Frequenza Garbage Collection

Microsoft.JEE.PerformanceHealth.GarbageCollectorRateMonitor (UnitMonitor)

Monitoraggio delle prestazioni della frequenza di Garbage Collection di un server applicazioni.

Knowledge Base article:


Il monitoraggio delle prestazioni per la frequenza della Garbage Collection tiene traccia della frequenza delle Garbage Collection nella Java Virtual Machine associata al server applicazioni.


Uno stato non integro indica che il Garbage Collector ha superato la soglia monitorata configurata per il server applicazioni.


Element properties:

Parent MonitorSystem.Health.PerformanceState
Alert GenerateTrue
Alert SeverityMatchMonitorHealth
Alert PriorityNormal
Alert Auto ResolveTrue
Monitor TypeMicrosoft.JEE.ThresholdDeltaUnitMonitor
Alert Message
Soglia monitoraggio della frequenza del Garbage Collector superata
Il monitoraggio della frequenza del Garbage Collector ha superato la soglia per l'ID del server applicazioni: {0}, nome oggetto: {1}, nome contatore: {2}, nome istanza: {3}

Source Code:

<UnitMonitor ID="Microsoft.JEE.PerformanceHealth.GarbageCollectorRateMonitor" Accessibility="Public" Enabled="false" Target="Microsoft.JEE.GarbageCollector" ParentMonitorID="Health!System.Health.PerformanceState" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal" TypeID="Microsoft.JEE.ThresholdDeltaUnitMonitor" ConfirmDelivery="true">
<AlertSettings AlertMessage="Microsoft.JEE.PerformanceHealth.GarbageCollectorRateMonitor_AlertMessageResourceID">
<!-- The alert description should include key properties of: -->
<!-- * the deep monitored application server -->
<!-- * the performance counter object name -->
<!-- * counter name -->
<!-- * instance name -->
<AlertParameter2>Garbage Collector</AlertParameter2>
<AlertParameter3>JVM Garbage Collector Collection Count Change Rate</AlertParameter3>
<OperationalState ID="Microsoft.JEE.PerformanceHealth.GC.Rate.UnderThreshold" MonitorTypeStateID="UnderThreshold" HealthState="Success"/>
<OperationalState ID="Microsoft.JEE.PerformanceHealth.GC.Rate.OverThreshold" MonitorTypeStateID="OverThreshold" HealthState="Warning"/>
<!-- Need to find the GCCollectionCount that has a sibling element -->
<!-- called GCName with a value of (for example) "PS Scavenge" -->
<!-- XPath should look like: -->
<!-- /Stats/GC/Properties/GCCollectionTime[../GCName = "PS Scavenge"] -->
<MetricName>/Stats/GC/Properties/GCCollectionCount[../GCName = "$Target/Property[Type="Microsoft.JEE.GarbageCollector"]/GarbageCollectorName$"]$</MetricName>
<!-- The spec says that a value of 30 GC's per hour is the threshold -->
<!-- as the monitor runs every 300 seconds (5 mins) an value of 5 -->
<!-- GC's per interval has been chosen -->