprise Single Sign-on Service

Microsoft.BizTalk.Services.ESSOService (ClassType)

Provides Single Sign-on services to enterprise applications.

Element properties:

Base ClassSystem.Service

Class Hierarchy:

Class Properties:

Property Name Type Display Name (ENU) Description (ENU) Key Max Length Min Length Case Sensitive
DisplayName  string  Display Name Display name of monitoring object. false 256  False 
ProductName  string  Product Name The name of the product installed. true 256  False 
ProductCode  guid  Product Code A GUID Identifier for the product. false 256   
ProductLanguage  string  Product Language The language code for the installed software, e.g. 1033 for US English false 256  False 
ProductVersion  string  Product Version The version number of the product, e.g. 3.5.1602.0 false 256  False 
Administration  string  Administration Version number of the administration tool. false 256  False 
ConfigFrameworkHelperPath  string  Configuration Framework Helper Path The folder where the SSO ConfigFramework helper assembly is installed. false 256  False 
InstallPath  string  Install Path The folder where SSO is installed. false 256  False 
Server  string  Server The version installed on this server. false 256  False 
Database  string  Database The database that SSO uses to store its data. false 256  False 
SQLServer  string  SQL Server The server on which the database is hosted false 256  False 
BackedUp  int  Backed Up A Boolean value indicating whether the Shared Secret has been backed up. false 256   

Health Model:

Source Code:

<ClassType ID="Microsoft.BizTalk.Services.ESSOService" Base="System!System.Service" Abstract="false" Accessibility="Public" Hosted="true" Singleton="false">
<Property Type="string" ID="ProductName" Key="true"/>
<Property Type="guid" ID="ProductCode"/>
<Property Type="string" ID="ProductLanguage"/>
<Property Type="string" ID="ProductVersion"/>
<Property Type="string" ID="Administration"/>
<Property Type="string" ID="ConfigFrameworkHelperPath"/>
<Property Type="string" ID="InstallPath"/>
<Property Type="string" ID="Server"/>
<Property Type="string" ID="Database"/>
<Property Type="string" ID="SQLServer"/>
<Property Type="int" ID="BackedUp"/>