Fonte de dados da coleta de lixo do grupo de arquivos de dados com otimização de memória do SQL Server 2014

Microsoft.SQLServer.2014.DataSource.DBFileGroupFx.GarbageCollection (DataSourceModuleType)

A fonte de dados retorna estatísticas de coleta de lixo do grupo de arquivos de dados com otimização de memória do SQL Server 2014

Element properties:


Member Modules:

ID Module Type TypeId RunAs 
Scheduler DataSource System.Scheduler Default
Probe ProbeAction Microsoft.Windows.PowerShellPropertyBagProbe Default
DatabaseFilter ConditionDetection System.ExpressionFilter Default

Overrideable Parameters:

IDParameterTypeSelectorDisplay NameDescription
IntervalSecondsint$Config/IntervalSeconds$Intervalo (segundos)O intervalo de tempo recorrente em segundos no qual executa-se o fluxo de trabalho.
SyncTimestring$Config/SyncTime$Hora da SincronizaçãoA hora da sincronização especificada usando um formato de 24 horas. Pode ser omitido.
TimeoutSecondsint$Config/TimeoutSeconds$Tempo Limite (segundos)Especifica o tempo que o fluxo de trabalho pode funcionar antes de ser fechado e marcado como com falha.
ScriptDelayMsecint$Config/ScriptDelayMsec$Atraso do Script (milissegundos)Este parâmetro define o atraso entre as consultas T-SQL consecutivas executadas pelo fluxo de trabalho. Isso pode ajudar a reduzir a pegada gerada pelo fluxo de trabalho em caso de um grande número de objetos de destino. Consulte o Suporte da Microsoft antes de alterar esse parâmetro.

Source Code:

<DataSourceModuleType ID="Microsoft.SQLServer.2014.DataSource.DBFileGroupFx.GarbageCollection" Accessibility="Internal" RunAs="SQL2014Core!Microsoft.SQLServer.2014.SQLProbeAccount">
<xsd:element xmlns:xsd="" name="IntervalSeconds" type="xsd:integer"/>
<xsd:element xmlns:xsd="" name="SyncTime" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element xmlns:xsd="" name="ServerName" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element xmlns:xsd="" name="SqlInstanceName" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element xmlns:xsd="" name="DatabaseName" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element xmlns:xsd="" name="TimeoutSeconds" type="xsd:int"/>
<xsd:element xmlns:xsd="" name="ScriptDelayMsec" type="xsd:int"/>
<OverrideableParameter ID="IntervalSeconds" ParameterType="int" Selector="$Config/IntervalSeconds$"/>
<OverrideableParameter ID="SyncTime" ParameterType="string" Selector="$Config/SyncTime$"/>
<OverrideableParameter ID="TimeoutSeconds" ParameterType="int" Selector="$Config/TimeoutSeconds$"/>
<OverrideableParameter ID="ScriptDelayMsec" ParameterType="int" Selector="$Config/ScriptDelayMsec$"/>
<DataSource ID="Scheduler" TypeID="System!System.Scheduler">
<ProbeAction ID="Probe" TypeID="Windows!Microsoft.Windows.PowerShellPropertyBagProbe">
param($computerName, $sqlInstanceName, $connectionString, $tcpPort, $delay, $serviceName)

#TODO: Discuss event id
$DEBUG_MODULE = "GetHKGarbageCollectionState.ps1"
$DEBUG_SA = $null
$DEBUG_PWD = $null

#Event Severity values

#debug information
function PrintDebug( $api, $error_msg )
if($DEBUG_MODE -eq 1) {
$header = "Management Group: $Target/ManagementGroup/Name$. Script: {0} Module: {1}" -f ($MyInvocation.MyCommand).Name.ToString(), $DEBUG_MODULE
$DEBUG_MSG += [Environment]::NewLine
$DEBUG_MSG += $error_msg

function Main(){
ModuleAction $computerName $sqlInstanceName $connectionString $tcpPort $delay $serviceName

function ModuleAction
#error messege has to be logged duaring execution
$log_error_msg = $false
$error_msg = ""
if($DEBUG_MODE -eq 1)
$DEBUG_MSG = "ComputerName: $computerName InstanceName: $sqlInstanceName"
$DEBUG_MSG += " ConnectionString: $connectionString tcpPort: $tcpPort delay: $delay" + [Environment]::NewLine
# Prepare MOM API and property bag object
$api = New-Object -comObject "MOM.ScriptAPI"
$SqlConnection = $null

#if service is not in running state when exit without any error
$state = GetServiceState $computerName $serviceName $sqlInstanceName
if(($state -ne "Running") -and ($state -ne "Unknown"))

$SqlConnection = SmartConnect $connectionString "master" $computerName $sqlInstanceName $DEBUG_SA $DEBUG_PWD
#if connection is null when exit the script without error
if($SqlConnection -eq $null )
PrintDebug $api "The server was not found or was not accessible."

$queryDB = "USE ""{0}"";
SELECT name as dbName, database_id as dbID
FROM sys.databases
WHERE source_database_id IS NULL AND state = 0 AND is_read_only = 0 AND name not in ('master', 'model', 'msdb', 'tempdb');"

$queryFX = "USE ""{0}"";
SELECT type, filegroup_guid FROM sys.filegroups WHERE type = 'FX';"

$queryFillFactor = "USE ""{0}"";
declare @deleted_row_count int;
declare @inserted_row_count int;
declare @effective_row_percentage float
declare @storage_usage_fill_factor float

-- get the total deleted row counts by looking at active delta files
select @deleted_row_count = SUM (deleted_row_count)
from sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_files
where state = 2 and file_type = 1

-- get total inserted row count by looking at active data files
select @inserted_row_count = SUM (inserted_row_count)
from sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_files
where state = 2 and file_type = 0

-- get the effective % of active rows after accounting for the deleted rows
select @effective_row_percentage = CASE WHEN @inserted_row_count &gt; 0 THEN (1 - convert (float, @deleted_row_count)/@inserted_row_count) Else 0 End

-- Compute the effective usage fill factor for the storage.
-- This should be &gt;= 50% otherwise it is an indication that auto-merge is not
-- keeping up
@storage_usage_fill_factor = str (convert (varchar(100), ((SUM (file_size_used_in_bytes)*@effective_row_percentage)/SUM (file_size_in_bytes)) *100 ),5, 2)
from sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_files
where state = 2 and file_type = 0

@storage_usage_fill_factor as 'storage_usage_fill_factor',
@effective_row_percentage as 'effective_row_percentage',
@inserted_row_count as 'inserted_row_count',
@deleted_row_count as 'deleted_row_count'"

$res = SqlConnQueryTables $SqlConnection $queryDB "master"

$res | foreach {
$dbName = $_.dbName
$dbID = $_.dbID
$resFX = SqlConnQueryTables $SqlConnection $queryFX $_.dbName

if( $resFX -ne $null ) {

$resFiles = SqlConnQueryTables $SqlConnection $queryFillFactor $_.dbName

$resFiles | foreach {

$storage_usage_fill_factor = $_.storage_usage_fill_factor
$effective_row_percentage = $_.effective_row_percentage
$inserted_row_count = $_.inserted_row_count
$deleted_row_count = $_.deleted_row_count

if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.storage_usage_fill_factor) -eq $true ) { $storage_usage_fill_factor = 0; }
if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.effective_row_percentage) -eq $true ) { $effective_row_percentage = 0; }
if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.inserted_row_count) -eq $true ) { $inserted_row_count = 0; }
if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.deleted_row_count) -eq $true ) { $deleted_row_count = 0; }

if($DEBUG_MODE -eq 1) {
$DEBUG_MSG += "Database = $dbName"
$DEBUG_MSG += " storage_usage_fill_factor = " + $storage_usage_fill_factor
$DEBUG_MSG += " effective_row_percentage = " + $effective_row_percentage
$DEBUG_MSG += " inserted_row_count = " + $inserted_row_count
$DEBUG_MSG += " deleted_row_count = " + $deleted_row_count
$DEBUG_MSG += [Environment]::NewLine

$bag = $api.CreatePropertyBag()
$bag.AddValue("Database", $dbName)
$bag.AddValue("StorageUsageFillFactor", $storage_usage_fill_factor)
$bag.AddValue("EffectiveRowPercentage", $effective_row_percentage)
$bag.AddValue("InsertedRowCount", $inserted_row_count)
$bag.AddValue("DeletedRowCount", $deleted_row_count)
Start-Sleep -m $delay
$flag = AlwaysOnReplicaAllowConnections $SqlConnection $dbID
if($flag -ne 0)
$log_error_msg = $true
$error_msg += "Error occurred during Request count data source executing.{0}Computer: {1} {0}Reason: {2} {0}Position:{3} {0}Offset:{4} {0}Database: {5}" -f [Environment]::NewLine, $env:COMPUTERNAME, $_.Exception.Message, $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber, $_.InvocationInfo.OffsetInLine, $dbName
catch {
$log_error_msg = $true
$error_msg += "Error occurred during Request count data source executing.{0}Computer:{1} {0}Reason: {2} {0}Position:{3} {0}Offset:{4}" -f [Environment]::NewLine, $env:COMPUTERNAME, $_.Exception.Message, $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber, $_.InvocationInfo.OffsetInLine
$error_msg += "{0}Detailed error output: {1}" -f [Environment]::NewLine, [String]::Join("{0}--------{0}" -f [Environment]::NewLine, $Error.ToArray())
if($SqlConnection -ne $null){
#if an error takes place when message has to be printed
if($log_error_msg -eq $true) {
$header = "Management Group: $Target/ManagementGroup/Name$. Script: {0} Module: {1} Version: {2}" -f ($MyInvocation.MyCommand).Name.ToString(), $DEBUG_MODULE, $MANAGEMENT_PACK_VERSION
$api.LogScriptEvent($header, $SCRIPT_EVENT_ID, $ERROR_EVENT_TYPE, $error_msg)
#debug information
PrintDebug $api $error_msg




function SqlTcpPortIsEmpty($tcpPort) {
return [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($tcpPort) -or $tcpPort -eq '0'

function GetDataSource($dataSource, $tcpPort) {
$targetDataSource = $dataSource

if (!(SqlTcpPortIsEmpty $tcpPort)){
$nameParts = $dataSource.Split("{\}")
$targetDataSource = $nameParts[0] + "," + $tcpPort
return $targetDataSource

function BuildDataSourceFromParts($computerName, $instanceName, $tcpPort){
$dataSource = $computerName
if($instanceName -ne "MSSQLSERVER"){
$dataSource = "$computerName\$instanceName"
return GetDataSource $dataSource $tcpPort

function BuildConnectionString(
[String] $dataSource,
[string] $databaseName,
[String] $timeout = 100,
[String] $user = $null,
[String] $password = $null) {
$builder = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder

$builder["Data Source"] = $dataSource
$builder["Initial Catalog"] = $databaseName
$builder['Connection Timeout'] = $timeout
if (($user.Length -ne 0) -and ($password.Length -ne 0)) {
$builder["User ID"] = $user
$builder["Password"] = $password
} else {
$builder["Integrated Security"] = 'SSPI'
return $builder.ConnectionString

function GetEnabledSqlServerProtocols($computerName, $instanceName) {
$protocolsWmi = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ComputerManagement12" -Class 'ServerNetworkProtocol' -Filter "InstanceName = '$instanceName'"
$protocolsArr = @()

if($protocolsWmi -ne $null)
foreach($protocol in $protocolsWmi){

return (,$protocolsArr)

function GetSqlServerTcpIpSettings([string] $instanceName){
$ipSettings = @{}

$settingsWmi = Get-WmiObject -Namespace 'root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ComputerManagement12' -Class 'ServerNetworkProtocolProperty' -Filter "ProtocolName = 'Tcp' and InstanceName = '$instanceName'"

$listenAllObj = $settingsWmi | Where-Object {($_.ProtocolName -eq "Tcp") -and ($_.InstanceName -eq $instanceName) -and($_.PropertyName -eq "ListenOnAllIPs")}

$listenAll = $false
if($listenAllObj.PropertyNumVal -eq 1){
$listenAll = $true

if($listenAll) {
$portArr = @()
$tcpIpAll = $settingsWmi | Where-Object {($_.ProtocolName -eq "Tcp") -and ($_.InstanceName -eq $instanceName) -and ($_.IPAddressName -eq "IPAll") -and (($_.PropertyName -eq "TcpPort") -or ($_.PropertyName -eq "TcpDynamicPorts")) -and ($_.PropertyStrVal -ne '')}

foreach($port in $tcpIpAll)
$splittedPorts = $port.PropertyStrVal.Split("{,}", [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries) | %{$_.Trim()} | ?{-not (SqlTcpPortIsEmpty $_)}
$portArr += $splittedPorts
$ipSettings.Add("IPAll", $portArr);
$ipAddresses = ($settingsWmi | Where-Object { ($_.ProtocolName -eq "Tcp") -and ($_.InstanceName -eq $instanceName) -and($_.IPAddressName -ne "")-and($_.PropertyName -eq "Enabled") -and ($_.PropertyNumVal -eq 1)})

foreach($ipAddress in $ipAddresses){
$ipAddressName = $ipAddress.IPAddressName

$ip = $settingsWmi | Where-Object {($_.ProtocolName -eq "Tcp") -and ($_.InstanceName -eq $instanceName) -and($_.IPAddressName -eq $ipAddressName)-and( $_.PropertyName -eq "IpAddress") -and ($_.PropertyStrVal -ne '')} | select -ExpandProperty PropertyStrVal

$ports = $settingsWmi | Where-Object {($_.ProtocolName -eq "Tcp") -and ($_.InstanceName -eq $instanceName) -and($_.IPAddressName -eq $ipAddressName)-and( ($_.PropertyName -eq "TcpPort") -or ($_.PropertyName -eq "TcpDynamicPorts")) -and ($_.PropertyStrVal -ne '')}

$portArr = @()
foreach($port in $ports)
$splittedPorts = $port.PropertyStrVal.Split("{,}", [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries) | %{$_.Trim()} | ?{-not (SqlTcpPortIsEmpty $_)}
$portArr += $splittedPorts
$ipSettings.Add($ip, $portArr);
return New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{'ListenAllIPs' = $listenAll; 'IpSettings' = $ipSettings }

function SqlTryToConnectAndValidate(
[String] $dataSource,
[string] $databaseName,
[String] $serverName,
[String] $instanceName,
[string] $timeout = 30,
[String] $user = $null,
[String] $password = $null){

$serverNameWithoutDomain = $serverName
$connectionString = BuildConnectionString $dataSource $databaseName $timeout $user $password
$query = "SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('MachineName') AS ServerName, @@servicename AS InstanceName"

$sqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection ($connectionString)
$sqlAdapter = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter ($query,$sqlConnection)
$dataSet = New-Object System.Data.DataSet
$sqlAdapter.Fill($dataSet) | Out-Null

$res = $dataSet.Tables | Select -First 1
if ($res -ne $null) {
$queryServerName = ($res | Select -ExpandProperty ServerName).ToUpperInvariant()
$queryInstanceName = ($res | Select -ExpandProperty InstanceName).ToUpperInvariant()
$dotPosition = $serverName.IndexOf(".")
if ($dotPosition -gt -1) {
$serverNameWithoutDomain = $serverName.Substring(0, $dotPosition)
if (($serverNameWithoutDomain.ToUpperInvariant() -eq $queryServerName) -and ($instanceName.ToUpperInvariant() -eq $queryInstanceName)) {
return $sqlConnection;
throw "Connection target check failed: connected to $serverNameWithoutDomain\$instanceName, but got $queryServerName\$queryInstanceName."


function SmartConnectNTE($connectionDataSource, $databaseName, $machineName, $instanceName, $debug_user = $null, $debug_password = $null){

return SmartConnect $connectionDataSource $databaseName $machineName $instanceName $debug_user $debug_password

return $null

function SmartConnect($connectionDataSource, $databaseName, $machineName, $instanceName, $debug_user = $null, $debug_password = $null){

$connectionString = [string]::Empty
$lastError = $null
$errorColl = @()
$targetDataSource = ""

$targetDataSource = GetDataSource $connectionDataSource ""
return SqlTryToConnectAndValidate $targetDataSource $databaseName $machineName $instanceName 15 $debug_user $debug_password
$lastError = $_.Exception
$errorColl += "Failed to connect to data source '$targetDataSource': $($_.Exception.Message)"

if ((GetEnabledSqlServerProtocols $machineName $instanceName) -contains "tcp") {
$tcpIpSettings = GetSqlServerTcpIpSettings $instanceName
$pathArray = $connectionDataSource.Split("{'\'}")
$targetName = $pathArray[0]

if ($tcpIpSettings.ListenAllIps) {
foreach($port in $tcpIpSettings.IpSettings["IPAll"]){
try {
$targetDataSource = GetDataSource $targetName $port
return SqlTryToConnectAndValidate $targetDataSource $databaseName $machineName $instanceName 10 $debug_user $debug_password
catch {
$lastError = $_.Exception
$errorColl += "Failed to connect to data source '$targetDataSource': $($_.Exception.Message)"
$upc = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]"
foreach($portArr in $tcpIpSettings.IpSettings.Values){
if(($portArr.Length -gt 0) -and $upc.Add($portArr[0])){
try {
$targetDataSource = GetDataSource $targetName $portArr[0]
return SqlTryToConnectAndValidate $targetDataSource $databaseName $machineName $instanceName 10 $debug_user $debug_password
catch {
$lastError = $_.Exception
$errorColl += "Failed to connect to data source '$targetDataSource': $($_.Exception.Message)"
foreach($pair in $tcpIpSettings.IpSettings.GetEnumerator()){
foreach($port in $pair.Value){
try {
$targetDataSource = GetDataSource $pair.Key $port
return SqlTryToConnectAndValidate $targetDataSource $databaseName $machineName $instanceName 10 $debug_user $debug_password
catch {
$lastError = $_.Exception
$errorColl += "Failed to connect to data source '$targetDataSource': $($_.Exception.Message)"
throw [Exception] ("Cannot connect to the target Sql Server instance.`nConnection log:`n" + [string]::Join([Environment]::NewLine, $errorColl)) #, $lastError

function SqlQueryTablesCommon($sqlConnection, $inputQuery, [bool]$useDbName, $dbName, $queryParams){
$sqlCmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
$sqlAdapter = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
$dataSet = New-Object System.Data.DataSet
try {
$query = $inputQuery
if($useDbName) {
$query = $inputQuery -f ($dbName -replace '"', '""')
$sqlCmd.CommandText = $query
$sqlCmd.Connection = $sqlConnection
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $queryParams.Length; $i++) {
$sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(("@p" + ($i+1)), [object]($queryParams[$i])) | Out-Null
$sqlAdapter.SelectCommand = $sqlCmd
$sqlAdapter.Fill($dataSet) | Out-Null
if(($dataSet.Tables.Count -eq 0) -or ($DataSet.Tables[0] -eq $null))
throw 'Can not query data from {0} database. Please check read permissions for this db.' -f $SqlConnection.Database
return $dataSet.Tables

function SqlQueryTables($sqlConnection, $query) {
return SqlQueryTablesCommon $sqlConnection $query $false $null $args

function SqlConnQueryTables($sqlConnection, $query, $dbName) {
return SqlQueryTablesCommon $sqlConnection $query $true $dbName $args

function SqlQueryRows($sqlConnection, $query){
return (SqlQueryTablesCommon $sqlConnection $query $false $null $args | Select -First 1).Rows

function SqlConnQueryRows($sqlConnection, $query, $dbName){
return (SqlQueryTablesCommon $sqlConnection $query $true $dbName $args | Select -First 1).Rows

function SqlQueryScalar($SqlConnection, $query) {
$sqlAdapter = New-Object 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter' ($query, $SqlConnection)
$dataSet = New-Object System.Data.DataSet
$SqlAdapter.Fill($dataSet) | Out-Null
if(($dataSet.Tables.Count -eq 0) -or ($DataSet.Tables[0] -eq $null))
throw 'Can not query data from {0} database. Please check read permissions for this db.' -f $SqlConnection.Database
return ($dataSet.Tables[0]|Select -first 1)[0]

#''' Returns -1: If DB is not in AlwaysOn
#''' Returns 0: If DB is in AlwaysOn and replica allow connections is NO
#''' Returns 1: If DB is in AlwaysOn and replica allow connections is YES
function AlwaysOnReplicaAllowConnections([System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection]$SqlConnection, $DatabaseID)
$query = " SELECT, CASE WHEN OBJECT_ID('sys.availability_replicas') IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS HasAlwaysOn " +
" FROM master.sys.syscolumns columns where name = 'replica_id' and id = OBJECT_ID('sys.databases')"
$dr = SqlConnQueryTables $SqlConnection $query | Select -First 1

if($dr -eq $null -or $dr.HasAlwaysOn -ne 1) {
return -1

$query = "SELECT, d.database_id, drs.is_primary_replica AS db_is_primary_replica
, CASE WHEN d.replica_id IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS is_replica
, CASE WHEN drs.is_primary_replica = 1 THEN ar.primary_role_allow_connections ELSE ar.secondary_role_allow_connections END AS role_allow_connections
, CASE WHEN drs.is_suspended = 0 THEN -1 ELSE suspend_reason END AS db_suspended_state
FROM sys.databases as d
JOIN sys.dm_hadr_database_replica_states drs ON drs.database_id = d.database_id
JOIN sys.availability_replicas ar on d.replica_id = ar.replica_id
WHERE drs.is_local = 1 AND d.database_id = @p1"
$rdr = SqlQueryTables $SqlConnection $query $DatabaseID | Select -First 1

if($rdr -ne $null -and $rdr.is_replica -eq 1) {
if($rdr.role_allow_connections -le 1) {
return 0
else {
if($rdr.db_suspended_state -gt 0 -and (!$rdr.db_is_primary_replica -or ($rdr.db_is_primary_replica -and $rdr.db_suspended_state -ne 5))){
return 0
return 1
return -1


#The function returns service or "Unknown" state
# server - compute name
# service - system service name
# InstanceName - sql server instance name
# service state or "Unknown" state
function GetServiceState($server, $service, $InstanceName)
try {
if ($service -eq "MSSQL") {
$service = "MSSQL`${0}" -f $InstanceName
$namespace = "root/cimv2"
$obje = Get-WmiObject -Property 'Name,State' -Namespace $namespace -ComputerName $server -Class "win32_service" -Filter "Name = '$service'" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($obje -ne $null) {
return $obje.State
catch {
return "Unknown"

function GetSQLServiceName($InstanceName)
if ($InstanceName -eq "MSSQLSERVER")
return 'MSSQL$' + $InstanceName

function IsNullOrZero($count)
return ($count -eq 0) -or ($count -eq $null)

function LogEventDebug($message) {
if($DEBUG_MODE -eq 1) {

function ConvertToInt($v) {
if ($v -eq $null) {
return $null;
if ([int].IsInstanceOfType($v)) {
return $v;
$res = $null;
if([int]::TryParse($v.ToString(),[ref] $res)) {
return $res;
return $null;

<ConditionDetection ID="DatabaseFilter" TypeID="System!System.ExpressionFilter">
<XPathQuery Type="String">Property[@Name='Database']</XPathQuery>
<Value Type="String">$Config/DatabaseName$</Value>
<Node ID="DatabaseFilter">
<Node ID="Probe">
<Node ID="Scheduler"/>