The backup operation for the cluster configuration data has been canceled due to an abort request (Rule)

Knowledge Base article:

An operation that was attempted as part of a backup or restore did not succeed. Check for the following preconditions to make sure they have been met, and then retry the backup or restore operation:

Element properties:

Alert GenerateTrue
Alert SeverityWarning
Alert PriorityNormal
Alert Message
The backup operation for the cluster configuration data has been canceled due to an abort request

Member Modules:

ID Module Type TypeId RunAs 
DS DataSource Microsoft.Windows.2008.Cluster.EventProvider Default
WA WriteAction Microsoft.Windows.Cluster.GenerateAlertAction.SuppressedByDescription Default

Source Code:

<Rule ID="" Enabled="onEssentialMonitoring" Target="Clus2008Library!Microsoft.Windows.2008.Cluster.Monitoring.Service" ConfirmDelivery="true" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal" DiscardLevel="100">
<DataSource ID="DS" TypeID="Microsoft.Windows.2008.Cluster.EventProvider">
<WriteAction ID="WA" TypeID="ClusLibrary!Microsoft.Windows.Cluster.GenerateAlertAction.SuppressedByDescription">