OpsMgr Self Maintenance Health Service OMS Heartbeat Event Rule

OpsMgr.Self.Maintenance.OMS.HealthService.Heartbeat.Rule (Rule)

Knowledge Base article:


This rule runs on Management Servers, Gateway Servers and agents. It sends a heartbeat event (EventID 100) to the Azure Operational Insights (Microsoft Operations Management Suite) workspace.


By default, this rule is configured to run ever 3 minutes (180 seconds). this can be configured via override. This rule is configured to run even when the Windows computer has been placed in maintenance mode.

The events can be accessed by in OpInsights via query such as "Type=Event Source=OMSHeartbeat EventID=100"


The data can be access via the OMS web portal (Type:Event EventID=100) or via the OMS Search API.

Element properties:

Alert GenerateFalse

Member Modules:

ID Module Type TypeId RunAs 
DS DataSource OpsMgr.Self.Maintenance.OMS.Send.Heartbeat.DS Default
HttpWA WriteAction Microsoft.SystemCenter.CollectCloudGenericEvent Default

Source Code:

<Rule ID="OpsMgr.Self.Maintenance.OMS.HealthService.Heartbeat.Rule" Enabled="false" Priority="Normal" Remotable="true" ConfirmDelivery="false" DiscardLevel="100" Target="OpsMgr.Self.Maintenance.OMS.HealthService.Heartbeat.Node">
<DataSource ID="DS" TypeID="OpsMgr.Self.Maintenance.OMS.Send.Heartbeat.DS">
<WriteAction ID="HttpWA" TypeID="IPTypes!Microsoft.SystemCenter.CollectCloudGenericEvent"/>