Conmutación por error forzada

Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.AlwaysOn.ForcedFailoverForAvailabilityReplica (ConsoleTask)

Abra la consola SQLPS y conmute por error a la réplica de disponibilidad de destino que creará esta réplica en la nueva principal del grupo de disponibilidad. En esta tarea se usa el parámetro -AllowDataLoss.

Element properties:


Source Code:

<ConsoleTask ID="Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.AlwaysOn.ForcedFailoverForAvailabilityReplica" Accessibility="Internal" Target="AlwaysOnDisc!Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.AlwaysOn.AvailabilityReplica" RequireOutput="false" Category="MonitoringObject">
<Parameter>-Version 2 -NoExit -NoLogo -NoProfile -Command Invoke-Command {$l = 0;$ag='$Target/Property[Type="AlwaysOnDisc!Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.AlwaysOn.AvailabilityReplica"]/AvailabilityGroupName$';
$l = 0;$serverName = '$Target/Property[Type="System!System.Entity"]/DisplayName$';
$l = 0;$dbReplicaName = ([regex]::Replace('$Target/Property[Type="System!System.Entity"]/DisplayName$', '\\', '%5C'));

# Get FQDN of machine in current domain as we assume that all replicas in the same domain
# If IP address is provided the host name is resolved via DNS
function Get-FQDN {
param ([string]$name = $(throw "Name is required parameter."))

# return FQDN
return [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName($name).HostName

function ImportModuleActionSqlModules($arAssemblies){
$paths = @(
(get-itemproperty -path "hklm:\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\ClientSetup\" | Select SQLPath).SQLPath ,
(get-itemproperty -path "hklm:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\ClientSetup\" | Select SQLPath).SQLPath )

if (!(ImportSQLModules $arAssemblies $paths "110\Tools")) {
Import-Module SQLPS -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
if(!(IsModuleLoaded "SQLPS"))
throw "Unable to load SQLPS modules"

function IsModuleLoaded([string]$include) {
$modules = Get-Module
foreach($module in $modules){
if($module.Name.Contains($include)) {
return $true
return $false

function ImportSQLModules {
param (

$flRet = $false
foreach($path in $paths){
foreach($assemblyName in $arAssemblies){
$filename = $path + $assemblyName
if(Test-Path $filename){
Import-Module $filename -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
$flRet = $true;
return $flRet


#Depends on:
# AlwaysOnCommon.ps1

$arAssemblies = @(,'\PowerShell\Modules\SQLPS\SQLPS.psd1');
ImportModuleActionSqlModules $arAssemblies

function p{
if ($v -ilike '*\*') { return $v } else { return '{0}\DEFAULT' -f $v }

$rp = ('{0}' -f (p($serverName)));
cd ('sqlserver:\SQL\{0}\AvailabilityGroups\{1}\AvailabilityReplicas\{2}\' -f $rp, $ag, $dbReplicaName);
$avg = (Get-Item ('..\..\..\{0}' -f $ag));
try{ Switch-SqlAvailabilityGroup -InputObject $avg -AllowDataLoss -Confirm; }
catch { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red $_.Exception.Message; }
Write-Host "Press any key to exit...";