MsDrdaService - Event 1027

Microsoft.HostIntegrationServer.2016.MsDrda_WarningEvent_1027 (Rule)

The Microsoft Service for DRDA cannot load the text trace listener.

Knowledge Base article:


The Microsoft Service for DRDA cannot load the text trace listener.


DRDA Service will return a warning if it cannot load a text trace listener at service startup. The warning does not prevent the DRDA Service from starting.


The administrator should look in the sources element and the sharedListeners element of the system.diagnostics section of the MsDrdaService.exe.config application configuration file. Check in the sources element that the source name "DrdaAs" is enabled and that the add name="DrdaAsTextListener" is enabled, and then check in the sharedListeners element that the name="DrdaAsTextListener" element values are correctly defined.

Element properties:

Event SourceMsDrdaService
Alert GenerateTrue
Alert SeverityWarning
Alert PriorityNormal
Alert Message
MsDrdaService Alert 1027
Server: {0}
Event ID: {1}
Event Description: {2}
Event LogApplication

Member Modules:

ID Module Type TypeId RunAs 
DS DataSource Microsoft.Windows.EventProvider Default
Alert WriteAction System.Health.GenerateAlert Default
WriteToDB WriteAction Microsoft.SystemCenter.CollectEvent Default
WriteToDW WriteAction Microsoft.SystemCenter.DataWarehouse.PublishEventData Default

Source Code:

<Rule ID="Microsoft.HostIntegrationServer.2016.MsDrda_WarningEvent_1027" Enabled="false" Target="Microsoft.HostIntegrationServer.2016.MsDrda" ConfirmDelivery="true" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal" DiscardLevel="100">
<DataSource ID="DS" TypeID="Windows!Microsoft.Windows.EventProvider">
<XPathQuery Type="UnsignedInteger">EventDisplayNumber</XPathQuery>
<Value Type="UnsignedInteger">1027</Value>
<XPathQuery Type="String">PublisherName</XPathQuery>
<Value Type="String">MsDrdaService</Value>
<WriteAction ID="Alert" TypeID="Health!System.Health.GenerateAlert">
<WriteAction ID="WriteToDB" TypeID="SC!Microsoft.SystemCenter.CollectEvent"/>
<WriteAction ID="WriteToDW" TypeID="SCDW!Microsoft.SystemCenter.DataWarehouse.PublishEventData"/>