A Share Configuration is Invalid

Microsoft.Windows.Server.2003.OperatingSystem.ShareConfigurationInvalid.Alert (Rule)

A share was detected as having invalid configuration.

Knowledge Base article:


This rule generates an alert when a file share experiences a configuration issue that prevents it from being made available on the network.

Sample Event:

This rule will generate an alert when any of the following events occur in the System Event Log:

The server service was unable to recreate the share %1 because the directory %2 no longer exists. Please run "net share %1 /delete" to delete the share, or recreate the directory %2.


This alert will occur when a file share points to a folder that has been deleted.


To resolve this alert, perform the following steps:

Element properties:

Event SourceServer
Alert GenerateTrue
Alert SeverityWarning
Alert PriorityNormal
Alert Message
Share configuration is invalid
Event LogSystem

Member Modules:

ID Module Type TypeId RunAs 
EventDS DataSource Microsoft.Windows.EventProvider Default
GenerateAlert WriteAction System.Health.GenerateAlert Default

Source Code:

<Rule ID="Microsoft.Windows.Server.2003.OperatingSystem.ShareConfigurationInvalid.Alert" Enabled="false" Target="Microsoft.Windows.Server.2003.OperatingSystem" ConfirmDelivery="true">
<DataSource ID="EventDS" TypeID="Windows!Microsoft.Windows.EventProvider">
<WriteAction ID="GenerateAlert" TypeID="SystemHealth!System.Health.GenerateAlert">