Microsoft.Windows.Cluster.ResourceCluster Resource

Microsoft.Windows.Cluster.Resource (ClassType)

Windows cluster resource class

Element properties:

Base ClassMicrosoft.Windows.ApplicationComponent

Class Hierarchy:

Class Properties:

Property Name Type Display Name (ENU) Description (ENU) Key Max Length Min Length Case Sensitive
DisplayName  string  Display Name Display name of monitoring object. false 256  False 
ResourceName  string  Resource Name Name of the cluster resource. true 256  False 
EscapedResourceName  string  Resource Name (Reserved) Name of the cluster resource in its escaped form to be used with WMI. false 256  False 
ResourceTypeName  string  Resource Type Name Name of the cluster resource type. false 256  False 
Description  string  Description Description provides comments about cluster resource object. false 256  False 
IsAlivePollInterval  int  Is Alive Poll Interval Provides the recommended interval in milliseconds at which the Cluster service should poll the resource to determine if it is operational. false 256   
LooksAlivePollInterval  int  Looks Alive Poll Interval Provides the recommended interval in milliseconds at which the Cluster service should poll the resource to determine if it appears operational. false 256   
PendingTimeout  int  Pending Timeout Sets the number of milliseconds that a Resource Monitor will wait for a resource DLL to update the status of a resource in an OnlinePending or OfflinePending state before terminating the resource. false 256   
PersistentState  bool  Persistent State Specifies whether the resource should be brought online or left offline when the Cluster service is started. false 256   
RestartAction  int  Restart Action Describes the action to be taken by the Cluster service if the resource fails. false 256   
RestartPeriod  int  Restart Period Defines an interval of time, in milliseconds, during which a specified number of restart attempts can be made on a nonresponsive resource. false 256   
RestartThreshold  int  Restart Threshold Specifies the maximum number of restart attempts that can be made on a resource within an interval defined by the RestartPeriod property before the Cluster service initiates the action specified by the RestartAction property. false 256   
RetryPeriodOnFailure  int  Retry Period OnFailure Specifies the interval of time (in milliseconds) that a resource should remain in a failed state before the Cluster service attempts to restart it. false 256   
SeparateMonitor  bool  Separate Monitor Indicates whether the resource requires its own Resource Monitor. false 256   

Health Model:

Source Code:

<ClassType ID="Microsoft.Windows.Cluster.Resource" Accessibility="Public" Abstract="false" Base="Windows!Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationComponent" Hosted="true" Singleton="false">
<Property ID="ResourceName" Type="string" Key="true" CaseSensitive="false" MinLength="0" Length="256"/>
<Property ID="EscapedResourceName" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" MinLength="0" Length="256"/>
<Property ID="ResourceTypeName" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" MinLength="0" Length="256"/>
<Property ID="Description" Type="string" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" MinLength="0" Length="256"/>
<Property ID="IsAlivePollInterval" Type="int" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" MinLength="0" Length="256"/>
<Property ID="LooksAlivePollInterval" Type="int" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" MinLength="0" Length="256"/>
<Property ID="PendingTimeout" Type="int" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" MinLength="0" Length="256"/>
<Property ID="PersistentState" Type="bool" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" MinLength="0" Length="256"/>
<Property ID="RestartAction" Type="int" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" MinLength="0" Length="256"/>
<Property ID="RestartPeriod" Type="int" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" MinLength="0" Length="256"/>
<Property ID="RestartThreshold" Type="int" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" MinLength="0" Length="256"/>
<Property ID="RetryPeriodOnFailure" Type="int" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" MinLength="0" Length="256"/>
<Property ID="SeparateMonitor" Type="bool" Key="false" CaseSensitive="false" MinLength="0" Length="256"/>