Microsoft.SQLServer.Replication.Core.GenericPublisherMSSQL: Generic Replication Publisher

Microsoft.SQLServer.Replication.Core.GenericPublisher (ClassType)

Basic collection of common properties for all versions of Publishers.

Knowledge Base article:


Basic collection of common properties for all versions of Publishers.

Element properties:

Base ClassSystem.Entity

Class Hierarchy:

Class Properties:

Property Name Type Display Name (ENU) Description (ENU) Key Max Length Min Length Case Sensitive
DisplayName  string  Display Name Display name of the object. false 4000  False 
PublisherType  string  Publisher Type The type of the server false 256  False 
Distributor  string  Distributor The Distributor used by the publisher. false 256  False 
DistributorDatabaseName  string  Distribution Database The database at the distributor used by this Publisher false 256  False 
DefaultSnapshotFolder  string  Default Snapshot Folder A folder where snapshots of publications from this Publisher are stored false 260  False 
ServiceName  string  Service Name The name of the Service on performance counter false 256  False 
AgentServiceName  string  SQL Agent Service Name false 256  False 
ConnectionString  string  Connection String Full Name of MS SQL Server instance false 256  False 

Health Model:

Source Code:

<ClassType ID="Microsoft.SQLServer.Replication.Core.GenericPublisher" Base="System!System.Entity" Accessibility="Public" Abstract="true" Hosted="false" Singleton="false">
<Property ID="PublisherType" Type="string" Key="false"/>
<Property ID="Distributor" Type="string" Key="false"/>
<Property ID="DistributorDatabaseName" Type="string" Key="false"/>
<Property ID="DefaultSnapshotFolder" Type="string" Key="false" MaxLength="260"/>
<Property ID="ServiceName" Type="string" Key="false"/>
<Property ID="AgentServiceName" Type="string" Key="false"/>
<Property ID="ConnectionString" Type="string" Key="false"/>