Discovery Data Submission Failure

Microsoft.SystemCenter.DiscoveryWriteActionModule.AgentProxyingNotEnabled.Alert (Rule)

Alert generating rule for when agent proxying needs to be enabled for a health service to submit discovery data about other computers.

Knowledge Base article:


This alert indicates that a health service attempted to discover an object on behalf of another computer. This is sometimes required for proper monitoring. For example if you have COMPUTER1 and COMPUTER2 which are both physical nodes of CLUSTER1, the agent on COMPUTER1 will not be able to send discovered objects about CLUSTER1 until proxying is enabled.


It may be completely valid for a computer to discover objects for another computer. You must review the source computer to determine if it should be configured with proxying.


If you have reviewed that the computer should be able to discover and send operational data on behalf of another computer, you should enable proxying for that computer:

Element properties:

Alert GenerateTrue
Alert SeverityError
Alert PriorityHigh
Alert Message
Agent proxying needs to be enabled for a health service to submit discovery data about other computers.
Event LogOperations Manager

Member Modules:

ID Module Type TypeId RunAs 
DS DataSource Microsoft.Windows.EventProvider Default
GenerateAlert WriteAction System.Health.GenerateAlert Default

Source Code:

<Rule ID="Microsoft.SystemCenter.DiscoveryWriteActionModule.AgentProxyingNotEnabled.Alert" Enabled="true" Target="SCLibrary!Microsoft.SystemCenter.ManagementServer" ConfirmDelivery="true" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal" DiscardLevel="100">
<DataSource ID="DS" TypeID="Windows!Microsoft.Windows.EventProvider">
<LogName>Operations Manager</LogName>
<XPathQuery Type="String">PublisherName</XPathQuery>
<Value Type="String">DataAccessLayer</Value>
<XPathQuery Type="UnsignedInteger">EventDisplayNumber</XPathQuery>
<Value Type="UnsignedInteger">33333</Value>
<XPathQuery Type="String">Params/Param[3]</XPathQuery>
<Value Type="String">777980008</Value>
<WriteAction ID="GenerateAlert" TypeID="Health!System.Health.GenerateAlert">