Local End to End Event Health

Microsoft.SystemCenter.AgentManagement.EndToEndEventMonitorRollup (AggregateMonitor)

This roll-up monitor represents the health for a Health service's functionality to process events.

Knowledge Base article:


This monitor detects if an agent is unable to log or collect an event. The rule associated with the unit monitors is "Log Distributed Workflow Test Event". If you disable the "Log Distributed Workflow Test Event" rule or configure too high of a threshold, it may cause the unit monitors to change state or generate an alert.

To view additional context and state change information, please navigate to the error or warning unit monitor.


This monitor can enter a non-healthy state when an event expected to be collected from each agent fails to be collected or is delayed for a long period of time.


The state of this monitor is based on the states of its unit monitors. To determine why the state of this monitor has changed, identify the unit monitor that changed its state. To locate this information, open State Change Events in Health Explorer for the monitor. Right-click the alert, point to Open, and then click Health Explorer. In Health Explorer, click the State Change Events tab. The Details pane in the State Change Events tab shows you when the state for the monitor changed, and the details give you information for the context of the state change.

Element properties:

Parent MonitorSystem.Health.AvailabilityState
Alert GenerateFalse
Alert Auto ResolveFalse

Source Code:

<AggregateMonitor ID="Microsoft.SystemCenter.AgentManagement.EndToEndEventMonitorRollup" Accessibility="Public" Enabled="false" Target="SCLibrary!Microsoft.SystemCenter.HealthService" ParentMonitorID="Health!System.Health.AvailabilityState" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal">