Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.VMNetworkGatewayGateway di rete VM

Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.VMNetworkGateway (ClassType)

Questo tipo astratto è il tipo di base per tutte le schede di rete virtuale VMM

Element properties:

Base ClassSystem.LogicalEntity

Class Hierarchy:

Class Properties:

Property Name Type Display Name (ITA) Description (ITA) Key Max Length Min Length Case Sensitive Default Value EnumType
DisplayName  string  Nome visualizzato Nome visualizzato dell'oggetto. false 4000  False     
ObjectStatus  enum  Stato oggetto Stato dell'oggetto false 256    System.ConfigItem.ObjectStatusEnum.Active  System.ConfigItem.ObjectStatusEnum 
AssetStatus  enum  Stato risorsa Stato della risorsa false 256      System.ConfigItem.AssetStatusEnum 
Notes  richtext  Note Note false 4000       
VMNetworkGatewayId  string  ID gateway di rete VM true 256  False     
GatewayName  string  Nome gateway false 256  False     
GatewayDeviceId  string  DeviceId gateway false 256  False     
VMNetworkId  string  ID VMNetwork false 256  False     
IPv4Address  string  IPv4Address false 256  False     
IPv6Address  string  IPv6Address false 256  False     
VMMServer  string  Server VMM false 256  False     
Description  string  Descrizione false 65535  False     
GatewayCapacityKbps  double  Capacità gateway (Kbps) false 256       
VMNetworkCapacityInboundKbps  double  Capacità VMNetwork in entrata (Kbps) false 256       
VMNetworkCapacityOutboundKbps  double  Capacità VMNetwork in uscita (Kbps) false 256       
MeteringSupported  bool  Misurazione supportata false 256       

Health Model:

Source Code:

<ClassType ID="Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.VMNetworkGateway" Accessibility="Public" Abstract="true" Base="System!System.LogicalEntity" Hosted="false" Singleton="false">
<Property ID="VMNetworkGatewayId" Type="string" Key="true"/>
<Property ID="GatewayName" Type="string" Key="false"/>
<Property ID="GatewayDeviceId" Type="string" Key="false"/>
<Property ID="VMNetworkId" Type="string" Key="false"/>
<Property ID="IPv4Address" Type="string" Key="false"/>
<Property ID="IPv6Address" Type="string" Key="false"/>
<Property ID="VMMServer" Type="string" Key="false"/>
<Property ID="Description" Type="string" Key="false" MaxLength="65535"/>
<Property ID="GatewayCapacityKbps" Type="double" Key="false"/>
<Property ID="VMNetworkCapacityInboundKbps" Type="double" Key="false" Comment="Set on VMNetwork's Owner user role. Applicable to VPN connections only"/>
<Property ID="VMNetworkCapacityOutboundKbps" Type="double" Key="false" Comment="Set on VMNetwork's Owner user role. Applicable to VPN connections only"/>
<Property ID="MeteringSupported" Type="bool" Key="false"/>