Tipo de monitor de comprobación de limpieza y creación de particiones

Microsoft.SystemCenter.2007.OpsMgrDB.PartitioningAndGroomingMonitorType (UnitMonitorType)

Este tipo de monitor detecta posibles problemas con la base de datos operativa mediante la comprobación del estado de los procesos de limpieza y creación de particiones que pudieran causar problemas de rendimiento.

Knowledge Base article:


Tipo de monitor para comprobar el proceso de limpieza y creación de particiones.

Element properties:

Support Monitor RecalculateTrue

Member Modules:

ID Module Type TypeId RunAs 
DS DataSource System.Scheduler Default
Probe ProbeAction Microsoft.SystemCenter.2007.OpsMgrDB.Generic.DS Default
CD1 ConditionDetection System.Performance.ConsecutiveSamplesCondition Default
CDInSufficientSamples ConditionDetection System.ExpressionFilter Default
CDSufficientSamples ConditionDetection System.ExpressionFilter Default
CDUnderThreshold ConditionDetection System.ExpressionFilter Default
CDWarningThreshold ConditionDetection System.ExpressionFilter Default
Mapper ConditionDetection System.Performance.DataGenericMapper Default

Overrideable Parameters:

IDParameterTypeSelectorDisplay NameDescription
IntervalSecondsint$Config/IntervalSeconds$Intervalo (segundos)Este flujo de trabajo ejecuta una secuencia de comandos con una programación periódica. El intervalo es la cantidad de segundos que el flujo de trabajo debe esperar entre una ejecución y la siguiente. Cambie este valor si desea que el flujo de trabajo se ejecute con mayor o menor frecuencia.
Synctimestring$Config/Synctime$Hora de sincronización
TimeoutSecondsint$Config/TimeoutSeconds$Tiempo de espera (segundos)Este flujo de trabajo se ejecuta según una secuencia de comandos con una programación periódica. El tiempo de espera es la cantidad de segundos durante los cuales la secuencia de comandos puede ejecutarse antes de su detención forzada. Nota: el tiempo de espera debe ser siempre menor que el intervalo para asegurar que no se ejecutan varias instancias de la secuencia de comandos al mismo tiempo.
Thresholdint$Config/Threshold$Número máximo de días desde la última operación correctaEste flujo de trabajo utiliza el valor "número máximo de días desde la última operación correcta" como umbral para determinar el estado. Establezca este valor en el número máximo de días que pueden pasar sin que los procesos de creación de particiones y limpieza se realicen correctamente antes de que se considere un problema.
TimesBeforeAlertint$Config/TimesBeforeAlert$Recuento de muestras antes de emitir una alertaCantidad de muestras que deberán contarse antes de que el monitor pase a un estado de advertencia.

Source Code:

<UnitMonitorType ID="Microsoft.SystemCenter.2007.OpsMgrDB.PartitioningAndGroomingMonitorType" Accessibility="Internal">
<MonitorTypeState ID="UnderThreshold" NoDetection="false"/>
<MonitorTypeState ID="WarningThreshold" NoDetection="false"/>
<xsd:element name="IntervalSeconds" type="xsd:integer"/>
<xsd:element name="Synctime" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="TimeoutSeconds" type="xsd:integer"/>
<xsd:element name="DatabaseServerName" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="DatabaseName" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="Threshold" type="xsd:int"/>
<xsd:element name="TimesBeforeAlert" type="xsd:integer"/>
<OverrideableParameter ID="IntervalSeconds" Selector="$Config/IntervalSeconds$" ParameterType="int"/>
<OverrideableParameter ID="Synctime" Selector="$Config/Synctime$" ParameterType="string"/>
<OverrideableParameter ID="TimeoutSeconds" Selector="$Config/TimeoutSeconds$" ParameterType="int"/>
<OverrideableParameter ID="Threshold" Selector="$Config/Threshold$" ParameterType="int"/>
<OverrideableParameter ID="TimesBeforeAlert" Selector="$Config/TimesBeforeAlert$" ParameterType="int"/>
<DataSource ID="DS" TypeID="System!System.Scheduler">
<ProbeAction ID="Probe" TypeID="Microsoft.SystemCenter.2007.OpsMgrDB.Generic.DS">
'Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

' $ScriptName: "GetSqlNativeClientComman" $
' Purpose: This script is used to get SQL native client Driver name.
' $File: GetSqlNativeClientComman.vbs $

Option Explicit

Function GetSqlDriverName
Dim oReg
Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &amp;H80000002
Const HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = &amp;H80000000
Dim strComputer, strDriverPath, strKeyPath, intValue, strValueName,arrSubKeys,oSubkey,strNewKeyPath,intDotIndex, strDriverPathFromHKeyClassRoot
strComputer = "."
Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:\\" &amp; _
strComputer &amp; "\root\default:StdRegProv")

strKeyPath = "CLSID\{5A23DE84-1D7B-4A16-8DED-B29C09CB648D}"
'strDriverPathFromHKeyClassRoot is used to check driver MSOLEDBSQL is installed or not. If found MSOLEDBSQL will be returned from function else strDriverPath="SQLOLEDB" will be used for further checking.
oReg.GetStringValue HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strKeyPath, "", strDriverPathFromHKeyClassRoot
If strDriverPathFromHKeyClassRoot = "MSOLEDBSQL" Then
GetSqlDriverName = strDriverPathFromHKeyClassRoot
Exit Function
End If

oReg.EnumKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath, arrSubKeys

For Each oSubkey In arrSubKeys
intValue = InStr(oSubkey, "SQL Server Native Client")
if intValue &lt;&gt; 0 Then
strValueName = "Driver"
strNewKeyPath = strKeyPath&amp;"\"&amp;oSubkey
oReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strNewKeyPath, strValueName , strDriverPath
strDriverPath = Mid (strDriverPath, InStrRev(strDriverPath, "\")+1)
intDotIndex = InStr(strDriverPath, ".")
strDriverPath = Left(strDriverPath , intDotIndex-1)
end if
GetSqlDriverName = strDriverPath
End Function

'Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

' $ScriptName: "PartitioningAndGroomingMonitor" $
' Purpose: This script checks for grooming and partiting processes.
' $File: PartitioningAndGroomingMonitor.vbs $

Dim objCN,objRS,strQuery, strCountOfJobsSucceeded, strCountOfJobs
Dim oArgs,oAPI,oBag
Dim strDBServer,strDatabase
Dim strDaysLimitThreshold

'Define local event constants


'Create objects
Set oAPI = CreateObject("MOM.ScriptAPI")
Set oArgs = WScript.Arguments
Set oBag = oAPI.CreatePropertyBag()

'Define parameters
strDBServer = oArgs(0)
strDatabase = oArgs(1)
strDaysLimitThreshold = oArgs(2)

Dim ObjError, strMessageToUse, strDriverName
Set ObjError = New Error

On Error Resume Next

'Set DB connection
Set objCN = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
strDriverName = GetSqlDriverName
objCN.Open "Provider=" &amp; strDriverName &amp; ";Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=" &amp; _
strDatabase &amp; ";Data Source=" &amp; strDBServer &amp; ""

On Error Goto 0

If ObjError.Number &lt;&gt; 0 Then
strMessageToUse = "Error Number: " &amp; ObjError.number &amp; " Error Details: " &amp; ObjError.Description
call GetState(true, strMessageToUse, "0", "0", strDaysLimitThreshold)
End If

strQuery = "SELECT Count(StatusCode) AS TotalCount " &amp; _
"FROM InternalJobHistory " &amp; _
"WHERE Command = 'Exec dbo.p_GroomPartitionedObjects and dbo.p_Grooming' "

'Query DB
Set objRS = objCN.Execute(strQuery)

On Error Goto 0

If ObjError.Number &lt;&gt; 0 Then
strMessageToUse = "Error Number: " &amp; ObjError.number &amp; " Error Details: " &amp; ObjError.Description
call GetState(true, strMessageToUse, "0", "0", strDaysLimitThreshold)
End If

'Set variables
strCountOfJobs = objRS("TotalCount")

strQuery = "SELECT Count(StatusCode) AS CountOfJobsSucceeded " &amp; _
"FROM InternalJobHistory " &amp; _
"WHERE TimeStarted BETWEEN " &amp; _
"DATEADD(day, -" &amp; strDaysLimitThreshold &amp; ", GETUTCDATE()) " &amp; _
"AND GETUTCDATE() " &amp; _
"AND Command = 'Exec dbo.p_GroomPartitionedObjects and dbo.p_Grooming' " &amp; _
"AND StatusCode = 1 "

'Query DB
Set objRS = objCN.Execute(strQuery)

On Error Goto 0

If ObjError.Number &lt;&gt; 0 Then
strMessageToUse = "Error Number: " &amp; ObjError.number &amp; " Error Details: " &amp; ObjError.Description
call GetState(true, strMessageToUse, "0", "0", strDaysLimitThreshold)
End If

'Set variables
strCountOfJobsSucceeded = objRS("CountOfJobsSucceeded")

strMessageToUse = "Script executed with Process Succeed Count " &amp; strCountOfJobsSucceeded &amp; " from Total Process Count " &amp; strCountOfJobs
call GetState(false, strMessageToUse, strCountOfJobs, strCountOfJobsSucceeded, strDaysLimitThreshold)

Sub GetState(strErrorFlag, strMessage, strCountOfJobs, strCountOfJobsSucceeded, strDaysLimitThreshold)
Set oBag = oAPI.CreatePropertyBag()

If strErrorFlag = true Then
Call oBag.AddValue("Error", strMessage)
End If

Call oBag.AddValue("DatabaseMonitor", "DatabaseMonitor")
Call oBag.AddValue("PartitioningAndGrooming", "PartitioningAndGrooming")
Call oBag.AddValue("ALL", "ALL")
Call oBag.AddValue("Value", "1")
Call oBag.AddValue("CountOfJobs", strCountOfJobs)
Call oBag.AddValue("CountOfJobsSucceeded", strCountOfJobsSucceeded)
Call oBag.AddValue("DaysLimitThreshold", strDaysLimitThreshold)
oAPI.LogScriptEvent "PartitioningAndGroomingMonitor.vbs",100,EVENT_TYPE_INFORMATION, strMessage
Call oAPI.Return(oBag)
End Sub

Class Error
Private m_lNumber
Private m_sSource
Private m_sDescription
Private m_sHelpContext
Private m_sHelpFile

Public Sub Save()
m_lNumber = Err.number
m_sSource = Err.Source
m_sDescription = Err.Description
m_sHelpContext = Err.HelpContext
m_sHelpFile = Err.helpfile
End Sub

Public Sub Raise()
Err.Raise m_lNumber, m_sSource, m_sDescription, m_sHelpFile, m_sHelpContext
End Sub

Public Sub Clear()
m_lNumber = 0
m_sSource = ""
m_sDescription = ""
m_sHelpContext = ""
m_sHelpFile = ""
End Sub

Public Default Property Get Number()
Number = m_lNumber
End Property

Public Property Get Source()
Source = m_sSource
End Property

Public Property Get Description()
Description = m_sDescription
End Property

Public Property Get HelpContext()
HelpContext = m_sHelpContext
End Property

Public Property Get HelpFile()
HelpFile = m_sHelpFile
End Property
End Class
<ConditionDetection ID="CDUnderThreshold" TypeID="System!System.ExpressionFilter">
<XPathQuery Type="Double">
<Value Type="Double">1</Value>
<XPathQuery Type="Double">
<Value Type="Double">1</Value>
<ConditionDetection ID="CDWarningThreshold" TypeID="System!System.ExpressionFilter">
<XPathQuery Type="Double">
<Value Type="Double">1</Value>
<XPathQuery Type="Double">
<Value Type="Double">1</Value>
<ConditionDetection ID="Mapper" TypeID="Performance!System.Performance.DataGenericMapper">
<ConditionDetection ID="CD1" TypeID="Performance!System.Performance.ConsecutiveSamplesCondition">
<ConditionDetection ID="CDSufficientSamples" TypeID="System!System.ExpressionFilter">
<XPathQuery Type="Double">Value</XPathQuery>
<Value Type="Double">$Config/TimesBeforeAlert$</Value>
<ConditionDetection ID="CDInSufficientSamples" TypeID="System!System.ExpressionFilter">
<XPathQuery Type="Double">Value</XPathQuery>
<Value Type="Double">$Config/TimesBeforeAlert$</Value>
<RegularDetection MonitorTypeStateID="UnderThreshold">
<Node ID="CDInSufficientSamples">
<Node ID="CD1">
<Node ID="Mapper">
<Node ID="CDUnderThreshold">
<Node ID="Probe">
<Node ID="DS"/>
<RegularDetection MonitorTypeStateID="WarningThreshold">
<Node ID="CDSufficientSamples">
<Node ID="CD1">
<Node ID="Mapper">
<Node ID="CDWarningThreshold">
<Node ID="Probe">
<Node ID="DS"/>
<OnDemandDetection MonitorTypeStateID="UnderThreshold">
<Node ID="CDUnderThreshold">
<Node ID="Probe"/>
<OnDemandDetection MonitorTypeStateID="WarningThreshold">
<Node ID="CDWarningThreshold">
<Node ID="Probe"/>