The TS Session Broker service failed to set the working directory retrieved from the registry

Microsoft.Windows.Server.2008.TerminalServicesRole.Service.TSSessionBroker.EventCollection.1007 (Rule)

Knowledge Base article:


To resolve this issue, do one of the following:

To perform these tasks, refer to the following sections.

Create the folder that is specified in the WorkingDirectory registry entry

To perform this procedure on the TS Session Broker server, you must have membership in the local Administrators group, or you must have been delegated the appropriate authority.

To create the folder specified:

Caution:  Incorrectly editing the registry might severely damage your system. Before making changes to the registry, you should back up any valued data.

After you have created the folder, restart the Terminal Session Broker service. To restart the Terminal Services Session Broker service, see the section titled "Restart the Terminal Services Session Broker service."

Delete the WorkingDirectory registry entry

To perform this procedure on the TS Session Broker server, you must have membership in the local Administrators group, or you must have been delegated the appropriate authority.

To delete the registry entry:

Caution:  Incorrectly editing the registry might severely damage your system. Before making changes to the registry, you should back up any valued data.

After you have deleted the registry entry, restart the Terminal Services Session Broker service.

Restart the Terminal Services Session Broker service

To perform this procedure on the TS Session Broker server, you must have membership in the local Administrators group, or you must have been delegated the appropriate authority.

To restart the service:

Element properties:

Event SourceMicrosoft-Windows-TerminalServices-SessionBroker
Alert GenerateTrue
Alert SeverityError
Alert PriorityNormal
Alert Message
The TS Session Broker service failed to set the working directory retrieved from the registry
Event LogSystem

Member Modules:

ID Module Type TypeId RunAs 
DS DataSource Microsoft.Windows.EventProvider Default
Alert WriteAction System.Health.GenerateAlert Default

Source Code:

<Rule ID="Microsoft.Windows.Server.2008.TerminalServicesRole.Service.TSSessionBroker.EventCollection.1007" Enabled="onStandardMonitoring" Target="Microsoft.Windows.Server.2008.TerminalServicesRole.Service.TSSessionBroker" ConfirmDelivery="true" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal" DiscardLevel="100">
<DataSource ID="DS" TypeID="Windows!Microsoft.Windows.EventProvider">
<XPathQuery Type="UnsignedInteger">EventDisplayNumber</XPathQuery>
<Value Type="UnsignedInteger">1007</Value>
<XPathQuery Type="String">PublisherName</XPathQuery>
<Value Type="String">Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-SessionBroker</Value>
<WriteAction ID="Alert" TypeID="SystemHealth!System.Health.GenerateAlert">