This rule discovers Local SQL Server DB Engines Should Manage Relationship on Windows.
This rule discovers Local SQL Server DB Engines Should Manage Relationship on Windows.
Name | Description | Default Value |
Enabled | Enables or disables the workflow. | Yes |
Interval (seconds) | The recurring interval of time in seconds in which to run the workflow. | 60 |
Mixed Monitoring | Specifies the names of the instances that should be monitored in mixed mode. Use comma to divide instance names. Cluster instances are always monitored in mixed mode. Use "*" to monitor all local DB Engines in mixed mode |
Synchronization Time | The synchronization time specified by using a 24-hour format. May be omitted. |
Timeout (seconds) | Specifies the time the workflow is allowed to run before being closed and marked as failed. | 55 |
Target | Microsoft.SQLServer.Windows.LocalClusteredDBEngineDiscoverySeed |
Enabled | True |
Frequency | 60 |
Remotable | False |
Discovered relationships and their attribuets: |
ID | Module Type | TypeId | RunAs |
DS | DataSource | Microsoft.SQLServer.Windows.DataSource.ClusterInstanceRelationshipDiscovery | Default |
<Discovery ID="Microsoft.SQLServer.Windows.ClusterInstanceRelationshipDiscovery" Enabled="true" Target="Microsoft.SQLServer.Windows.LocalClusteredDBEngineDiscoverySeed">
<DiscoveryRelationship TypeID="SC!Microsoft.SystemCenter.HealthServiceShouldManageEntity"/>
<DataSource ID="DS" TypeID="Microsoft.SQLServer.Windows.DataSource.ClusterInstanceRelationshipDiscovery">