DNS 2003 Server Discovery Data Source

Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2003.DS.ServerDiscovery (DataSourceModuleType)

Element properties:


Member Modules:

ID Module Type TypeId RunAs 
Scheduler DataSource System.Discovery.Scheduler Default
DiscoveryProbe ProbeAction Microsoft.Windows.ScriptDiscoveryProbe Default
RegistryProbe ProbeAction Microsoft.Windows.RegistryProbe Default
Filter ConditionDetection System.ExpressionFilter Default

Overrideable Parameters:


Source Code:

<DataSourceModuleType ID="Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2003.DS.ServerDiscovery" Accessibility="Internal" RunAs="DNS!Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.Library.ActionAccount" Batching="false">
<xsd:element name="IntervalSeconds" type="xsd:integer"/>
<xsd:element name="SyncTime" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="TimeoutSeconds" type="xsd:integer"/>
<xsd:element name="TargetComputer" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="DebugFlag" type="xsd:boolean"/>
<OverrideableParameter ID="IntervalSeconds" Selector="$Config/IntervalSeconds$" ParameterType="int"/>
<OverrideableParameter ID="TimeoutSeconds" Selector="$Config/TimeoutSeconds$" ParameterType="int"/>
<OverrideableParameter ID="SyncTime" Selector="$Config/SyncTime$" ParameterType="string"/>
<OverrideableParameter ID="DebugFlag" Selector="$Config/DebugFlag$" ParameterType="bool"/>
<ModuleImplementation Isolation="Any">
<DataSource ID="Scheduler" TypeID="System!System.Discovery.Scheduler">
<Interval Unit="Seconds">$Config/IntervalSeconds$</Interval>
<ProbeAction ID="RegistryProbe" TypeID="Windows!Microsoft.Windows.RegistryProbe">
<ProbeAction ID="DiscoveryProbe" TypeID="Windows!Microsoft.Windows.ScriptDiscoveryProbe">
<Arguments>$MPElement$ $Target/Id$ $Target/Property[Type="Windows!Microsoft.Windows.Computer"]/PrincipalName$ $Config/DebugFlag$</Arguments>
'Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

' $ScriptName: "Common"$
' Purpose: To have one place for common stuff across various DNS VBScripts
' $File: Common.vbs$

Option Explicit


' LogScripEvent Constants
Const lsEventError = 1
Const lsEventWarning = 2
Const lsEventInformation = 3

' WMI Constants
Const wbemCimtypeUseDefault = 0 'Use Default Type CIM type - Custom
Const wbemCimtypeSint16 = 2 'Signed 16-bit integer
Const wbemCimtypeSint32 = 3 'Signed 32-bit integer
Const wbemCimtypeReal32 = 4 '32-bit real number
Const wbemCimtypeReal64 = 5 '64-bit real number
Const wbemCimtypeString = 8 'String
Const wbemCimtypeBoolean = 11 'Boolean value
Const wbemCimtypeObject = 13 'CIM object
Const wbemCimtypeSint8 = 16 'Signed 8-bit integer
Const wbemCimtypeUint8 = 17 'Unsigned 8-bit integer
Const wbemCimtypeUint16 = 18 'Unsigned 16-bit integer
Const wbemCimtypeUint32 = 19 'Unsigned 32-bit integer
Const wbemCimtypeSint64 = 20 'Signed 64-bit integer
Const wbemCimtypeUint64 = 21 'Unsigned 64-bit integer
Const wbemCimtypeDatetime = 101 'Date/time value
Const wbemCimtypeReference = 102 'Reference to a CIM object
Const wbemCimtypeChar16 = 103 '16-bit character

Const ErrAction_None = 0
Const ErrAction_Trace = 1
Const ErrAction_ThrowError = 16
Const ErrAction_Abort = 32
Const ErrAction_ThrowErrorAndAbort = 48

Dim g_ErrorEventNumber, g_TraceEventNumber, g_DebugFlag
g_ErrorEventNumber = 4001
g_TraceEventNumber = 4002
g_DebugFlag = False

' Returns WMI Instance requested.
Function WMIGetInstanceEx(oWMI, ByVal sInstance)
Dim oInstance, nInstanceCount
Dim e
Set e = New Error

On Error Resume Next
Set oInstance = oWMI.InstancesOf(sInstance)
On Error Goto 0
If IsEmpty(oInstance) Or e.Number &lt;&gt; 0 Then
ThrowScriptError "The class name '" &amp; sInstance &amp; "' returned no instances. Please check to see if this is a valid WMI class name.", e
End If

'Determine if we queried a valid WMI class - Count will return 0 or empty
On Error Resume Next
nInstanceCount = oInstance.Count
On Error Goto 0
If e.Number &lt;&gt; 0 Then
ThrowScriptError "The class name '" &amp; sInstance &amp; "' did not return any valid instances. Please check to see if this is a valid WMI class name.", e
End If

Set WMIGetInstanceEx = oInstance
End Function

' Connect to WMI.
Function WMIConnect(ByVal sNamespace)
Dim oWMI
Dim e
Set e = New Error
On Error Resume Next
Set oWMI = GetObject(sNamespace)
On Error Goto 0
If IsEmpty(oWMI) Then
ThrowScriptError "Unable to open WMI Namespace '" &amp; sNamespace &amp; "'. Check to see if the WMI service is enabled and running, and ensure this WMI namespace exists.", e
End If
Set WMIConnect = oWMI
End Function

' Returns WMI Instance requested.
Function WMIGetInstance(ByVal sNamespace, ByVal sInstance)
Dim oWMI, oInstance
Set oWMI = WMIConnect(sNamespace)
Set oInstance = WMIGetInstanceEx(oWMI, sInstance)
Set WMIGetInstance = oInstance
End Function

' Returns WMI Instance requested.
Function WMIGetInstanceNoAbort(ByVal sNamespace, ByVal sInstance)
Dim oWMI, oInstance, nInstanceCount

On Error Resume Next
Set oWMI = GetObject(sNamespace)
If Not IsEmpty(oWMI) Then
Set oInstance = oWMI.InstancesOf(sInstance)
If Not IsEmpty(oInstance) And Err.Number = 0 Then
'Determine if we queried a valid WMI class - Count will return 0 or empty
nInstanceCount = oInstance.Count
If Err.Number = 0 Then
Set WMIGetInstanceNoAbort = oInstance
On Error Goto 0
Exit Function
End If
End If
End If

On Error Goto 0
Set WMIGetInstanceNoAbort = Nothing
End Function

' Executes the WMI query and returns the result set.
Function WMIExecQuery(ByVal sNamespace, ByVal sQuery)
Dim oWMI, oQuery, nInstanceCount
Dim e
Set e = New Error
On Error Resume Next
Set oWMI = GetObject(sNamespace)
On Error Goto 0
If IsEmpty(oWMI) Then
ThrowScriptError "Unable to open WMI Namespace '" &amp; sNamespace &amp; "'. Check to see if the WMI service is enabled and running, and ensure this WMI namespace exists.", e
End If

On Error Resume Next
Set oQuery = oWMI.ExecQuery(sQuery)
On Error Goto 0
If IsEmpty(oQuery) Or e.Number &lt;&gt; 0 Then
ThrowScriptError "The Query '" &amp; sQuery &amp; "' returned an invalid result set. Please check to see if this is a valid WMI Query.", e
End If

'Determine if we queried a valid WMI class - Count will return 0 or empty
On Error Resume Next
nInstanceCount = oQuery.Count
On Error Goto 0
If e.Number &lt;&gt; 0 Then
ThrowScriptError "The Query '" &amp; sQuery &amp; "' did not return any valid instances. Please check to see if this is a valid WMI Query.", e
End If

Set WMIExecQuery = oQuery
End Function

' Retrieves WMI property.
Function GetWMIProperty(oWmi, sPropName, nCIMType, ErrAction)
Dim sValue, oWmiProp, oError
Set oError = New Error

' Check that object is valid.
If Not IsValidObject(oWmi) Then
If (ErrAction And ErrAction_ThrowError) = ErrAction_ThrowError Then _
ThrowScriptErrorNoAbort "Accessing property on invalid WMI object.", oError
If (ErrAction And ErrAction_Abort) = ErrAction_Abort Then _

GetWMIProperty = ""
Exit Function
End If

' Get properties...
On Error Resume Next
Set oWmiProp = oWmi.Properties_.Item(sPropName)
If oError.Number &lt;&gt; 0 Then
If (ErrAction And ErrAction_ThrowError) = ErrAction_ThrowError Then _
ThrowScriptErrorNoAbort "An error occurred while accessing WMI property: '" &amp; sPropName &amp; "'.", oError
If (ErrAction And ErrAction_Abort) = ErrAction_Abort Then _
End If
On Error Goto 0

If IsValidObject(oWmiProp) Then
sValue = oWmiProp.Value

If IsNull(sValue) Then ' If value is null, return blank to avoid any issues
GetWMIProperty = ""
Select Case (oWmiProp.CIMType)
Case wbemCimtypeString, wbemCimtypeSint16, wbemCimtypeSint32, wbemCimtypeReal32, wbemCimtypeReal64, wbemCimtypeSint8, wbemCimtypeUint8, wbemCimtypeUint16, wbemCimtypeUint32, wbemCimtypeSint64, wbemCimtypeUint64:
If Not oWmiProp.IsArray Then
GetWMIProperty = Trim(CStr(sValue))
GetWMIProperty = Join(sValue, ", ")
End If
Case wbemCimtypeBoolean:
If sValue = 1 Or UCase(sValue) = "TRUE" Then
GetWMIProperty = "True"
GetWMIProperty = "False"
End If
Case wbemCimtypeDatetime:
Dim sTmpStrDate

' First attempt to convert the whole wmi date string
sTmpStrDate = Mid(sValue, 5, 2) &amp; "/" &amp; _
Mid(sValue, 7, 2) &amp; "/" &amp; _
Left(sValue, 4) &amp; " " &amp; _
Mid (sValue, 9, 2) &amp; ":" &amp; _
Mid(sValue, 11, 2) &amp; ":" &amp; _
Mid(sValue, 13, 2)
If IsDate(sTmpStrDate) Then
GetWMIProperty = CDate(sTmpStrDate)
' Second, attempt just to convert the YYYYMMDD
sTmpStrDate = Mid(sValue, 5, 2) &amp; "/" &amp; _
Mid(sValue, 7, 2) &amp; "/" &amp; _
Left(sValue, 4)
If IsDate(sTmpStrDate) Then
GetWMIProperty = CDate(sTmpStrDate)
' Nothing works - return passed in string
GetWMIProperty = sValue
End If
End If
Case Else:
GetWMIProperty = ""
End Select
End If
If (ErrAction And ErrAction_ThrowError) = ErrAction_ThrowError Then _
ThrowScriptErrorNoAbort "An error occurred while accessing WMI property: '" &amp; sPropName &amp; "'.", oError
If (ErrAction And ErrAction_Abort) = ErrAction_Abort Then _

GetWMIProperty = ""
End If

If (ErrAction And ErrAction_Trace) = ErrAction_Trace Then _
WScript.Echo " + " &amp; sPropName &amp; " :: '" &amp; GetWMIProperty &amp; "'"
End Function

' Class for error handling.
Class Error
Private m_lNumber
Private m_sSource
Private m_sDescription
Private m_sHelpContext
Private m_sHelpFile
Public Sub Save()
m_lNumber = Err.number
m_sSource = Err.Source
m_sDescription = Err.Description
m_sHelpContext = Err.HelpContext
m_sHelpFile = Err.helpfile
End Sub
Public Sub Raise()
Err.Raise m_lNumber, m_sSource, m_sDescription, m_sHelpFile, m_sHelpContext
End Sub
Public Sub Clear()
m_lNumber = 0
m_sSource = ""
m_sDescription = ""
m_sHelpContext = ""
m_sHelpFile = ""
End Sub
Public Default Property Get Number()
Number = m_lNumber
End Property
Public Property Get Source()
Source = m_sSource
End Property
Public Property Get Description()
Description = m_sDescription
End Property
Public Property Get HelpContext()
HelpContext = m_sHelpContext
End Property
Public Property Get HelpFile()
HelpFile = m_sHelpFile
End Property
End Class

' Creates an event and sends it back to the mom server.
Function ThrowScriptErrorNoAbort(ByVal sMessage, ByVal oErr)
' Retrieve the name of this (running) script
Dim FSO, ScriptFileName
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
ScriptFileName = FSO.GetFile(WScript.ScriptFullName).Name
Set FSO = Nothing

If Not IsNull(oErr) Then _
sMessage = sMessage &amp; ". " &amp; oErr.Description

On Error Resume Next
Dim oAPITemp
Set oAPITemp = CreateObject("MOM.ScriptAPI")
oAPITemp.LogScriptEvent ScriptFileName, g_ErrorEventNumber, lsEventError, sMessage
On Error Goto 0

WScript.Echo sMessage
End Function

' Creates an event and sends it back to the mom server.
Function ThrowScriptError(Byval sMessage, ByVal oErr)
On Error Resume Next
ThrowScriptErrorNoAbort sMessage, oErr
End Function

' Creates automation objects and returns it.
Function MomCreateObject(ByVal sProgramId)
Dim oError
Set oError = New Error

On Error Resume Next
Set MomCreateObject = CreateObject(sProgramId)
On Error Goto 0

If oError.Number &lt;&gt; 0 Then
ThrowScriptError "Unable to create automation object '" &amp; sProgramId &amp; "'", oError
End If
End Function

' Quits the script.
Function Quit()
End Function

' Checks whether oObject is valid.
Function IsValidObject(ByVal oObject)
IsValidObject = False
If IsObject(oObject) Then
If Not oObject Is Nothing Then
IsValidObject = True
End If
End If
End Function

' Outputs arguments for debugging purposes
Function TraceLogArguments
Dim oArgs
Set oArgs = WScript.Arguments
Dim i, sArgs
For i = 0 To oArgs.Count - 1
sArgs = sArgs &amp; " {" &amp; oArgs(i) &amp; "}"
TraceLogMessage "Arguments:" &amp; sArgs
End Function

' Verifies that number of arguments is correct
Function VerifyNumberOfArguments(ByVal NumberOfArguments)
Dim oArgs
Set oArgs = WScript.Arguments
If oArgs.Count &lt;&gt; NumberOfArguments Then
Dim i, sArgs
For i = 0 To oArgs.Count - 1
sArgs = sArgs &amp; " {" &amp; oArgs(i) &amp; "}"
ThrowScriptError "Invalid number of arguments (" &amp; oArgs.Count &amp; " instead of " &amp; NumberOfArguments &amp; "). Arguments:" &amp; sArgs, Null
End If
End Function

' Outputs to file and echo for debugging purposes
Function TraceLogMessage(ByVal sMessage)
WScript.Echo sMessage

If g_DebugFlag = True Then
' Retrieve the name of this (running) script
Dim FSO, ScriptFileName
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
ScriptFileName = FSO.GetFile(WScript.ScriptFullName).Name
Set FSO = Nothing

On Error Resume Next
Dim oAPITemp
Set oAPITemp = MOMCreateObject("MOM.ScriptAPI")
oAPITemp.LogScriptEvent ScriptFileName, g_TraceEventNumber, lsEventInformation, sMessage
On Error Goto 0
End If
End Function

' Verifies the expression. If equals to False then generates an error and quits the script
' Usage:
' Verify Not WMISet Is Nothing, "WMISet is invalid!"
' Verify WMISet.Count = 1, "Invalid quantity of services with name 'Server' (qty = " &amp; WMISet.Count &amp; ")."
Function Verify(ByVal bBool, ByVal sMessage)
If bBool = False Then
ThrowScriptError sMessage, Null
End If
End Function

' Microsoft Corporation
' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
' DNSServer2008 - Server Discovery
' This script discovers all instances of Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2003.Server
' Parameters - SourceId The GUID of the discovery object that launched the script.
' ManagedEntityId The GUID of the computer class targeted by the script.
' TargetComputer The FQDN of the computer targeted by the script.
' DebugFlag True / False
' Usage: cscript.exe //nologo DNS2008Discovery.vbs {248924BA-1C74-E6DF-746E-1377174CA0E8} {248924BA-1C74-E6DF-746E-1377174CA0E8} TargetComputer False

g_ErrorEventNumber = 1152
g_TraceEventNumber = 1152

Call Main()

Sub Main()

Dim oArgs
Set oArgs = WScript.Arguments
Dim SourceID, ManagedEntityId, TargetComputer
SourceID = oArgs(0)
ManagedEntityId = oArgs(1)
TargetComputer = oArgs(2)
g_DebugFlag = CBool(oArgs(3))

TraceLogMessage "SourceID: " &amp; SourceID &amp; " ManagedEntityID: " &amp; ManagedEntityId &amp; " TargetComputer: " &amp; TargetComputer &amp; " Debug Flag: " &amp; g_DebugFlag

Dim oAPI, oDiscoveryData

Set oAPI = MOMCreateObject("MOM.ScriptAPI")
Set oDiscoveryData = oAPI.CreateDiscoveryData(0, SourceID, ManagedEntityId)
If DoDiscovery(TargetComputer, oDiscoveryData) &gt;= 0 Then
Call oAPI.Return(oDiscoveryData)
End If
End Sub

Function DoDiscovery(ByVal TargetComputer, ByVal oDiscoveryData)
Dim oWMI
Set oWMI = WMIConnect("winmgmts:\\" &amp; TargetComputer &amp; "\root\cimv2")
Dim colServers, objServer, objInstance, objNicConfig, colNicConfig, strListenAddresses
Set colServers = WMIExecQuery("winmgmts:\\" &amp; TargetComputer &amp; "\root\MicrosoftDNS", "select * from MicrosoftDNS_Server")

For Each objServer In colServers
Set objInstance = oDiscoveryData.CreateClassInstance("$MPElement[Name='Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.2003.Server']$")
Call objInstance.AddProperty("$MPElement[Name='DNS!Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.Library.Server']/EventLoggingLevel$", objServer.EventLogLevel)
Call objInstance.AddProperty("$MPElement[Name='DNS!Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.Library.Server']/Name$", TargetComputer)
Call objInstance.AddProperty("$MPElement[Name='DNS!Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.Library.Server']/ScavengingInterval$", objServer.ScavengingInterval)
Call objInstance.AddProperty("$MPElement[Name='Windows!Microsoft.Windows.Computer']/PrincipalName$", TargetComputer)

' Check if specific addresses are listening. Otherwise take all addresses on the machine.
If IsNull(objServer.ListenAddresses) Then
Set colNicConfig =oWMI.ExecQuery("select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration where IPEnabled = True")
For Each objNicConfig In colNicConfig
If Not IsNull(objNicConfig.IPAddress) Then
strListenAddresses = strListenAddresses &amp; "," &amp; Join(objNicConfig.IPAddress,",")
End If
strListenAddresses = Mid(strListenAddresses, 2, Len(strListenAddresses))
strListenAddresses = Join(objServer.ListenAddresses, ",")
End If
Call objInstance.AddProperty("$MPElement[Name='DNS!Microsoft.Windows.DNSServer.Library.Server']/ListeningIP$",strListenAddresses)

Call oDiscoveryData.AddInstance(objInstance)

TraceLogMessage "Adding 2003 DNS Server : " &amp; TargetComputer
End Function

<ConditionDetection ID="Filter" TypeID="System!System.ExpressionFilter">
<XPathQuery Type="Boolean">Values/DNSExists</XPathQuery>
<Value Type="Boolean">true</Value>
<Node ID="DiscoveryProbe">
<Node ID="Filter">
<Node ID="RegistryProbe">
<Node ID="Scheduler"/>