Teams Chat Availability

NiCE.Active.O365.Teams.70031.TeamsAvailability.UM (UnitMonitor)

This monitor uses the Graph API to retrieve the ID of a team name which was created before by metric 70021. Then it will run the "Get Team" API call to retrieve the details of the Team. If this fails, metrics value changes. See Product Knowledge for details.

Knowledge Base article:


This monitor uses the Graph API to retrieve the ID of a Team which was created before by metric 70031. Then it will run the "Get Team" API call to retrieve details of the Team. If this fails, metrics value changes.

An alert triggers on an error state when there is a Teams outage.

Requirement: A Team to check must exist. This is created by running metric 70031 or waiting for the monitor, 'Monitor Teams Chat - Test Light', to create a Team.

Teams health score algorithm:

Monitor implementation:


Requires Microsoft Graph API permission 'Group.ReadWrite.All' for calls to 'Get team'.


Please see the Alert Context or State Change tab for details.


Depends on the cause of the issue, which can be manifold. Please refer to the below section for "additional information".


Test credentials configuration

Graph API 'Get Team' call

This monitor depends on metric 70031.


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Element properties:

Parent MonitorSystem.Health.AvailabilityState
Alert GenerateTrue
Alert SeverityMatchMonitorHealth
Alert PriorityNormal
Alert Auto ResolveTrue
Monitor TypeNiCE.Active.O365.3State.ObjectFilter.UMT
Alert Message
Teams Chat Unavailable

Teams failed with the following execution status:
Alert Parameter 1 (threshold): {0}
Alert Parameter 2 (current value): {1}
Alert Parameter 3 (metric number): {2}
Alert Parameter 4 (date/time): {3}
Alert Parameter 5: {4}
Alert Parameter 6: {5}
Alert Parameter 7: {6}
Alert Parameter 8: {7}
Alert Parameter 9: {8}