Microsoft.SystemCenter.CM.AEM.CrashListenerCrash Listener

Microsoft.SystemCenter.CM.AEM.CrashListener (ClassType)

Crash Listener: File Share and/or Http(s)-Listener

Element properties:

Base ClassMicrosoft.SystemCenter.CM.AEM.AEMEntity

Class Hierarchy:

Class Properties:

Property Name Type Display Name (ENU) Description (ENU) Key Max Length Min Length Case Sensitive
DisplayName  string  Display Name Display name of monitoring object. false 256  False 
Enabled  bool  AEM Enabled Agentless Exception Monitoring Enabled false 256   
LocalFileShareAddr  string  Local File Share Address Local Error Report file share address false 256  False 
SharePath  string  Share Path Error Report file share path false 256  False 
Protocol  string  Protocol The protocol (http/https) used by Http Listener, if configured false 256  False 
Port  int  Port Number The port at which Http Listener is listening, if configured false 256   
UseWindowsAuth  bool  Integrated Windows Authentication If Http Listener is configured, flag denoting if Integrated Windows Authentication is used false 256   
TransmissionEnabled  bool  Error Transmission to Microsoft enabled Enabling transmission helps in retrieving potential solution responses for various errors. false 256   
DetailedTransmission  bool  Detailed Error Transmission to Microsoft enabled Enabling detailed transmission helps Microsoft come up with potential solution responses false 256   
EnablePreVistaClients  bool  Enable Pre-Vista Clients Clients/End-user machines running Windows OSes prior to Windows Vista false 256   
EnableVistaPostClients  bool  Enable Vista and later clients Clients/End-user machines running Windows Vista OS and later versions false 256   
OrganizationName  string  Organization Name This organization collects error reports from the end-users false 256  False 
MaxNumberCabsToCollect  int  Max # of Cabs to Collect PersistedCabs folder on file share would contain upto max cabs. false 256   
ErrorTransmissionFilters  string  Error Transmission Filters Filters for transmission in terms of ErrorGroup, Application Name, Module Name, Event Type, User Name and Computer Name. false 256  False 
ExceptionFolders  string  Folder Names These folder names will be processed bypassing security checks like invalid character existence in the folder name. false 256  False 
PublishMSSolutionLinks  bool  MS Solution Response Publishing Enabled Setting denoting if Microsoft Solution Response should be published to file share for any error group. false 256   
PublishMSSurveyLinks  bool  MS Survey Response Publishing Enabled Setting denoting if Microsoft Solution Response is published, if they are survey links, to file share for any error group. false 256   
PublishMSDataCollectionRequests  bool  MS Collection Response Publishing Enabled Setting denoting if Microsoft Collection Response is published to file share for any error group. false 256   
PublishMSFileCollectionRequests  bool  MS File Collection Response Publishing Enabled Setting denoting if Microsoft File Collection Response is published to file share for any error group. false 256   
PublishMSRegistryCollectionRequests  bool  MS Registry Collection Response Publishing Enabled Setting denoting if Microsoft Registry Collection Response is published to file share for any error group. false 256   
PublishMSWMIQueryRequests  bool  MS WMI Query Collection Response Publishing Enabled Setting denoting if Microsoft WMI Query Collection Response is published to file share for any error group. false 256   
PublishMSMemoryDumpRequests  bool  MS Memory Dump Collection Response Publishing Enabled Setting denoting if Microsoft Memory Dump Collection Response is published to file share for any error group. false 256   
PolicyResponseUrl  string  Default Solution URL Default solution URL for all error groups till an explicit URL (Microsoft/Custom) is published to file share for it false 256  False 

Health Model:

Source Code:

<ClassType ID="Microsoft.SystemCenter.CM.AEM.CrashListener" Accessibility="Public" Base="Microsoft.SystemCenter.CM.AEM.AEMEntity" Hosted="true" Abstract="false">
<Property ID="Enabled" Type="bool" Key="false"/>
<Property ID="LocalFileShareAddr" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false"/>
<Property ID="SharePath" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false"/>
<Property ID="Protocol" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false"/>
<Property ID="Port" Type="int" Key="false"/>
<Property ID="UseWindowsAuth" Type="bool" Key="false"/>
<Property ID="TransmissionEnabled" Type="bool" Key="false"/>
<Property ID="DetailedTransmission" Type="bool" Key="false"/>
<Property ID="EnablePreVistaClients" Type="bool" Key="false"/>
<Property ID="EnableVistaPostClients" Type="bool" Key="false"/>
<Property ID="OrganizationName" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false"/>
<Property ID="MaxNumberCabsToCollect" Type="int" Key="false"/>
<Property ID="ErrorTransmissionFilters" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false"/>
<Property ID="ExceptionFolders" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false"/>
<Property ID="PublishMSSolutionLinks" Type="bool" Key="false"/>
<Property ID="PublishMSSurveyLinks" Type="bool" Key="false"/>
<Property ID="PublishMSDataCollectionRequests" Type="bool" Key="false"/>
<Property ID="PublishMSFileCollectionRequests" Type="bool" Key="false"/>
<Property ID="PublishMSRegistryCollectionRequests" Type="bool" Key="false"/>
<Property ID="PublishMSWMIQueryRequests" Type="bool" Key="false"/>
<Property ID="PublishMSMemoryDumpRequests" Type="bool" Key="false"/>
<Property ID="PolicyResponseUrl" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false"/>