Тип монитора диспетчера агентов

Microsoft.SystemCenter.AgentManager.AgentManagerFailureMonitor (UnitMonitorType)

Используется мониторами диспетчера агентов. Базовые мониторы этого типа наблюдают за извещающей установкой и обновлениями агентов.

Element properties:

Support Monitor RecalculateFalse

Member Modules:

ID Module Type TypeId RunAs 
WmiQueryDS DataSource Microsoft.Windows.WmiProvider Default
Filter ConditionDetection System.ExpressionFilter Default

Source Code:

<UnitMonitorType ID="Microsoft.SystemCenter.AgentManager.AgentManagerFailureMonitor" Accessibility="Internal">
<MonitorTypeState ID="AgentInstallationFailure" NoDetection="false"/>
<MonitorTypeState ID="AgentInstallationSuccess" NoDetection="false"/>
<xsd:element name="EventId" type="xsd:integer"/>
<xsd:element name="TaskStartTime" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="TaskEndTime" type="xsd:string"/>
<DataSource ID="WmiQueryDS" TypeID="Windows!Microsoft.Windows.WmiProvider">

SELECT SourceName, EventCode, InsertionStrings, Message FROM Win32_NTLogEvent
WHERE (LogFile = 'Operations Manager')
AND (SourceName = 'Health Service Modules')
(EventCode = '10601') OR
(EventCode = '10602') OR
(EventCode = '10603') OR
(EventCode = '10606') OR
(EventCode = '10607') OR
(EventCode = '10608') OR
(EventCode = '10609') OR
(EventCode = '10610') OR
(EventCode = '10611') OR
(EventCode = '10612') OR
(EventCode = '10614') OR
(EventCode = '10615') OR
(EventCode = '10617') OR
(EventCode = '10618') OR
(EventCode = '10619') OR
(EventCode = '10620') OR
(EventCode = '10621') OR
(EventCode = '10622') OR
(EventCode = '10623') OR
(EventCode = '10624') OR
(EventCode = '10625') OR
(EventCode = '10626') OR
(EventCode = '10627') OR
(EventCode = '10629')
AND (TimeGenerated &gt;= '$Config/TaskStartTime$' AND TimeGenerated &lt;= '$Config/TaskEndTime$')

<ConditionDetection ID="Filter" TypeID="System!System.ExpressionFilter">
<Value Type="Integer">$Config/EventId$</Value>
<RegularDetection MonitorTypeStateID="AgentInstallationFailure">
<Node ID="Filter">
<Node ID="WmiQueryDS"/>