Data Warehouse Event Data Collection Writer Periodic Data Maintenance Recovery State

Microsoft.SystemCenter.DataWarehouse.ManagementServer.EventDataMaintenanceState.WriterMaintenance.RecoveryState (UnitMonitor)

This monitor switches to warning state once Data Warehouse event data collection writer periodic data maintenance process experiences a problem and does not recover from that problem in a configured amount of time

Knowledge Base article:


The Data Warehouse Event Data Collection Writer Periodic Data Maintenance process encountered a persistent error writing to the Data Warehouse. This monitor will alert if the Data Warehouse Event Data Collection Writer Periodic Data Maintenance process running on a Management Server encounters a persistent error writing to the Data Warehouse. If the writer process has not successfully completed within a 5 minute interval (by default), this monitor will alert. Note that the interval is overrideable.


This is most commonly caused by connectivity issues to the SQL Server hosting the Data Warehouse, or that SQL Server performance is slow.


Ensure that there is connectivity from the Management Server to the SQL Server hosting the Data Warehouse. Communication could be blocked by a firewall for example. Ensure that the Data Warehouse Action Account is able to connect to the Data Warehouse database. If you are experiencing time-out issues, examine the utilization of the SQL server to determine if it’s being overloaded. Important counters to look at are: CPU utilization, memory utilization and Disk I/O.

Element properties:

Parent MonitorMicrosoft.SystemCenter.DataWarehouse.ManagementServer.EventDataWriterMaintenanceState.Rollup
Alert GenerateTrue
Alert SeverityError
Alert PriorityNormal
Alert Auto ResolveTrue
Monitor TypeMicrosoft.SystemCenter.DataWarehouse.2SingleEventLogTimed2StateUnitMonitorType
Alert Message
Data Warehouse event data writer process failed to perform maintenance operation
Data Warehouse event data writer process failed to perform maintenance operation. {0}

Source Code:

<UnitMonitor ID="Microsoft.SystemCenter.DataWarehouse.ManagementServer.EventDataMaintenanceState.WriterMaintenance.RecoveryState" Accessibility="Internal" Enabled="true" Target="DataWarehouse!Microsoft.SystemCenter.DataWarehouseConnectorServer" ParentMonitorID="Microsoft.SystemCenter.DataWarehouse.ManagementServer.EventDataWriterMaintenanceState.Rollup" TypeID="DataWarehouse!Microsoft.SystemCenter.DataWarehouse.2SingleEventLogTimed2StateUnitMonitorType" ConfirmDelivery="true">
<AlertSettings AlertMessage="Microsoft.SystemCenter.DataWarehouse.ManagementServer.EventDataMaintenanceState.WriterMaintenance.AlertMessage">
<OperationalState ID="Good" MonitorTypeStateID="SecondEventRaised" HealthState="Success"/>
<OperationalState ID="Bad" MonitorTypeStateID="FirstEventRaisedAndNoSecondEventRaisedInTimeInterval" HealthState="Error"/>