Generate Alert for Transaction Security APM Event

Microsoft.SystemCenter.Apm.FunctionTransaction.AlertSecurityAspectRule (Rule)

Knowledge Base article:


The instance state becomes unhealthy if the total number of security events per defined time period exceeds the monitor threshold.


Security alerts are generated as a result of authorization, authentication, or permission problems when the application tries to access external resources. The alert details field displays a description that contains the name of the failed function of the resource accessed and operation context for troubleshooting the issue. Security exceptions are due to problems that are typically solved by environment or configuration changes without accessing the source code. This kind of problem could be due to authentication, authorization, or permission problems accessing the database server, web service, IO resource, or Active Directory.


Security alerts arise from unhandled exceptions due to problems accessing external resources. To resolve these problems, check

1) the description of the alert and events;

2) operation targets, for example Microsoft SQL server;

3) action - a method that was targeted to execute over a resource, for example connection to the server;

4) security context - connection, user and identity details. After this review, update the account, password or permissions either in the application configuration or on the server/domain side.

Element properties:

Alert GenerateTrue
Alert SeverityError
Alert PriorityNormal
Alert Message
Transaction Security Exception
Transaction {5} for application {0} on {1} has had a security failure occur. An exception of type '{2}' with a message of '{3}' was thrown in '{4}'. For additional details please use the following link: $Url[Query='{6}']/APMEvent$

Member Modules:

ID Module Type TypeId RunAs 
LOBProvider DataSource Microsoft.SystemCenter.Apm.FunctionTransaction.LobDataProvider Default
AlertWriteAction WriteAction System.Health.GenerateAlert Default

Source Code:

<Rule ID="Microsoft.SystemCenter.Apm.FunctionTransaction.AlertSecurityAspectRule" Enabled="false" ConfirmDelivery="true" Target="Microsoft.SystemCenter.Apm.FunctionTransaction">
<DataSource ID="LOBProvider" TypeID="Microsoft.SystemCenter.Apm.FunctionTransaction.LobDataProvider">
<WriteAction ID="AlertWriteAction" TypeID="Health!System.Health.GenerateAlert">