DFS-R: Available Disk Space

Microsoft.Windows.FileServer.DFSR.FreeSpaceMonitor (UnitMonitor)

This object monitors the disk space available on volumes with replicated folders or staging folders.

Knowledge Base article:


This object monitors the disk space available on volumes with replicated folders or staging folders and creates a Warning alert if available disk space becomes too low for replication. It does so by checking for the presence of DFS Replication Event 4502 in the DFS Replication event log.


An unhealthy state of this monitor indicates that there is not sufficient disk space available for DFS Replication to operate.


Increase available disk space

If the volume hosting the staging folder or debug log files is low on disk space, increase the available disk space on the volume, increase the size of the volume, or change the path of the staging folder to a volume with more available disk space.

To manually check the amount of available disk space, open a command prompt window and type the following command, where <servername> is the name of the server hosting the affected folder and <domain\user> is your user name:

WMIC /node: "<servername>" /user: <domain\user> volume list status.

After freeing up space, restart the DFS Replication service.

Adjust quotas

If a quota (NTFS disk quota or File Server Resource Manager quota) is limiting the affected folder or volume, consider increasing the quota size. To adjust folders created with File Server Resource Manager, see Quota Management (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=187098). To adjust NTFS disk quotas, use the Fsutil quota command, as discussed in FSutil quota (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=187104).

Adjust DFS Replication quotas

You can edit the quota size of the staging folder and the Conflict and Deleted folder to reduce the disk space requirements of DFS Replication. To do so, see Edit the Quota Size of the Staging Folder and Conflict and Deleted Folder (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=186944).

Important: If a staging folder quota is configured to be too small, DFS Replication might consume additional CPU and disk resources to regenerate the staged files. Replication might also slow down because the lack of staging space can effectively limit the number of concurrent transfers with partners. Increasing the size of the staging folder and the Conflict and Deleted folder can increase replication performance and the number of recoverable conflicting and deleted files.


This monitor resets to a healthy state when sufficient disk space is available and DFS Replication logs DFS Replication Event 4504.

To manually check the amount of available disk space, open a command prompt window and type WMIC /node: "<servername>" /user: <domain\user> volume list status where <servername> is the name of the server hosting the affected folder and <domain\user> is your user name.


Element properties:

Parent MonitorSystem.Health.AvailabilityState
Alert GenerateTrue
Alert SeverityWarning
Alert PriorityNormal
Alert Auto ResolveTrue
Monitor TypeMicrosoft.Windows.2SingleEventLog2StateMonitorType
Alert Message
DFS-R: Out of Disk Space
The DFS Replication service encountered errors replicating one or more files because adequate free space was not available on volume {0}. This volume
contains the replicated folder, the staging folder, or both. Please make sure that enough free space is available on this volume for replication to proceed. The service will retry replication periodically.
Additional Information:
Staging Folder: {1}
Replicated Folder Root: {2}
Replicated Folder Name: {3} Replicated Folder ID: {4}
Replication Group Name: {5} Replication Group ID: {6}
Member ID: {7}
Volume: {8}

Source Code:

<UnitMonitor ID="Microsoft.Windows.FileServer.DFSR.FreeSpaceMonitor" Accessibility="Public" Enabled="true" Target="Microsoft.Windows.FileServer.DFSR.ReplicatedFolder" ParentMonitorID="Health!System.Health.AvailabilityState" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal" TypeID="Windows!Microsoft.Windows.2SingleEventLog2StateMonitorType" ConfirmDelivery="true">
<AlertSettings AlertMessage="Microsoft.Windows.FileServer.DFSR.FreeSpaceMonitor_AlertMessageResourceID">
<OperationalState ID="FirstEventRaised" MonitorTypeStateID="FirstEventRaised" HealthState="Warning"/>
<OperationalState ID="SecondEventRaised" MonitorTypeStateID="SecondEventRaised" HealthState="Success"/>
<FirstLogName>DFS Replication</FirstLogName>
<XPathQuery Type="UnsignedInteger">EventDisplayNumber</XPathQuery>
<Value Type="UnsignedInteger">4502</Value>
<XPathQuery Type="String">PublisherName</XPathQuery>
<Value Type="String">DFSR</Value>
<XPathQuery Type="String">Params/Param[1]</XPathQuery>
<Value Type="String">$Target/Property[Type="Microsoft.Windows.FileServer.DFSR.ReplicatedFolder"]/ReplicatedFolderGUID$</Value>
<SecondLogName>DFS Replication</SecondLogName>
<XPathQuery Type="String">PublisherName</XPathQuery>
<Value Type="String">DFSR</Value>
<XPathQuery Type="UnsignedInteger">EventDisplayNumber</XPathQuery>
<Value Type="UnsignedInteger">1004</Value>
<XPathQuery Type="UnsignedInteger">EventDisplayNumber</XPathQuery>
<Value Type="UnsignedInteger">1104</Value>
<XPathQuery Type="String">Params/Param[1]</XPathQuery>
<Value Type="String">$Target/Property[Type="Microsoft.Windows.FileServer.DFSR.ReplicatedFolder"]/ReplicatedFolderGUID$</Value>
<XPathQuery Type="UnsignedInteger">EventDisplayNumber</XPathQuery>
<Value Type="UnsignedInteger">4002</Value>
<XPathQuery Type="UnsignedInteger">EventDisplayNumber</XPathQuery>
<Value Type="UnsignedInteger">4008</Value>
<XPathQuery Type="UnsignedInteger">EventDisplayNumber</XPathQuery>
<Value Type="UnsignedInteger">4010</Value>
<XPathQuery Type="UnsignedInteger">EventDisplayNumber</XPathQuery>
<Value Type="UnsignedInteger">4114</Value>
<XPathQuery Type="UnsignedInteger">EventDisplayNumber</XPathQuery>
<Value Type="UnsignedInteger">4504</Value>
<XPathQuery Type="UnsignedInteger">EventDisplayNumber</XPathQuery>
<Value Type="UnsignedInteger">9008</Value>
<XPathQuery Type="UnsignedInteger">EventDisplayNumber</XPathQuery>
<Value Type="UnsignedInteger">9111</Value>
<XPathQuery Type="String">Params/Param[3]</XPathQuery>
<Value Type="String">$Target/Property[Type="Microsoft.Windows.FileServer.DFSR.ReplicatedFolder"]/ReplicatedFolderGUID$</Value>