AD Time Skew Data Source

Microsoft.Windows.Server.10.0.AD.TimeSkew.DataSource (DataSourceModuleType)

Data Source for the AD Time Skew monitors.

Element properties:


Member Modules:

ID Module Type TypeId RunAs 
DS DataSource System.CommandExecuterPropertyBagSource Default

Overrideable Parameters:

IDParameterTypeSelectorDisplay NameDescription
Frequencyint$Config/Frequency$Frequency Seconds
TimeoutSecondsint$Config/TimeoutSeconds$Timeout Seconds
Thresholdint$Config/Threshold$Failure Threshold
Iterationsint$Config/Iterations$Number of attempts to query time data before failing the monitor

Source Code:

<DataSourceModuleType ID="Microsoft.Windows.Server.10.0.AD.TimeSkew.DataSource" Accessibility="Internal" Batching="false">
<xsd:element xmlns:xsd="" name="Frequency" type="xsd:int"/>
<xsd:element xmlns:xsd="" name="TimeoutSeconds" type="xsd:int"/>
<xsd:element xmlns:xsd="" name="Threshold" type="xsd:int"/>
<xsd:element xmlns:xsd="" name="Iterations" type="xsd:int"/>
<OverrideableParameter ID="Frequency" Selector="$Config/Frequency$" ParameterType="int"/>
<OverrideableParameter ID="TimeoutSeconds" Selector="$Config/TimeoutSeconds$" ParameterType="int"/>
<OverrideableParameter ID="Threshold" Selector="$Config/Threshold$" ParameterType="int"/>
<OverrideableParameter ID="Iterations" Selector="$Config/Iterations$" ParameterType="int"/>
<ModuleImplementation Isolation="Any">
<DataSource ID="DS" TypeID="System!System.CommandExecuterPropertyBagSource">
<CommandLine>//nologo $file/AD_Time_Skew.vbs$ $Config/Threshold$ $Config/Iterations$</CommandLine>
' Script Name - AD Time Skew Detection
' Purpose - Compares the time on the local server against the time
' on the PDC. If it is above the configured threshold,
' an alert will be raised.
' (c) Copyright 2014, Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
' Proprietary and confidential to Microsoft Corporation

Option Explicit


Sub Main()

Dim tmScriptStart, oBag, oAPI, oParams, sError, iThreshold, oNTInfo, iRetryMax

'Variables for time on local machine
Dim strLocalServer, LocalRootDSE, strLocalTime, tmLocal

'Variables for time on PDC
Dim strTimeServer, TimeRootDSE, strTimeTime, tmTime

'Vars for getting the PDC FSMO
Dim ADOconnObj, bstrADOQueryString, RootDom, RSObj, FSMOobj
Dim CompNTDS, LocalPDC, RootPDC, strLocalPDC
Dim iSecondsDiff

Set oParams = WScript.Arguments
Set oAPI = CreateObject("Mom.ScriptAPI")
Set oBag = oAPI.CreatePropertyBag()

If oParams.Count &lt; 2 Then
sError = "The number of command line arguments is incorrect: " &amp; vbCrLf &amp; _
"Expected: 2" &amp; vbCrLf &amp; _
"Actual: " &amp; oParams.Count

oBag.AddValue "State", "BAD"
oBag.AddValue "ErrorString", sError

Call oAPI.Return(oBag)
Exit Sub
End if

iThreshold = CInt(oParams(0))
iRetryMax = CInt(oParams(1))

On Error Resume Next

set oNTInfo = CreateObject("WinNTSystemInfo")
strLocalServer = oNTInfo.ComputerName

tmScriptStart = Now

Set ADOconnObj = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
If Err Then
oBag.AddValue "State", "BAD"
oBag.AddValue "ErrorString", "Unable to create ADODB Connection." &amp; GetErrorString(Err)

Call oAPI.Return(oBag)
Exit Sub
End IF

ADOconnObj.Provider = "ADSDSOObject"
ADOconnObj.Open "ADs Provider"

Set RootDom = GetObjectWithRetry("LDAP://RootDSE", iRetryMax)
If Err Then
oBag.AddValue "State", "BAD"
oBag.AddValue "ErrorString", "Unable to contact Root DSE." &amp; GetErrorString(Err)

Call oAPI.Return(oBag)
Exit Sub
End If

' Locate the local PDC
bstrADOQueryString = "&lt;LDAP://" &amp; RootDom.Get("DnsHostName") &amp; "&gt;;(&amp;(objectClass=domainDNS)(fSMORoleOwner=*));adspath;subtree"
Set RSObj = ADOconnObj.Execute(bstrADOQueryString)
If Err Then
oBag.AddValue "State", "BAD"
oBag.AddValue "ErrorString", "Unable to execute ADO query." &amp; GetErrorString(Err)

Call oAPI.Return(oBag)
Exit Sub
End If

Set FSMOobj = GetObjectWithRetry(RSObj.Fields(0).Value, iRetryMax)
If Err Then
oBag.AddValue "State", "BAD"
oBag.AddValue "ErrorString", "Unable to locate local domain FSMO." &amp; GetErrorString(Err)

Call oAPI.Return(oBag)
Exit Sub
End If

Set CompNTDS = GetObjectWithRetry("LDAP://" &amp; FSMOobj.fSMORoleOwner, iRetryMax)
If Err Then
oBag.AddValue "State", "BAD"
oBag.AddValue "ErrorString", "Unable to query local domain FSMO role owner." &amp; GetErrorString(Err)

Call oAPI.Return(oBag)
Exit Sub
End If

Set LocalPDC = GetObjectWithRetry(CompNTDS.Parent, iRetryMax)
If Err Then
oBag.AddValue "State", "BAD"
oBag.AddValue "ErrorString", "Unable to locate local domain PDC." &amp; GetErrorString(Err)

Call oAPI.Return(oBag)
Exit Sub
End If

strLocalPDC = LocalPDC.dnsHostName

' If we are the PDC of the local domain
If strLocalServer = strLocalPDC Then

'Get a DC in the root domain
Dim bstrRootDomainNamingContext
Dim strServer
bstrRootDomainNamingContext = RootDom.Get("rootDomainNamingContext")
Set FSMOobj = GetObjectWithRetry("LDAP://" &amp; bstrRootDomainNamingContext, iRetryMax)
If Err Then
oBag.AddValue "State", "BAD"
oBag.AddValue "ErrorString", "Unable to locate root domain naming context." &amp; GetErrorString(Err)

Call oAPI.Return(oBag)
Exit Sub
End If

strServer = FSMOobj.GetOption(0)

'Get the PDC of the root domain
Set CompNTDS = GetObjectWithRetry("LDAP://" &amp; strServer &amp; "/" &amp; FSMOobj.fSMORoleOwner, iRetryMax)
If Err Then
oBag.AddValue "State", "BAD"
oBag.AddValue "ErrorString", "Unable to query root domain FSMO role owner." &amp; GetErrorString(Err)

Call oAPI.Return(oBag)
Exit Sub
End If

Set RootPDC = GetObjectWithRetry(CompNTDS.Parent, iRetryMax)
If Err Then
oBag.AddValue "State", "BAD"
oBag.AddValue "ErrorString", "Unable to locate root domain PDC." &amp; GetErrorString(Err)

Call oAPI.Return(oBag)
Exit Sub
End If

strTimeServer = RootPDC.dnsHostName ' Use the forest root PDC
strTimeServer = LocalPDC.dnsHostName ' Use the local PDC
End If

If strTimeServer = "" Then
oBag.AddValue "State", "BAD"
oBag.AddValue "ErrorString", "Unable to locate the PDC as the time source."

Call oAPI.Return(oBag)
Exit Sub
End If

Set LocalRootDSE = GetObjectWithRetry("LDAP://" &amp; strLocalServer &amp; "/RootDSE", iRetryMax)
If Err Then
oBag.AddValue "State", "BAD"
oBag.AddValue "ErrorString", "Unable to contact " &amp; strLocalServer &amp; " to determine time." &amp; GetErrorString(Err)

Call oAPI.Return(oBag)
Exit Sub
End If

Set TimeRootDSE = GetObjectWithRetry("LDAP://" &amp; strTimeServer &amp; "/RootDSE", iRetryMax)
If Err Then
oBag.AddValue "State", "BAD"
oBag.AddValue "ErrorString", "Unable to contact " &amp; strTimeServer &amp; " to determine time." &amp; GetErrorString(Err)

Call oAPI.Return(oBag)
Exit Sub
End If

strLocalTime = LocalRootDSE.Get("currentTime")
If Err Then
oBag.AddValue "State", "BAD"
oBag.AddValue "ErrorString", "Unable to retrieve current time from " &amp; strLocalServer &amp; "." &amp; GetErrorString(Err)

Call oAPI.Return(oBag)
Exit Sub
End If

strTimeTime = TimeRootDSE.Get("currentTime")
If Err Then
oBag.AddValue "State", "BAD"
oBag.AddValue "ErrorString", "Unable to retrieve current time from " &amp; strTimeServer &amp; "." &amp; GetErrorString(Err)

Call oAPI.Return(oBag)
Exit Sub
End If

tmTime = CDate(ConvertTimeStamp(strTimeTime))
tmLocal = CDate(ConvertTimeStamp(strLocalTime))

iSecondsDiff = Abs(DateDiff("s",tmTime,tmLocal))

If iSecondsDiff &gt; iThreshold Then
sError = "Time check has found that the time on the current DC compared to the PDC is outside of the specified threshold." &amp; vbCrLf &amp; _
"The current time skew is " &amp; iSecondsDiff &amp; " second(s)." &amp; vbCrLf &amp; _
"Time skew threshold is " &amp; iThreshold &amp; " second(s)." &amp; vbCrLf &amp; _
"Time on local DC (" &amp; strLocalServer &amp; ") is " &amp; tmLocal &amp; vbCrLf &amp; _
"Time on PDC (" &amp; strTimeServer &amp; ") is " &amp; tmTime

oBag.AddValue "State", "BAD"
oBag.AddValue "ErrorString", sError
oBag.AddValue "State", "GOOD"
End If

Call oAPI.Return(oBag)

End Sub

' Name: GetObjectWithRetry
' Purpose: Gets object instance, retrying attempt iRetryMax times if GetObject fails
' Paramters: strObjectQuery, the string paramenter for GetObject
' iRetryMax, the integer parameter for retry iterations max
' Return: Object instance
Function GetObjectWithRetry(strObjectQuery, iRetryMax)
dim ret, iRetry
iRetry = 0

On Error Resume Next

'Reset Err object
'Attempt to get an object
Set ret = GetObject(strObjectQuery)
'If no errors then skip retry
If Err = 0 Then
Exit Do
End If
'Wait a sec before next attempt
iRetry = iRetry + 1
Loop While (iRetry &lt; iRetryMax)

Set GetObjectWithRetry = ret
End Function

Function ConvertTimeStamp(strUTCTime)
' Purpose: Convert a timestamp into a human-readable format
' Paramters: strUTCTime, the timestamp to be converted
dim sYear
dim sMonth
dim sDay
dim sHour
dim sMinute
dim sSecond

sYear = Mid(strUTCTime, 1, 4)
sMonth = Mid(strUTCTime, 5, 2)
sDay = Mid(strUTCTime, 7, 2)
sHour = Mid(strUTCTime, 9, 2)
sMinute = Mid(strUTCTime, 11, 2)
sSecond = Mid(strUTCTime, 13, 2)

ConvertTimeStamp = sMonth &amp; "/" &amp; sDay &amp; "/" &amp; sYear &amp; " " &amp; sHour &amp; ":" &amp; sMinute &amp; ":" &amp; sSecond
End Function

' Name: GetErrorString
' Purpose: Attempts to find the description for an error if an error with
' no description is passed in.
' Parameters: oErr, the error object
' Return: String, the description for the error. (Includes the error code.)
Function GetErrorString(oErr)
Dim lErr, strErr
lErr = oErr
strErr = oErr.Description

On Error Resume Next
If 0 &gt;= Len(strErr) Then
' If we don't have an error description, then check to see if the error
' is a 0x8007xxxx error. If it is, then look it up.
Const ErrorMask = &amp;HFFFF0000
Const HiWord8007 = &amp;H80070000
Const LoWordMask = 65535 ' This is equivalent to 0x0000FFFF

If (lErr And ErrorMask) = HiWord8007 Then
' Attempt to use 'net helpmsg' to get a description for the error.
Dim oShell
Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
If Err = 0 Then
Dim oExec
Set oExec = oShell.Exec("net helpmsg " &amp; (lErr And LoWordMask))

Dim strMessage, i
strMessage = oExec.stdout.ReadLine()
i = i + 1
Loop While (Len(strMessage) = 0) And (i &lt; 5)

strErr = strMessage
End If
End If
End If

GetErrorString = vbCrLf &amp; vbCrLf &amp; "The error returned was: '" &amp; strErr &amp; "' (0x" &amp; Hex(lErr) &amp; ")"
End Function

<Node ID="DS"/>