
Monitor_AK574681 (UnitMonitor)

SQL Server database master key for master database is not encrypted by service master key

Knowledge Base article:



Element properties:

Parent MonitorSystem.Health.ConfigurationState
Alert GenerateTrue
Alert SeverityWarning
Alert PriorityHigh
Alert Auto ResolveTrue
Monitor TypeMicrosoft.KnowledgeServices.Library.PowerShellMonitorEx
Alert Message
SQL Server database master key for master database is not encrypted by service master key
<Content>SQL Server uses a hierarchy of keys and certificates when a database is enabled for Transparent Database Encryption [TDE]. At the upper levels of the hierarchy, the Service Master Key [SMK] encrypts the Database Master Key [DMK] for the master database. The Database Master Key [DMK] encrypts and protects the Certificate and Databse Encryption Key [DEK] involved in the encryption of the user database. After enabling a user database for TDE, you will be able to remove the SMK encryption of the DMK for the master database. If you restart the SQL Server at this point, the database startup will encounter error 15581 and prevent the database from starting up. In some situations, the LogWriter will hang with a wait_type of WRITE_LOG and prevent any transactions from committing in this database. Even though it is possible to remove the SMK encryption for the master database DMK, it is not recommended to do this.
<Name>Is master database DMK encrypted by SMK</Name>
<Name>Number of databases encrypted using TDE</Name>

Source Code:

<UnitMonitor ID="Monitor_AK574681" Comment="SupportTopic=TBD;VersionNumber=;" Accessibility="Public" Enabled="true" Target="KnowledgeServicesSQLServerLibrary!Microsoft.KnowledgeServices.SQLServer.DBEngine" ParentMonitorID="Health!System.Health.ConfigurationState" Remotable="true" Priority="High" TypeID="KnowledgeServicesLibrary!Microsoft.KnowledgeServices.Library.PowerShellMonitorEx" ConfirmDelivery="true">
<AlertSettings AlertMessage="MonitorMessageb82ad7cc5cb04658b4de880599174c02">
<OperationalState ID="Success" MonitorTypeStateID="Success" HealthState="Success"/>
<OperationalState ID="Error" MonitorTypeStateID="Error" HealthState="Error"/>


$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

# Set up the arguments
$scriptargs = new-object psobject
$scriptargs | add-member NoteProperty "ConnectionString" $ConnectionString

# Set up the output
$global:scriptoutput = new-object psobject
$scriptoutput | add-member NoteProperty "HasIssue" $false
$scriptoutput | add-member NoteProperty "IsMasterDatabaseDMKEncrypted" $false
$scriptoutput | add-member NoteProperty "CountOfTDEDatabasesEnabled" 0

# Environment

$scriptenv = New-Object psobject
$scriptenv | Add-Member NoteProperty "RuntimeError" $false
$scriptenv | Add-Member NoteProperty "IsMasterKeyEncryptedByServer" $true
$scriptenv | Add-Member NoteProperty "CountOfDatabaseEnabled" 0

function GetAndCountOfMasterKeyEncryptedByServer()
#IsMasterKeyEncryptedByServer = "select is_master_key_encrypted_by_server from sys.databases where name = 'master'"
#return IsMasterKeyEncryptedByServer
#Select of encrypted is used in Information collected section
#Create SqlConnection object and define connection string
$oConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
$oConnection.ConnectionString = "Server=" + $scriptargs.ConnectionString + ";" + "Database=master;Integrated Security=true"

# Create SqlCommand object, define command text, and set the connection
$oSQLCommand = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
$oSQLCommand.CommandText = "select is_master_key_encrypted_by_server from sys.databases where name = 'master' union all select COUNT(*) from sys.databases where is_encrypted = 1"
$oSQLCommand.Connection = $oConnection
# Execute Command
$sqlDataReader = $oSQLCommand.ExecuteReader()

[array] $aryOutputDataList = $null
$aryOutputDataList += $sqlDataReader[0]

if($aryOutputDataList[0] -eq 0)
$scriptenv.IsMasterKeyEncryptedByServer = $false
$scriptenv.IsMasterKeyEncryptedByServer = $true

$scriptenv.CountOfDatabaseEnabled = $aryOutputDataList[1]


# Main function

function AdvisorRule($scriptargs, $scriptoutput)
# All parameters should be populated outside of the main function.
# The mian function should only include the detection logic so that it can be easyly reused by the Atlanta authoring tool.

trap [Exception] {
$scriptenv.RuntimeError = $true
# Initialize parameters
$scriptoutput.HasIssue = $false
$scriptoutput.IsMasterDatabaseDMKEncrypted = $true
$scriptoutput.CountOfTDEDatabasesEnabled = 1

# Set parameter values

$scriptoutput.IsMasterDatabaseDMKEncrypted = $scriptenv.IsMasterKeyEncryptedByServer
$scriptoutput.CountOfTDEDatabasesEnabled = $scriptenv.CountOfDatabaseEnabled

if($scriptoutput.IsMasterDatabaseDMKEncrypted -eq $false)
if($scriptoutput.CountOfTDEDatabasesEnabled -ne 0)
if($scriptenv.RuntimeError -eq $false)
#Raise alert
$scriptoutput.HasIssue = $true
AdvisorRule $scriptargs $scriptoutput

# set the output
$mom = new-object -comobject "MOM.ScriptAPI"
$bag = $mom.CreatePropertyBag()

if ($scriptoutput.HasIssue -ne $null)
$bag.AddValue("HasIssue", $scriptoutput.HasIssue)

if ($scriptoutput.IsMasterDatabaseDMKEncrypted -ne $null)
$bag.AddValue("IsMasterDatabaseDMKEncrypted", $scriptoutput.IsMasterDatabaseDMKEncrypted)

if ($scriptoutput.CountOfTDEDatabasesEnabled -ne $null)
$bag.AddValue("CountOfTDEDatabasesEnabled", $scriptoutput.CountOfTDEDatabasesEnabled)


<XPathQuery Type="Boolean">Property[@Name='HasIssue']</XPathQuery>
<Value Type="Boolean">true</Value>
<XPathQuery Type="Boolean">Property[@Name='HasIssue']</XPathQuery>
<Value Type="Boolean">true</Value>