Total Processor \% DPC Time (SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10)

Microsoft.Linux.SLES.10.OperatingSystem.TotalPercentDPCTime.Collection (Rule)

Collects the performance counter Processor\\% DPC Time

Knowledge Base article:


This rule collects performance data for the Processor\% DPC Time (_Total) performance counter. The collected values are accessible in performance views and reports.

This metric exposes the percentage of time that all processors spent receiving and servicing deferred procedure calls (DPCs). DPCs are interrupts that run at a lower priority than standard interrupts. % DPC Time is a component of % Privileged Time because DPCs are executed in privileged mode. If a high % DPC Time is sustained, there may be a processor bottleneck or an application or hardware related issue that can significantly diminish overall system performance.

The value returned by the agent is the rolling average of the 5 most recent values queried at 1 minute intervals.

Element properties:

Alert GenerateFalse

Member Modules:

ID Module Type TypeId RunAs 
DS DataSource Microsoft.Unix.WSMan.PerfCounterProvider.Filtered Default
WriteToDB WriteAction Microsoft.SystemCenter.CollectPerformanceData Default
WriteToDW WriteAction Microsoft.SystemCenter.DataWarehouse.PublishPerformanceData Default

Source Code:

<Rule ID="Microsoft.Linux.SLES.10.OperatingSystem.TotalPercentDPCTime.Collection" Target="Microsoft.Linux.SLES.10.OperatingSystem" Enabled="true" Remotable="true">
<DataSource ID="DS" TypeID="Unix!Microsoft.Unix.WSMan.PerfCounterProvider.Filtered">
<CounterName>% DPC Time</CounterName>
<WriteAction ID="WriteToDB" TypeID="SC!Microsoft.SystemCenter.CollectPerformanceData"/>
<WriteAction ID="WriteToDW" TypeID="SCDW!Microsoft.SystemCenter.DataWarehouse.PublishPerformanceData"/>