Intra Org Mailflow (from Cloud): Sent Status

NiCE.Active.O365.MP.ExchangeOnline.20051.IntraOrgMailflowTest.SendingFailure (UnitMonitor)

Test if mail can be sent from a mailbox on Exchange Online to an OnPremise mailbox

Knowledge Base article:


This monitor focus to measures the quality of service (QOS) of a hybrid Exchange deployment. The monitor implements an end-to-end functionality to verify mail flow between an Exchange Online mailbox and an OnPremise mailbox.

Metric 20051 test if an email can be send between an Exchange Online and an Exchange Server mailbox. It depends on metric 2005x.

Metric Value 0 indicates a success, while 1 an error. If there is a failure, the metric options indicate the following details:

Reason, Exchange Online Database Name, Recipient, Sender User Name and GUID of email.


An alert is triggered metric return 0. The interval second of this monitor must align with all other metric of group 2005x.

Possible Causes

Please see the Alert Context or State Change tab for details.


Depends on the cause of the issue, which can be manifold. Please refer to the below section for "additional information"

Additional Information

This monitor depends on metric 20051.

Element properties:

Parent MonitorSystem.Health.AvailabilityState
Alert GenerateTrue
Alert SeverityMatchMonitorHealth
Alert PriorityHigh
Alert Auto ResolveTrue
Monitor TypeNiCE.Active.O365.2State.UMT
Alert Message
Intra Org Mailflow (from Cloud): Sending Failure
Intra Org Mailfow is not working (sending failure)